




另外我最喜欢去捡垃圾的X光超市也算是彻底被扬了,那一整层楼都便乘了无X良品,别想了🤔赶紧回去impact cuties🤔





of fucking course我血压会高啊,如果不是这死🐴epic games的死🐴hcaptha验证码,卡得我一个小时零一分钟才完成今天的日常epic antics,而且如果不是我看到了这篇文章:




话说你们为什么不赶紧全たま死一死啊?把我们应得的Lebensraum还给我们啊?🤔尽管你们全たま死光了(那我估计中修一半人口就たま没了,这地球上哪有这种好事?)也拯救不了中修的人口老龄化趋势,但至少可以给中修的人口结构带来逸点点迫真优化,让它看起来less like a民族悲剧而more like a fucking民族乐子(吴慈悲🤔如果这群狗逼玩意今天就全たま一个一个一个一个不留地死光了,我辈宁肯交单身税交到死,或者run到火星(确信🤔

fucking great,看来我的血压又tm涨了114514nmhg🤔这样下去,迟早有一天我tm也得一个月花六七千买进口降压药了🤔说实话我宁肯和中修的恶俗面同归于尽,也强于在晚年被高血压和不清楚什么癌症折磨至死,就像我希望中修能在一次全球核战中与世界其他恶俗文明同归于尽,也比现在这样慢慢走向像/z/本那样毫无生机的凋亡来得强🤔反正都是死,至少前者对以后来地球考古的外星人来说,还留了点迫真考古价值,至少可以拿来做几款外星游戏,比如地球帝国4(大嘘🤔后者的话,别说人了,我们的历史都会被/z/本壬和盎撒猴子给扬了(悲🤔


算了,我阻止了研发生物武器橄榄全世界每一个一个一个一个boomer的冲动,并冷静了下来(确信🤔其实我很少用第二人称骂人的,也很少要中修大概一半以上人口死一死的(更多的情况下我只是希望几个具体的壬死一死,计划死百分之几人口这种事只有纳粹这种人间之屑才能做出来),我刚才可以说是boomer ptsd了(悲🤔而且我可以确定,它114514%来自某精英(迫真)论坛21世纪最厚颜无耻的甩锅贴,贴主我赌十毛甚至九毛是个死🐴公务员boomer,怹看了一、一四五一四眼X海比东京还可怜的2020年出生人数的数据,便以将xyz世代当作猪厂种猪的态度得出了一个让我半边牙都笑掉了的结论:“你们这些90后00后一个一个一个一个都是历史的罪人啊啊啊啊啊!(震え声”




所以我迫真thonk了下,发现某些boomer本身就是问题,怹们种下了罪恶的种子,我们结出了苦果,xyz世代今天面临的生育困境就是boomer在二共四十多年的历史里不间断倒行逆施的直接后果,well well,本着上句话的精神哪怕boomer造了这么大的孽我原本也是不想甩锅的,有问题大家一块解决就vans了,这tm才像一个一个一个一个现代国家的样子🤔但既然那个boomer那么嚣张,历史的罪人这么高的帽子都给扣上了,那么いいよ!来いよ!我要把这口中修老龄化的大锅甩到,不对,砸向你们这群狗逼D罩杯而且还下垂了的胸上!胸上!!🤔而且我寻思是时候至少先把怹先当作问题解决了罢🤔如果拿怹的狗命能够换来全国几亿boomer的命和整个国家的未来的话,这是不是一个超值的交易呢?(迫真🤔


  • boomer直球背叛了马列毛,将伟大(迫真)的一共便乘了中修🤔i'm not actually a radical fan of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism or First Republic,而且我也不像二共某些迫真共产主义者那样那么喜欢对着中修唱左经,马屁都拍不到鹿克斯的屁股上,但我たま还是要把这句话写在第一条用来诛心,尽管并没啥卵用就是了(悲

  • 某些boomer是这个国家里面最反动的一群壬,一共时期没有彻底根除的原始腐朽思想在二共时期又双叒叕重新回到了怹们的脑子里面,一不小心我们还以为从19世纪末开始的文化启蒙运动彻底失败了呢(悲🤔而这些壬把持着各种政府要害部门和国民经济的方方面面,比如,去当了校长🤔当然我估计鲁迅要是知道现在的中修充满了这种鞑清僵尸壬估计也只能CriUGUU就是了(半恼

    • 另外鲁迅也是个小号狂魔,他用过140还是150个小号来着,这可是20世纪,光给这些小号取名听起来就挺费劲的,更别说运营它们了(悲🤔话说如果我的allesganging频道也能取得鲁迅杂文那样的黑屁成就的话,我会感到非常欣慰(确信🤔如果我在小号多重人格方面也取得鲁迅那样的成就的话🤔这个我想都不敢想(悲
  • boomer在二共初期混乱的经济体制下掠夺了整个国家99.999999%的财富,大概也就比苏联解体后的俄罗斯寡头吃相稍微好看了那么逸点点(确信

  • boomer炒高了房价,这个就不用多说了,难道房价たま是我们炒高的?你觉得是吗?是、是にまれげぴお(全恼🤔

  • boomer喜欢在当校长时做出一边在全校迫真禁欲一边雷普初中生这种可以说是吴签想都不敢想的事情🤔吴签干到kpop顶流才能想雷普谁就雷普谁,颜值和口袋里的钱远远不如吴签的校长就可以想雷普哪个初中生就雷普哪个,哼哼啊啊啊啊🤔说真的,为什么我们不去把这群boomer以一只114.514美元的价格扔集装箱里打包卖给美国人,让他们在美国的联邦监狱里榨干这群中年肥仔的剩余价值?🤔兄啊,恐怕怹们在太平洋的某个地方就全たま死光了罢,除非液氮冷链运输(确信🤔中修具有世界一流的超低温国际运输水平,能够将一群炼铜boomer废物以-200度低温完好无损地运往地球上任何一个地方,到了之后快速解冻,怹们还可以起来接着去当校长然后去炼铜(确信🤔

  • 对了,boomer才不想传授给xyz世代正确的性教育知识呢,不然怎么方便怹们操刚刚发育好的初中生呢(半恼🤔

所以,boomer在教育领域倒行逆施的直接结果,就是xyz世代在学校里接受不到正确的性教育,而且也没有机会练习谈恋爱,那么等他们完成学业,就只能继续小学时的习惯,视对面性别为另外一个种族了🤔外加boomer掠夺了几乎全部的社会资源,然后对xyz世代敲骨吸髓的剥削,阶级矛盾很快就转为了种族(迫真)矛盾🤔然后就是全民打拳,生育率无限接近于0,中修很快就たま亡国亡种咯,what would you expect(悲🤔


所以boomerたま就是历史的罪人,从某种程度上来说对华人整体的伤害比鞑清还要大114514倍,q. e. d. (确信🤔鞑清早就已经遭到了报应,他们心心念念几百年的东北被/z/本壬雷普了14年,当然/z/本壬才不管被雷普的是不是鞑清呢🤔所以对boomer的总清算什么时候开始呢(半恼🤔话说boomer是怎么饱受一共的福泽长大,却一个一个一个一个便乘了鞑清僵尸壬的,我暂且蒙在某人的白猫黑猫论里🤔白猫黑猫,只要能促进经济就是好猫,只要能勉强让社会跑起来免得天天叛乱,就是好的意识形态?wiebitte?🤔



话说回来lebensborn还真是个伟大(迫真)的实验,只要它的实验对象不要是人类就行🤔比如,我们可以来个喵酱版的lebensborn,制造超级喵酱🤔转基因blue eyes萌妹是国际公约明确禁止的,而且也是和我自己的生物学伦理不相容的,但转基因blue eyes喵酱并没有这些问题(确信🤔

我肯定想把布偶和狸花缝合到一块,然后投放到楼下,这样我就可以天天撸blue eyes喵酱了(大嘘🤔而且这只blue eyes喵酱不仅能在垃圾箱里自动补充能量,还能每天沿着绕城高速跑一圈(然后上本地新闻🤔这可不是睾贵的布偶能够做到的(确信🤔



刷某fisch的时候发现cf express居然也能diy,而且用在那些高端摄像机上能持续8k录像🤔我不清楚cf express走的什么协议,sata还是nvme,但这些魔改卡貌似是用2230固态加了个壳子搞出来的🤔cf express就是nvme协议,上nvme固态就vans了🤔

那么,下一步他们要不要搞搞索尼的xqd,那玩意可比cf express贵多了(半恼🤔不过让索尼放弃自有存储卡制式可以说比让苹果支持sideload还难,若干年前索尼还在强推memory stick,直到它那垃圾玩意实在是没什么人用才作罢(更别说microsd转ms的玩意已经烂大街了🤔现在索尼的低端相机倒是可以插sd卡了,但高端摄像机索尼还是在强推他们自己的xqd🤔



我在想谁闲的寄吧蛋疼可以撸出一个cfexpress转u2或者sff8643的延长线,然后就可以接某些企业级u2固态了,比如optane 900pp4800x或者那些动不动3.84TB的pm983之类的(确信🤔或者在cfexpress转m2的基础上再接一个m2转sff8643🤔当然,这个转接方案里面u2固态仍然需要12V额外供电,和主板上接的u2固态一样,但至少相机是不用给它供电了,可以给相机省一点点电(确信🤔那么问题来了,在数据线的另外一端,需要一个能够输出12V的玩意,所以干脆做一个超大号移动电源得了,将u2硬盘插入它,将它与数据线相连就vans了(确信🤔甚至搞点什么高级玩意,比如让它可以同时插入多块u2固态,然后设计一个开关来在这些硬盘之间硬切换🤔而如果是这个玩意的话,它只需要对外提供一个sff8643母口,然后就能用便宜的批爆的8643转8643线来当数据线了🤔对了,没有高端相机也没关系,这狗逼玩意还能用在固态u盘上面,以前固态u盘的盘体只有sata固态和m2固态可选,现在u2也行了(迫真🤔但考虑到u2固态坑爹的功耗表现(比如optane那两款固态满载能上16W,tlc企业级固态也得有10W以上),它得塞多少电池进去🤔


cf express貌似有两个type,更小的type a和更大的type b,能塞进一块2230固态的是后者🤔而索尼在它的一系列高端相机里支持的是前者,这样恐怕只能用线引出来用了🤔

而且更坑爹的是,就像它在另外一些更高端的相机里用xqd一样,索尼用cf express也有其特有认证,没有通过认证的固态哪怕是optane也没法录制4k120(悲🤔正所谓索尼罪大恶极.jpg🤔





另外这狗逼epic games又崩了吗,商品页面都打不开(全恼🤔



这也是我极其罕见的一整天都没有impact cuties的情形🤔大号原石-150(悲🤔不过这2.3居然只有三个活动可还行,最后一个甚至是个没啥门槛的活动,我肯定希望这种活动多来点(迫真🤔





  • 高达128GB的内存,除了内存盘外简直用都用不完(确信
  • 一张垃圾佬标配sas2308阵列卡,当然,我会建议去刷it固件,sas2308连raid5都跑不动
  • 甚至有时还能包括一只甚至两只12盘位浪潮硬盘笼子,现在流行(迫真)一条线就能带12块硬盘的版本,绝大多数情况下够用了(确信🤔24个硬盘位总够了吧(



  • e5 2678 v3,585(此处是某宝价,不推荐上某fisch买这种大路货u,因为几乎没有任何售后🤔比如华南x99鸡血bios下不同的u能跑到的频率不同,简直如同开盲盒一般,有时能开到3.2,有时能开到3.15,运气差的连3都保持不了,此时就可以退掉那些频率低的了(确信🤔
  • 华南x99-t8,520(大不了走售后,反正我买华南的主板走了三四次售后,连pcie被压坏这种故障都能修
    • 为啥我只推荐这个主板?因为它是x99主板里唯一一个支持上满配8根ddr3而且扩展能力和那些大厂x99主板相差不大的,难以相信一个500块钱出头的寨厂主板居然有两个m2插槽和一个minipcie无线网卡槽,而且这个无线网卡还支持蓝牙🤔
    • 当然你要是有钱上什么8根32GB的ddr4就可以不用非得买华南了,正经x99工作站主板多得是,便宜的可以考虑hp z440主板甚至z440准系统(硬盘建议外接,它里面硬盘位太少啦),贵的我也不清楚🤔另外对于钱多得没处花的ddr4用户,华南有x99-f8可用,它和t8/tf是同一个主板layout,扩展啥的都一毛一样,就内存插槽类型不同而已(确信🤔
  • ddr3 recc 1866,三星的150一条,镁光的135一条,买8条,或者至少也得买4条组四通道(某宝X东服务器价格,和u一样不建议走某fisch,某宝买的话内存无论什么原因不能用直接退就vans了

    • 顺便插一句ddr4内存的参考价格,2133目前是16GB单条228,32GB单条430,看能不能接受了🤔在我看来,ddr4唯一的好处恐怕只有单路平台能够上到单条32GB,从而让系统的总内存达到256GB这个和系统盘一样大(确信)到可以把整个系统盘开机时装进ramdisk里的数字,但我™128GB内存都用不完(半恼🤔
    • 但如果选择ddr4的话,就不见得非得上v3,更不用非得上2687 v3这一款v3,尽管它也不差就是了(确信🤔而且搭配v3用的话,ddr4最高只能上2133,更高频率的内存条也只能跑2133,这个和桌面平台是完全不一样的,hp工作站主板完全不允许超频,普通主板频率调错了就干脆不开机(悲🤔v4好像能上2400,xeon-w能上2666,scalable一代貌似也是2666,二代貌似是2933,三代貌似是3200,但这些和垃圾佬基本上没啥关系就是了,无论u、主板和内存都贵得离谱,比显卡都贵🤔
  • 长城矿龙,120到300不等,算200吧(迫真🤔这个电源在高负载的情况下会响,实在不成加点钱换个别的电源吧(悲

  • 6900xt,均价8000(迫真🤔
  • sas2308直通卡,120(记得刷it固件
  • 浪潮12盘位硬盘笼子,300(但300的只有一家,别的貌似四五百




  • 带plx芯片的pcie拆分卡,我当然知道华南x99-tf/t8/f8系列支持pcie拆分,但plx拆分卡支持把x16口拆成8个x4,比没plx的方案多出了一倍🤔8口的最低850可以搞定,4口最低三四百好像,看着办吧(确信🤔

  • 然后找人定制sff8643转pcie x4,我买的时候那玩意才45块钱一个,现在不清楚多少,反正这玩意需要定制就是了,一般来说两周起,我记得我的那批搞了一个月(

  • 然后接各种10Gbps网卡玩,声卡走x1或者usb

  • 或者,就用它接u2固态车得了🤔比如optane 900p就有六七百的u2车,要不要上一个?(迫真🤔或者400块钱的pm963车也行🤔显然它们都是被chia操过的玩意,所以还是optane比较好,一个280GB的小容量固态操200TB健康度还是100%你敢信?这玩意操到chia完全消失都不会报废(确信🤔

  • 或者搞块pm983,然后拿显卡压在下面的m2槽上,实测哪怕它是个司马22110都毫无问题,显卡会帮它散热的(迫真🤔





epicgames speedrun





epic games连续两周每天送出一个游戏的第一天送出了莎木3,所以一开始几个小时,epic的服务器直接被橄榄了,连商品页面都打不开,难以想象半个小时我才领了不到10个账号的游戏🤔好在后面几个小时它终于稍微变正常了,我得以在两个小时半后结束战斗🤔然后发现我买的那些新节点实在是不行啊(悲🤔这就是一个月敢收费五六十的高级机场吗,爱了爱了(sarcastic🤔

我觉得最适合领epic games的机场其实需要大量的直通ip,一方面直通机场便宜,另外一方面直通机场就是有用不完的ip,毕竟绝大多数直通ip墙内完全连不上(确信🤔但中转机场作为用起来巴适(迫真)的高级(迫真)机场,它的ip数量却少得可怜,甚至十几个节点用一个ip都是常见的(悲🤔所以,最好通过二级代理功能,将这两种机场串起来,将中转机场最好的节点当作直连机场的前置代理用(确信🤔当然我要是有160个vps的话早就随便二级代理了(


另外clash非常神奇地居然支持win7,而且不需要像shadowsocks或者v2ray那样非得装个dotnet framework(所以我经常说csharp是屑语言,比py还要屑,屑度基本上可以堪比java,考虑到dotnet framework还真tm就是山寨jvm,这两个还真是一个量级的(确信🤔我干脆给某台需要24小时挂机来提供文件共享服务的虚拟机装一个得了🤔这怎么说也是x86,不比装v2ray的路由器高级多了?(确信🤔

将软件和配置挪过去后它就是跑不起来,也没法改设置和切换profile🤔我最后从官网撸了一个32位安装包,这次它终于能跑了🤔现在我可以在impact cuties的系统里面随便用google了,有时我可能会在impact cuties的间隙写点genshin frontier或者诸如此类的东西,此时这玩意就可以派上用场了,系统自带的那个浏览器支持switchyomega插件🤔

话说bing居然被墙了几天,这也就是为啥我需要搞一个这玩意了,不然连查资料我都没法查,写个锤子的genshin frontier🤔据说啊,有壬对bing玩了一顿suggestions污染,所以墙禁解除之后的bing直接关掉了suggestions功能🤔大草,他们究竟污染了什么词条才能让bing享受几天被墙套餐,我暂且蒙在魔怔右反又一次的冲塔行动里(🤔


对了,说到genshin frontier,我想到了一个更好的方法来写万叶和刻晴第一次相遇(确信🤔所以之前写的章节大改了一顿🤔不过话说回来乳刻这种东西只是图一乐,去刻晴厨那边拿乳刻段子跳脸真的dark不比(🤔incel刻晴厨的确挺魔怔的,但乳刻魔怔壬直球跳脸刻晴厨何尝不也是一种魔怔行为呢?🤔当然我估计刻晴肯定不会很喜欢genshin frontier世界里那么多乳刻段子,但只要有1145元素精通的万叶在,刻晴可以把每一个试图乳刻的盗宝团和meta魔怔壬一个一个一个一个全部送上天(双厨狂喜



另外,我琴酱抠抠米的小号,不仅撸出了整整两套4vv,砂糖酱元素精通终于上300了啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊🤔而且早柚酱也搞上了4vv(其中两个atk%)+五星atk%啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊🤔现在我就等着歪一次sacrificial fragments啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊🤔


所以早柚酱需要放在tier list的哪里?大概在fischl chan和yanfei chan之间吧(确信🤔



但那家店也没啥意思,还是那些东西,除了我发现有一包swiss miss的巧克力粉🤔那玩意我一般管它叫美国高乐高(确信🤔当然和高乐高相比,它口味偏咸,高乐高口味偏甜(确信🤔话说我年初带回去又被我带回来的750g装高乐高到现在还没打开过,这么下去的话,恐怕它需要在未开封的情况下第三次被扔进快递里了(悲🤔

所以,都怪它是桶装的,而非像那个swiss miss那样分成了小包装(确信🤔




那么问题来了,物刻为什么没法像物理amber一样speedrun公子?那当然是因为弓箭角色的射速可以尽可能快啊(确信🤔我怎么隐约感觉genshin theorycrafting的尽头是ambermains(大嘘🤔等我哪天实在是受够了这屑游戏,想炸号跑路的时候,我就把amber从我现在所有角色的最低练度一路拉到90级/普攻10级天赋,然后用我那arduino脚本爆破12-3(确信🤔但现在我既没有3090也没有6900xt,我还是别这么干了,不然我就真没游戏玩了(悲🤔




它甚至还提供了在软件里面管理连接的功能🤔我估计如果我会改它的源代码的话,把它改成半个fiddler都没啥问题(确信🤔话说在浏览器不提供网络选项卡的时代,我们就是用类似fiddler这样的工具来玩http antics的🤔


另外如果想实现快速切换ip(比如搞epic games的时候就需要用到)的效果的话,记得开启更改节点后切断所有连接的选项🤔现代浏览器喜欢长连接,所以它不会请求到网页之后就立即结束连接,而clash这玩意神奇的地方就在于它的节点设置不是全局设置,每一个连接都有可能用不同节点🤔所以如果切换节点后不切断旧连接的话,那么接下来很长一段时间里面刷新某个网页都会用旧节点完成🤔


几次改版之后,epic games那玩意变得非常奇怪🤔现在它要验证两次ip,第一次是在加载商品页面的时候,做一个ip是否领了10个以上某款游戏的验证;第二次是它那个司马hcaptcha,基本上一个ip领了两个游戏以上就开始需要验证了🤔


但由于它和epic games是两个不同的网站,这也就意味着它们可以使用完全不同的一套ip🤔比如商品页面(*.epicgames.com)使用一些最垃圾的梯子,只要能打开商品页面就行,甚至使用那些直连梯子都行,方便搞二级代理;然后开始领游戏的时候切换到网速最好、ip数量最多的那组梯子上🤔hcaptcha尽管一个ip能领的次数极其有限(我看到最多的是⑨次,但通常一个ip领三四次就开始要验证了),但它的cd也极其短,最多不超过一个小时,不像epic games的cd长达24小时🤔神奇的是,epic games计算一个ip能领几个游戏使用的ip是打开商品页面的ip,而非正式领游戏时的ip🤔

当然,这还不算最奇怪的,以前epic games还在用funcaptcha的时候,甚至可以上三组不同的ip,而且那时规则更简单,每个ip领到第七次的时候一定会触发验证🤔而funcaptcha的验证不像hcaptcha,它可以一直挂着,所以我那时经常触发一整个屏幕的验证(验证不做的话不消耗epic games自己的领游戏次数),然后一次性撸了🤔




这不废话吗,不然为什么它们叫做last access time🤔但问题是旧win系统使用文件不会改变这个参数,复制粘贴文件才会,而我的主力系统是个旧系统🤔













所以,这更说明cuties impact的稻妻剧情是脑瘫写的🤔为什么要写thoma被主角救出来之后就一直躲在茶室里,躲™四十多天才出来🤔所幸稻妻三奉行的官僚一个一个一个都是脑子不太好使的废物,这要是中修或者美帝的话,管你上面是不是有神里罩着,直接从茶室里拖出来骨灰都给你扬咯,你个越狱逃犯还想找地方躲着,想得美🤔神里会不会便乘稻妻政治斗争的牺牲品我不清楚,但很明显神里的政敌如果还有点脑子的话,他们就会发现重新找到thoma并在荧酱离开narukami island的情况下赶紧橄榄他是橄榄神里最前置的任务,而且他们差点就成功了(悲🤔

不过话说回来用键政的方式来解构稻妻剧情,法律也只不过是一种和其他政治工具差不多一样肮脏的政治工具而已,只不过它喜欢给自己套上叫做社会正义的迫真外皮,从而更加反映出人类与生俱来的伪善罢了(悲🤔如果稻妻法律是稻妻政客(至少是那两个奉行的政客)雷普稻妻政治的工具的话,荧酱运用稻妻之外的力量、甚至怂恿蒙德璃月的势力入侵稻妻橄榄女士和雷电将军(你们敢说当时打那两个boss战的时候只用了稻妻角色?没有使用过什么公子双神甘雨胡桃酱之类的?🤔)何尝不是在使用另外一套政治工具?为什么人们很少去质疑前者,而经常在质疑后者?(确信🤔只不过在整个稻妻的剧情里面,vision hunt decree和与之相关的一切法律,以及稻妻当局对荧酱和thoma的通缉令,很难说得上有多正义就是了🤔当然整个稻妻剧情的主题就是做(迫真)逃犯,这倒是没什么,但如果认为thoma没有和荧酱一起当逃犯的必要,那就大错特错了,当初thoma和aJAJAJAJAJAka拉荧酱入伙的时候,他们肯定知道他们接下来要做的事情性质是什么:毫不留情的政治斗争,而且是在体制内反体制这样的内鬼行为🤔为什么到半途,却开始对政治斗争的事业心存侥幸了?wiebitte?🤔

所以,如果是正常壬写剧情的话,thoma被救出来之后第零件事就是赶紧和荧酱run到watatsumi island,或者蒙德璃月,或者月球,反正离narukami island越远越好就是了🤔如果他还记着他的主公aJAJAJAJAJAka的好,不想让神里家族的政敌找到迫害他们的借口的话,装死,请(吴慈悲🤔

当然我估计另外两个奉行的狗逼不借此机会迫害aJAJAJAJAJAka我tm才不信呢🤔所以,k-kawaii aJAJAJAJAJAka chan也跟荧酱和thoma一块run到watatsumi island得了,珊瑚宫反抗军终于可以支棱起来了(确信🤔水火冰雷齐了,而且还有提瓦特4c之一,还有一个目前游戏里最强力的奶,可以在不借助外援的情况下把女士和raiden按在地上雷普了(确信🤔



当然,某共享号是决定入itto的,至少他albedo都有了,所以我就上去抽了下,小保底itto到手,五发之后又出了gorou,def魔怔队凑齐了(确信🤔所以他的号玩法就便乘了gorou加个buff,albedo加个高级buff,然后itto扔出他的不知是什么动物砸向敌人,然后在一旁看乐子,或者掏出宵宫射🤔看来,在被珊瑚宫反抗军赶出watatsumi island之后,gorou至少在itto的不知什么组织里再就业了,还有一个蒙德炼金术士也和他们一起玩,再加上钟离(大嘘)组成了def魔怔男团出道(确信🤔


后面我听说他想要c6 gorou直接把itto抽出了c1,中途还歪了琴酱的c4,还自己垫了钱?🤔这就有意思了,反正这也不是我的号,他爱怎么折腾怎么折腾,我自己的号是打死也不玩def魔怔队的,除非那三个角色和他们的def圣遗物突然出现在我大号里(吴慈悲🤔





与此同时我现在有很多想法写genshin frontier最后的三四章,但我的英文水平实在是太烂,硬是吐不出来东西(悲🤔所以,我准备接着写几天间章🤔上次写了个完善世界观的,这次写个生草的,比如mockeqing🤔刚好我这儿最不缺的就是乳刻段子了,随便拿出一个翻译成英文就vans了(确信🤔比如那个甘雨一箭73万的🤔


另外我发现某个砂糖群居然有大量砂糖酱的cosplay porn🤔看了这么多genshin的irl片子,还是觉得砂糖酱片子最合我口味,毕竟t0级萌妹🤔而且不像刻晴有tankeqing,eula chan也有坦克(等下,那两个不都是uyuy吗),砂糖酱irl就没有坦克(确信🤔



genshin frontier: inazuma.part4.21.12.14

this one includes chapters from 08 (hopefully), chapter 01-03 are in here, chapter 04-06 are in here, and chapter 07 is in here*

interlude between 03 and 04

Amber and Eula were patrolling on Dragonspire as usual, while they saw an Abyss Herald looking monster in somewhere, with some Abyss Mages.

"Abyss forces! What the heck is their business in here? Should we call other Knights for backups, Eula? "

"Probably... But not now. I recently farmed some ueber powerful PhysDmg% Artifacts, and it's our perfect time to test fire on these Abyss arseholes. Let's see... " Eula noticed that the Abyss Herald likin' monster seemed to have some Cyro shields, "Is this the new kinda Cyro Abyss Herald people are rumoring about? Guess time to summon Bennett. Can you kinda reach him? "

"Let's try... " Amber sent out the help signal via Fold Wave, and seconds later, Bennett Defolded from a nearby Teleport Waypoint.

"Good afternoon everyone, hope you had lucky adventure without me... Wait, is that an Abyss Herald? "

"Yes, it is, and a rare one with Cyro shield. That's why we need you here. And now everyone's here, let's beat their Abyssal arse! "

"Go go Baron Bunny! " Amber threw out her toy right under the Abyss Herald's feet, while Bennett appeared behind it, charging his Elemental attacks to weaken its shield, and then deployed his Insperation Field. Amber aimed the Baron Bunny with a fully charged shot, finishing it with a huge arse explosion.

With the Abyss Herald's Cyro shield completely destroyed, Eula appeared in the Pyro mist and released the last stage of her Elemental Burst, with a violent shockwave that was supposed to destroy everything on its path with supposedly 8-digit damages; Except that didn't happen, and the Abyss Herald didn't look like damaged at all.

"Wiebitte? " Everyone was shocked.

"Hmph, the arrogant Favonius faggots. Your little shitty trick would never be a serious match to the superior Abyss technohogy. Now what's your cards remaining, Favonius faggots? "

"Guess it's really time to call for some serious reinforcements. "

"What reinforcements? Could anyone in the Knights deal with this monster? "

"Of course not. You'll see. " Several seconds later, the Abyss Herald was hit by a gaint ray of energy beam shot from the sky, comin' from a floating mansion sized thing, Defolding from a nearby Waypoint. "This one was a little bit hurt though, but still no match to the superior Abyss technology. That's all you got? "

"Fire while Defolding experiment... Succeed, and wait a minute, this Abyss monster still didn't die just yet? Guess we'll need some time to recharge. By the way, LSS-01 at your sercive, Spindrift Knight Eula. " The announcents from the floating mansion sent into everyone via Fold Wave.

"Is that... the legendary Jade Chamber from Liyue? Why is it coming in here? Shouldn't it already be destroyed from the Osial Incident? And why is it answering your calls? "

"Actually, it's a reconstructed model of the last Jade Chamber. " Eula explains, "After the recent incidents happened in both Mondstadt and Liyue, and another certain incident that involved a certain Honorary Knight and the Abyss Order that caused her missing, the two nations reached the agreement of mutual defense against the Abyss Order and the Futui and form the so called Lumine Treaty outta it. "

"Wait, is it implying that our Honorary Knight sacrificed herself to stop yet another massive Abyss invasion or what? No wonder we didn't see her in ages! "

"Probably that's whoever initiated the treaty thought. One of the joint efforts is exactly this gaint flying mansion above us, the reconstruction of the Jade Chamber, or as these Liyueians would like, the Liyue Space Station 01. It's basically the fruit of both nations' latest technologies: Liyue's anti-gravity thingy and an improved version of Guizhong Cannon, able to one shot Osial if this gaint opctopus dares to resurface. Paired with a fire control system that can automatically search Abyssal targets, calculate the energy needed to defeat them, and fire at them without any human intervention, developed by our alchemist team. But the most advenced technology it had ever equipped, is an alchemy device called 'Fold Drive', that allows a huge arse object like itself to Fold and Defold into anywhere with a Waypoint, made by none other than Albedo himself. And it's not only be able to find these targets automatically. Executives are able to call it in when they discovered some hard Abyss enemies like this one, and I happened to be one of them. "

"But they will revive at 4am every day! Is that of any use to beat them with this? "

"Of course it is! Since they'll need to wait for the next day to revive before being elimated soon after being discovered, they will never be able to carry out whatever evil plans they had in their brains. Or, probably they could just get the flying fuck outta Teyvat, so we can save some energies. Unless in this case, this Abyss Herald seems to develop some ways to conter this. What a pity. "

"Analysis complete. This target had an anti-Physical shield kinda things, and our calculation indicated that it needs 2147483647 damages to be destroyed, estimated charging time: 5 minutes. "

"Wait what? That's the biggest number in Teyvat! You must have made a huge arse calculation error, right? And seriously, we don't have five minutes, this target would be disappeared in seconds! "

"Or, all you need to do is to find someone to break its fucking shield? " a totally stranger came into the battlefield.

"Who the heck are you? "

"I am the Abyss Order's natural enemy, came here only to make their already misable life under the Jade Chamber or whatever this floating thing is, more misable. I might not be the 'Executives' who can call upon this deadly weapon, but my appearance still almost equals to yet another dead Abyss monster, and here comes another one. Am I right, Herald chan? "

"How dare you mock the Abyss and fucking call me Herald Chan! Eat my shit of Ultimate Banishment from all Discord chatrooms of the world, faggot! "

"Very well. I guess it's about time. " The stranger prepared to use his Elemental Burst, "Iiyo! Koiyo! Shoot your Abyssal energy into my chest! My chest!! "

"What's wrong with this maniac? Why did he open his chest to receive the damage? " But soon the damage dealt into him was countered with a devastating blow that pierced through the Abyss Herald's shield, disabling it.

"Well, the hardest part is finished. How you would like to deal with this Abyss arsehole, is completely up to you. I'm gonna have some drink in a certain Monstadter bar. See you, and come to find me for some Abyss-fucking advices, if you like. " The stranger Folded outta this place without a trace.

"Now we can also detect a complete vanishment of its shield. Imada! Guizhong Cannon mark 2! "

"Scheisse! " Eula quickly pulled Amber and Bennett and Folded outta there, right before the energy beam from the LSS-01 hit the Abyss Herald again, destroying it with a gaint arse explosion.

On the LSS-01 - Everyone were gathering on the deck, while Eula, Amber anb Bennett greeted the captain of the ship, none other than Beidou, the ex-pirate leader of the Alcor.

"Well, I didn't expect you outta everyone in the LTO became the captain of the LSS-01, Beidou, that's quite a surpirse. Tell me, how would you feel, to stop being a pirate leader and start commandeering a floating 'space station'? "

"Nothing different, it's still a ship anyway, except it's above ground, can move pretty fast, and with more powerful weapons on it. And what about you, how would you feel, to stop being the descendant of Mondstadt's most hated aristocratic family, and start being Master Jean's most trusted Spindrift Knight and Mondstadt's big hero, Eula Lawrence? "

"That's a long af story actually. Would you still like to listen? "

"I'm listening. This thing just won't stop flying, so you can use as much time as you want. "

"Fine then, " Eula tried to tell everyone about how Lumine chan helped her stop the conspiracy of a certain uncle of her, Schubert Lawrence, colluding with the Futui to invade Mondstadt again, and steal the prototype technology that Albedo was researching.

"Wait a minute, that must be the Fold Drive, right? Now it's indeed into the LTO's matters. Imagine the Futui got the hand on it... it would be a shitstorm for everyone. Just can't believe that Lumine actually involved in this thing too? "

"What do you mean by 'too'? "

"Lumine had helped us a lot, from major events of defeating Osial, to some minor legal issues, that she could be so patient to accopany our lawyers to handle the entire lengthy legal process. I guess she also did a lot for Mondstadters too, right? "

"Of course. Everyone in Mondstadt was indebted to her selfless help. "

"So was us Liyueians. We won't call ourselves Lumine Treaty Organization without vaild reasons. Now, we had such powerful weapon to keep the peace, but even didn't know if Lumine's alive or dead... If she's dead, where would be her body at? And if she's alive, where is she right now? "

interlude between 04 and 05

After their quest on Childe - They heard some Treasure Hoarders talking at the gate of the Golden House.

"Wait, they're not supposed to be here, right? Rex Lapis dead or not, it's still Ministry of Civil Affairs' sacred site, could someone get them off? "

Except they heard these Treasure Hoarders talking about something "Ganyu" and "Keqing".

"Let me guess... Another 'new' 'Mockeqing' joke, right? Can these arseholes form a 'Mockeqing' joke without any Ganyu? What about we just patiently hear them finish, then beat the fuck outta them so they would never dare to 'Mockeqing' for the rest of their life? "

"Hmph! You're so mean, Kazuha! " Keqing was pretty unpleasant.

"What is 'Mockeqing', is that some kinda high end Liyueian entertainment that I didn't know? " Aeternus asked.

"Something you would better not know... "

Meanwhile these Treasure Hoarders started to Mockeqing:

"Ganyu stopped Keqing from junpin' outta the roof,

"'Keqing, they lied to you! No one can outperform your damage with their insignificant digits, in all Electro characters! '

"Keqing: 'Really? '

"Ganyu: 'Yes, my Elemental Burst and Normal Attack could also only dealt with 4000 damages, so we're basically the same! '"

"That's quite a thonkeqing moment... "

"Keqing: 'Alright I believe in you!' And then she went off from the rooftop, 'Let's have some food in Wanming Restaurant! '

"Meanwhile a short haired cutie with cat ears and blue eyes came here,

"'Is this Ganyu senpai? I'm Diona, ' whatever, she seems to be called with this name anyway, 'A bartender from Mondstadt! I've heard that you once dealt 730k Charged Attack damages with three helpers in Sprial Abyss, so I came for advices. '

"Keqing: 'Wiebitte? '

"Ganyu looks at Keqing diffidently, 'Nonononono, it's my helpers that's powerful! ' and drags Keqing's hand, 'Keqing, don't do it! You can also output 100k with more helpers! '

"We all knew that's impossible, right? (lol"

"Keqing: 'I've thonked through, Ganyu, can you go somewhere with me? '

"Ganyu: 'Where? '

"Keqing: 'I've calmed down and thonked, Liyue Harbor's buildings are too low, Let's go to Qingyun Peak!'"

And these Treasure Hoarders were indulged in laughters.

a rough translation of:


that i didn't know the exact sourse

"It's about time, " Kazuha walked to them with sword armed, "Well, well. That was the most funny Mockeqing joke ever, so funny, that you couldn't even make sure you recall Diona's name right. What's fucking wrong with you, are your as brain degenerated as these Metachurls? "

"Wait, who the hell are you? "

"I'm coming here to mock your Mockeqing joke. Yes, that bartender in Mondstadt is indeed called Diona; And no, you shouldn't Mockeqing in front of Keqing, that would only make her sad. " Not until at that moment did these Treasure Hoarders suddenly noticed Keqing with them, and showed scared expressions on their faces.

"Would that mean mocking me behind my back is okay? Hmph! "

"Definitely not, Lady Keqing. But at least that would make you less unhappy, I guess... But now, time to beat their sorry arses! " Xiangling throw out her Guoba, while Kazuha unleashed his signature Elemental Burst. Keqing used her skills in Kazuha's beeg Pyro Canadian leaves, causing huge arse amount of Overloaded damages.

These Treasure Hoarders started to call for reinforcements, with more and more Treasure Hoarders Folded into the battlefield.

"Did you notice some unusual thing, everyone? When the fuck did these Treasure Hoarders learn how to Fold? " Aeternus noticed the unusual here.

"Probably Childe taught them - to make fun of us. We can easily prove that, then we can escalate it into an issue with the Futui, and call the LTO upon them. Should we call for our reinforcements? I'm a LTO Executive, they shall respond to our calls right away. "

"I would suggest not. We're enough to beat them off, besides, it's the perfect oppotunity to show your enemies, that you're not as weak as these Mockeqing jokes say. "

Ganyu happened to pass by the Golden House and saw people fighting, and she saw Keqing in it.

"Lady Keqing! Do you need my help to defeat these Treasure Hoarders? "

"No, we're prefectly fine. Just speculate us instead. "

"Alright then. " Ganyu then called for the LSS-01 to standby anyway.

On the LSS-01 - Everyone was watching Keqing and the others fighting below. "Ah, that thing again. "

"What again? " Eula asked the crew of the LSS-01.

"It must be some arseholes doing 'Mockeqing' jokes again. Well, Lady Keqing was pretty weak in combat, didn't you know? So when she's bullied by monsters and Treasure Hoarders, we'll have to arrive at her position and help her defeat them. Usually our fire control system didn't target Treasure Hoarders, except orders from her - Wait, why is the order still not through? "

"Orders from Lady Keqing - DO NOT fire. I repeat, DO NOT fire. " Voices of Ganyu reached the LSS-01 via Fold Wave.

"Wow that's a surprise. Let's do some analysis... A huge amount of Overloaded damages, generated from Lady Keqing's skills. Wait, how many Elemental Mastery exists in the environment? "

"Somewhere over 1100... some... 1145? "

"So Elemental Mastery Keqing really exists. No wonder she could pass Spiral Abyss 12-3 in three minutes. " As the battlefield became ueber chaotic, all Treasure Hoarders disappeared and a lotta Ruin Hunters and Ruin Guards Folded into it. The fire control system of the LSS-01 recognized them as Abyss creatures and began charging.

Aeternus saw the charging beam, "Let's stop fighting and Fold into safety, shall we? These Treasure Hoarders already learned their lessons, no need to keep your performance here. Or you wanna be caught up in the crossfire of a gaint arse energy beam and some Abyss creatures, your call. " and Folded out first. Kazuha followed him, while Keqing was still in doubt.

Ganyu dived into the battlefield and dragged Keqing outta it just before the beam on Guizhong Cannon finished charging and shot attached these Ruin creatures, dealing a huge arse explosion.


"The preparations are all complete. Wait... I still need to at least meet Sangonomiya and Lumine chan once. At least tell them about it. " Aeternus Folded into the depth of Sangonomiya Shrine, while Kokomi and Lumine chan were looking for a way to unlock Enkanomiya, Watatsumi Islander's rumored old habitant.

"Aeternus! You returned sooner than expected. What did you find in the Futui facility? Did you manage to destroy it? "

"Well, let's just say that this facility just finished its mission, and it won't be operating anymore. We're just too late to shut it down with our wills over the Futui's wills, unfortunately. But I didn't get there empty handed. See, I even got some Delusions. "

"Wait, Mr. Stellanomiya. Didn't I ban the usage of Delusions in my army like one month ago? Why would you think getting some Delusions with you considered some achievement? "

"Delusions alone won't be called achievement, but the secret about it would. In fact, I watched exactly how they're made, and discovered one of the natures of these Delusions: they're made by concentrated Tatarigami, so by sacrificing one Delusions, you can use whatever secret art of yours involving Orobashi, to grant a wish that seems impossible, something the Futui would never imagine. " Aeternus threw one Delusion to Kokomi, "Would you like to try to, well, summon one to eliminate everyone on Kujou Encampment for test fire and fun? "

"I would not consider killing everyone on a random inland 'fun', Mr. Stellanomiya. We're a just cause, unlike these Shogunate arseholes. "

"But these corrupted politicians in Tenryou Commission would consider killing everyone on Watatsumi Island, fun and full of achievements. Your fucking precious island is nothing but a stepping stone of their political ascension for them. And what would you do about them? "

"So you're coming here to pursuade me to equip Delusion to everyone, or what? "

"Of course not. I promised Kazuha to help, so I'll help as much as I can, until the war is over. And actually the war will be pretty soon over anyway. I'm talking about the postwar order, and the opportunity your were possible to seize. "

Aeternus can sense Kokomi's impatience, "I knew you might not understard the necessarities to prepare for postwar, when the war was still on. Let me ask you about something, how could you keep your resistance when the war is over, and the Vision Hunt Decree was totally abolished? "

"Then we do not have a reason to resist anyway, what would I do? Just dissolve the Resistance, and I'll keep my role as the Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island. "

"Then, what if these arseholes in Tenryou Commission wanna invade your island again, use the dead bodies of your own people to build the path of their own political ascension in Tri-Commissions? Like how they can find an excuse like you actually formed a Resistance in the war time, and they want retribution? Or, whatever stupid excuses they had anyway, what would you have to stop them? At that time, you even didn't have an army to use, unlike now. "

"That's really a huge arse problem... " Kokomi thonks.

"But don't worry, I had a solution of this. If you wanna make sure the autonomy of Watatsumi Island presists or even become strengthened postwar, you must become one of the Tri-Commissions. "

"What. The. Actual Fuck are you talking about? "

"I've been fucking serious, Mein Excellency. Under the current and probably the future Shogunate system rules, a huge arse decision like invading Watatsumi Island again, requires unanimous agreements of all Tri-Commissions - That's probably one of the reasons the Vision Hunt Decree was still not abolished yet, Kamisato clan's proposal got 1-2 every time. Imagine you're one of them - Even Kamisato clan fucks you, the evil axis of Kujou clan and Kamisato clan still couldn't make their evil agenda through. Or, they could do that just behind Raiden's back, like how they collude with the Futui in such manner, in that case you just need to report their sorry arses and their shitty political life would be over. By the way, currently these system didn't work properly, because we all knew that Raiden was kinda broken, and we need to probably fix it with this war. "

"So how could I be one of the Tri-Commissions? "

"That's where the postwar order kicks in. I haven't talked about the details of what the reinforcements I would like to call is, and the nature of them before. But now it's only three of us and no other obsessed or strange people around, and it's convenient to talk. Let's start from - Well, the major political body of the Old World, is an international alliance of powerful individuals of Mondstadt and Liyue, formed to deal with the Futui and Abyss Order threats in all over the world. Inazuma was filled with Futui-loving arseholes and Electro Abyss Mages, a perfect reason for them to come. They called themselves LTO, short for 'Lumine Treaty Organization' - "

"Wait, why did they use my name? "

"Because they thought you're dead in the supposed Abyss incident, Lumine chan. So they formed a so called Lumine Treaty to commemorate your supposed death, hence the name. "

"Wait, I was just chasing my brother into a Fold portal, and... "

"You ended up appearing in Inazuma? " Kokomi asked.

"Probably... "

"I see. Now I kinda understand what happened to you. But anyway, after the war is over, Inazuma cannot keep isolated forever. The Fold links between both worlds would open, and you're gonna join the LTO and become one of their Executives anyway, with other powerful individuals like Ayaka Kamisato and the others. And most importantly, the LTO will seize control of the Shogunate, and force a series of reformation, before it could be operating in the LTO's favor again. Do I need to repeat their favor? An alliance against the Futui and the Abyss Order. Anything against them would be kept. Anything colluding with them would be abolished. Your chance of becoming one of the Tri-Commission lies in their reformation plans, Mein Excellency. "

"What if the Shogun resists the LTO from messing with her government? "

"I don't think, as the sole war criminial and an accomplice of the Futui postwar, it's wise for her to ever thonk of resisting. The LTO is a pretty formidable army, that can fuck her up every single day from 4am, to stop her from reviving. Actually, she shall start to do redemption instead, probably if her redemption works did well, they will even offer an Executive seat for her. "

"So, what exactly will they replan the Shogunate postwar? "

"As whatever intel I colleted - One of the Tri-Commission would be abolished, and another one of them would have a huge reform. Since we had the direct evidence of Takayuki Kujou colluding with the Futui, his political life would be fucked, by either Raiden or the LTO, or both, whatever. Sara Kujou would more likely to be the new Commissioner of Tenryou Commission. As for Kanjou Commission, they mainly run Ritou to provide economies for an isolated Inazuma - And since Inazuma postwar would no longer be isolated, not to mention the evidence of their Commissioner, Shinsuke Hiiragi, colluding with a certain Futui Harbinger was also found by us and Kamisato's elite ninja team, the entirety of them would be abolished, and I guess Hiiragi clan's days would be totally fucked for good. Then you will try to form a new Commission to fill into this beeg arse power vacuum, for example, call it 'Watatsumi Commission'? And you will have a pretty legimate reason to keep Watatsumi Island autonomous, at least as autonomous as Ritou, or even more if you needed. No way anyone in Tenryou Commission would dare to step into Watatsumi Island, Mein Excellency. "

"No wonder that Hiiragi old brat tried his best not letting me get the fuck outta Ritou. Now I knew why - they had the support of a Futui Harbinger. "

"Could you recount which Harbinger you would firstly think of? My intel didn't get who this harbinger is. "

"None other than a certain La Signora. I had a score with her in Mondstadt, but never thought that she would dare to appear in Inazuma! I will make her life more painful. "

"Good, an extra Futui Harbinger to beat, I'll take that intel directly to the LTO when I returned. Don't worry, Lumine chan, we will beat the fuck outta whatever Signora is, she just gave us another legimate reason to beat Raiden as well. Anyway - " Aeternus prepered to move out, "Last advices, Mein Excellency - Make your way to one of the new Commission in the new postwar Tri-Commission and make yourself the Commissioner, and probably make your descendants inherit the position of the Commissioner, do not make the stupid political mistakes like these two Commissions do, you will keep the peace and prosperity of Watatsumi Island forevermore. I will do whatever I could help to make the LTO handle the postwar order in your favor as much as possible, but it still needs your own effort to make it possible. "

"I'll take your advice, Mr. Stellanomiya. Tell us, why did you make Watatsumi Island's matter as if it's your own? We could hardly give you any benifits outta that. "

"Let's just say, uh, I had noticed some of Watatsumi Island's history. Your people were supposed to make peace with either Raiden or the Shogunate for like hundreds of years, right? Until none other than Tenryou Commission came to fuck your life... "

"So you also know who destroyed the Narukami Shrine in Watatsumi Island, right? "

"Right. And I know just why they did it - They just wanna make Watatsumi Island one of their military exploits, risking the life of either your people or their own people for the political ascension of a certain Commissioners sittin' their fatty arses in their Narukami Island's comfy office. And the corrupt Shogunate just chose to ignore all of them, bacause their head of governement, is a fucking unfit suka god that was obsessed with the so called 'Eternity' nahui, and didn't notice anything else! I will fuck all of them up, so they will be regretted ever existed, for the rest of their lives! And now with the LTO's power on our side, they can probably idiidiidiidi nahui blyat!

"But anyway, we haven't made the first step of the long march yet. I'm gonna return to the old world, by using one of these Delusions to test fire on the Statue of the Omnipresent God, as the proof of concept, of mainteining interworld Fold portals. It needed to be stable enough to allow a lotta personnels to come here, and it needed to exist long enough to furtherly mock Raiden outta her stupid arse Sakoku Decree. But after that, I mean when you need to activate the statue again, you'll need to find a way to deal with Fold Fault, if there would be any. Here, more Delusions for you to use, " Aeternus gave them two more Delusions, "Now I really need to go. Activate the statue probably one month later, and we'll meet again. " then disappeared in a mere second.



我还是忍不住想迫真复活genshin frontier的稻妻篇🤔尽管上次我开始继续写它还是两个月前的事(悲🤔当然那次我还是写完了中间一大篇玩意的,所以我希望这次能把结局给补上(确信🤔













