



所以最后我试了下度盘搜索,除了找到win7和vista的镜像外,还找到了些别的玩意,比如vista还叫project longhorn时的早期build,居然有人收藏这个🤔我都不清楚它能不能装,但理论上来说只要有wim我都能部署出来🤔只不过vista我就不清楚能不能wimboot了🤔


我要么还是加载下vista的镜像吧,这个至少能够解压🤔试了下感觉vista既不能上wimboot也不能上compact🤔win7好像可以wimboot,至少wimboot部署完后它能启动,也能一直运行到桌面,装完vmware tools也只占4.1GB,压缩后2.76GB,同时它安装光盘里的install.wim镜像有2.65GB,基本上空间省到了极致🤔要知道正常win7 sp1装完,虚拟机镜像至少占20GB🤔




我试图找到之前买的一块ddr3l内存,意外发现了不知失踪了多长时间的上一只tt level 10m无线款🤔被我折腾了一番后这个鼠标居然还能用,和现在用的同款一样,它的无线功能约等于不存在,而且必须得开启无线功能才能用有线功能(听起来挺绕口的)🤔但至少它能用,这样我就多出一只鼠标用了(确信🤔






那么到现在,我p2v过的平板数量已经到了五台,好像我现在有的平板也只有五台🤔我最近还下单了一台win7平板,我记得0⑨年到11年的时候我就想要一台这种玩意,但那时它一台要两三千,所以我现在可以买台怀旧🤔另外一种win平板也能装win7,是低压版三四代i5,比如sony vaio duo之类的🤔但atom的平板基本上是系统锁定的,它当时出什么系统就基本上只能装这个系统了,如果乱升级可能会从极其卡到某个硬件用不了到完全没法用🤔






after p2v

第一次开机之后可能提示没有操作系统,我下了一个pe之后发现原来平板用的是uefi,但这个虚拟机用的是legacy bios🤔解决方案有两种,要么虚拟机改成uefi(改了发现还是没法启动,这说明平板的uefi和vmware的uefi不太一样,到时候还是得重建引导),要么将虚拟机的磁盘类型改回mbr,设置系统盘为活动分区,然后在dism++里面重建引导🤔


启动之后我装了一遍vmware tools,然后发现它的网卡和显卡都没法正常运作,不要告诉我装vmware tools也得装旧版🤔我先试着将其调回最新兼容性,然后再找找看哪儿有10版本的vmware tools光盘吧🤔在我改回vmware16兼容性后,虚拟显卡是可以用了,至少窗口可以自适应变化了,但网卡还是不能用可还行🤔既然如此,直接卸掉当前版本的vmware tools,然后切换兼容性到10,再装10的vmware tools,现在至少显卡驱动恢复正常了,窗口能够自适应🤔同样,其他已经是16的虚拟机也可以用这种办法降级到10🤔

不过这个网卡驱动还真™蛋疼,将原来的网卡删了新建之后开机报错没有多余的pcie插槽,wiebitte?vmware workstation还能模拟pcie?改成所谓的vmxnet后开机是能开机了,但还是没驱动🤔











another way

最后我又想出一个办法,先用acronis生成redhat kvm的虚拟机镜像,我们都知道kvm镜像是没有任何格式的raw image,然后改扩展名为img,扔进那款starwind里面转vmdk就完事了🤔然后在vmware里面创建新虚拟机,虚拟磁盘那部分选择已有vmdk,再去折腾引导和装vmware tools,平板完美p2v🤔




其实我复活mipad2是为了将其作为Arduino刷机终端或者诸如此类的东西用🤔比如哪天我在某个电竞馆打游击的时候,肯定不会在那上面装个Arduino IDE来刷badusb对吧🤔



话说回来我还是挺讨厌电竞馆的,更不想在那种鬼地方玩几个小时cuties impact🤔然而我目前组不出来第二套机子,至少缺一个电源(在这个矿潮的时候淘任何二手硬件都是灾难,上次在批乎上有人问我推荐sas阵列卡,我查了一下,比去年涨了五六倍价,这推荐个锤子啊,不过貌似机械键盘和win10平板倒是没涨价,但它们既不能impact cuties也没法接sas硬盘)🤔而且如果在家玩的话,开不了4k我大概也没有了玩的兴致,除非我再买个显示器🤔这个问题比badusb还要难办啊🤔



只是想拿amber去打米忽悠株式会社或者meta魔怔壬的批脸,或者他们本来就是一条战线上的,因为如果没有那么多meta魔怔壬的话米忽悠的高价角色谁几把抽啊,一个kawaii amber chan就能从ar5一直打到ar114514🤔打法当然是用传说中的amber机关枪宏了🤔具体来说amber或者说这个游戏的射击机制有点问题,在瞄准模式后按两次r可以取消掉所有动画,当然cuties impact的所有动作动画或多或少都是可以取消的,但amber的取消动画在宏的加持下可以达到比如一秒十几发的射速,这样的话物伤流amber将成为绝对的dps,比什么diluc dps还要dps,绝对能打烂meta魔怔壬的批脸🤔



另外这个github项目有绝大多数cuties impact角色的宏,除了弓箭角色的机关枪宏外还有大剑角色的原地起跳劈砍宏,非常有意思🤔



  • 印度是三次元帝国主义最薄弱的一环,米忽悠株式会社是二刺螈帝国主义最薄弱的一环

  • 印度面对疫情只会装死,米忽悠株式会社面对舆情大概也只会装死,当然两者背地里都有些奇妙深刻的操作

  • 印度暂且有13亿没死完的人,米忽悠株式会社也有几千万暂时没弃坑的玩家,所以他们再烂也没法彻底完蛋




总之,为了能使kawaii amber chan在dps方面橄榄diluc,我需要研究下这一系列解决方案,但目前看好badusb🤔然后我就可以去找个网吧,啊呸,电竞馆,接着打游击了🤔所以这™算是二刺螈印共毛?而且amber chan也是红色,所以干脆叫amber共产党(毛派)得了,简称安共毛(这名字™听起来比康米更像安壬可还行🤔

progress (hakushin



刚在某个硬件blog随机看一些文章,发现里面有一篇usb2提速的,比如为什么理论传输速度高达(大嘘)60MB/s的usb2设备实际速度只有30MB/s到40MB/s,解决方法是装某个hotfix然后针对某一个usb2设备(需要提供pid和vid),在注册表里面将其所谓的maximum transfer size提升到2MB🤔而且我查了下,如果不改的话它只有64KB?敢情usb2跑不到60MB/s的理论速度就是因为每次传输的最大数据只有64KB,wiebitte?🤔那么这个问题对usb3也存在啊🤔





看来esp系模拟usb反正我是不想尝试了,我准备去走ATMEGA32U4系了,也就是所谓的badusb🤔ATMEGA32U4好像就是个usb微控制器,它可以做任何usb外设,从所谓的客制化usb机械键盘到badusb到我要搞的玩意🤔如果我没记错的话14年买的teensy 2.0貌似用的是这个,现在的teensy貌似用的是另外一款芯片🤔后来这个芯片用得更多的是Arduino Leonardo,难怪我后面听说Arduino这种便宜玩意都能玩badusb了🤔







接下来我用Arduino ide在m5stick上面折腾了一顿所谓的ble-keyboard,搞了半天那玩意模拟了一个蓝牙键盘,难怪它只能跑在esp32上,因为只有esp32有蓝牙栈,esp8266只有wifi🤔


在我能想办法将这两个库缝合起来之前,估计这事没法解决了🤔或者,也可以另辟蹊径(大嘘,用它的模拟蓝牙游戏手柄的库来模拟一个游戏手柄出来,然后也许就可以一次性搞定rar速射了🤔但cuties impact这游戏比较死板,如果检测到手柄它就没法用键鼠操作了,只能用手柄,这就非常坑爹了🤔








草,原来meta impact的meta是Most Effective Tactic Available的简称,我一直以为是metagaming的meta🤔不过想达成这个四单词简称的META,也得需要不是简称的meta-,比如上网查攻略,看内鬼爆料,甚至解包🤔无论哪种都符合“借助了游戏世界外的知识”的特征🤔而如果需要借助内鬼甚至请俄罗斯黑客(大嘘)入侵米忽悠株式会社来达成的话,这已经比meta-还要meta-了🤔

这样,也就解释了他们在meta之前加a(比如Genshin doesn't have a meta),因为它不是那个meta-词头,而是一个类似于专有名词的东西,当然可以加a了🤔

当然,不是所有人玩cuties impact都meta到魔怔,西方cuties impact社区的共识是waifu > meta🤔但在我那边它一直处于meta impact和cuties impact的叠加态,如果我抽到eula chan的话它就坍缩到meta impact,而如果我歪了刻晴的话它就坍缩到cutieskeqing impact(大嘘🤔

而现在既然meta的意思(在我的认知中)发生了变化,我大概明白为什么所谓的metaslave在cuties impact社区里面风评比野兽先辈还要臭了🤔因为他们就像国内语境里的强度党一样,只看角色的强度而忽略其他的任何东西,而且更要命的是他们会大肆乳某些不够meta的角色(主要是amber和刻晴),让这些角色对应的老婆党激怒🤔

但拒绝metaslave并非意味着这游戏就没法认真玩了,认真玩的结果就是所谓的theorycrafting,通过深度钻研游戏机制来开发玩法,最大化战力🤔但它的基础并不是追求某个角色或者某种武器这种肤浅的认识,而是对cuties impact的深入研究🤔非常有意思的是,西方世界最先搞theorycrafting的是keqingmains,估计这些玩家不小心抽到刻晴但也没法弃号跑路,所以只能钻研刻晴了🤔他们的成果之一便是长度堪比博士论文的Early-Mid and Endgame Guide to Keqing🤔而他们官网上第二第三分别是amber和albedo,都是因为不够meta而经常被乳的角色🤔

国内搞theorycrafting搞得最好的我记得是zhongli mains,尽管没写论文,但也做了很多视频🤔最近还在流行nopaimon玩法,就是开局不走paimon教程关,所以没法获取风元素和进行任何主线剧情,甚至都没法抽卡,主角只有普攻和物伤🤔他们现在已经进展到打通深渊3-3,然后通过bug传送到上次那个活动的剧情人物,从那里进入活动页面领取香菱🤔然后至少深渊5层及以上可以玩了,wl也可以升了(尽管由于不能飞,得用一种非常蛋疼的探索法🤔


又搞了点cloudflare antics🤔

cloudflare workers


由于某种申必原因,我发现了一个phpdisk网盘,可以随便上传东西和下东西🤔别看它是phpdisk搭建的,但居然没有vip也没有任何限制,草🤔我们可以用cloudflare workers搞搞它🤔

addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
(err) => new Response(err.stack, { status: 500 })

async function handleRequest(event) {
const { request } = event;
const { pathname } = new URL(request.url);
const fileid = Number(pathname.split("/")[1].split(".")[0]);

if (fileid == 0){
return fetch("https://a.certain.url/soushuresult.html")

const bruh = await fetch("", {
"headers": {
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:89.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/89.0",
"Accept": "text/plain, */*; q=0.01",
"Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,zh-TW;q=0.7,zh-HK;q=0.5,en-US;q=0.3,en;q=0.2",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
"Cache-Control": "max-age=0",
"Referer": ""+fileid,
"body": "action=load_down_addr1&file_id="+fileid,
"method": "POST",

if (bruh.ok){
data = await bruh.text();
return fetch(data.split('"')[1], {
"headers": {
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:89.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/89.0",
"Accept": "text/plain, */*; q=0.01",
"Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,zh-TW;q=0.7,zh-HK;q=0.5,en-US;q=0.3,en;q=0.2",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
"Cache-Control": "max-age=0",
"Referer": ""+fileid,
"body": "action=load_down_addr1&file_id="+fileid,
"method": "POST",
} else {
return "wiebitte?";

和任何phpdisk搭建起来的网盘系统一样,无论访问ajax.php还是访问最终的文件都需要正确的请求头,不然不会出想要的结果(指解析出链接和下载文件🤔return fetch这个好理解,但我们需要fetch两次,第一次fetch出ajax.php返回的结果,并从里面提取出链接(bash风格提取🤔第二次才return fetch,让cloudflare中转那个文件🤔

所以我需要了解javascript里面fetch的用法🤔反正fetch和fetch结果里面的text方法返回的都是promise,我也不清楚是啥意思,反正前面加await就能取出结果就是了🤔就这样我随手撸出来一个给出文件id就能直接下载文件的玩意🤔那么接下来我们可以挑战discord drive了(大嘘🤔

顺便来一个彩蛋:将cloudflare workers搞的链接用mpv打开,居然能播放,但出于某种申必原因没有界面也没有进度条,这可真是太草了🤔其实是因为它不支持按照range请求文件,那就别想随便调进度了,也别想多线程了(悲🤔



我发现我之前申请的两个.pp.ua域名被光速橄榄,不是tcp reset就是ssl阻断,可真是太tm草了🤔但目测那个workers.dev还能用🤔你们可以去试下任意数字🤔











impactus tertius part

00: preamble

it's been THREE months since the last two chapters. i was supposed to write this shit at least one chapter per week, and it looks like it's impossible to reach, for all kinda reasons. but now at least i was freed from the utter obsessions of metagaming after keqing incident, and started to view things differently, not just cuties impact, but all of things.

and it's three months passed and i kinda came up with some new plot ideas. first of all i've encountered some high school suicide or attemped suicide events (hakushin, that actually could be a theme that can be included into a high school themed fic like this one. besides, the causes of high school students' suicide or such thoughts are complicated in nature, giving a perfect oppotunity for whatever future tech that protag had to use in here.

and thus, the application of future tech into mental problems has given the protag a shade of humanitarian side, that might form one part of his characteritics. and more importantly, since i had hakushin psychological trainings (most of which were forgotten), i kinda believe one of the major steps of either so called suicide preventions, or other type of psychological consulting, is to have empathy with the clients, and the protag would soon learn to do that using his future tech. but the same kinda techniques would also be used on the other aspects of his life, like how he would deal with his enemies, from normal human to opposition agents.


草,cuties impact这游戏的池子简直有毒,抽个eula结果出刻晴🤔当然不是说刻晴就不萌或者不好用,但我是冲着eula来的,不然我早在刻晴池子就出了🤔我感觉最近是不是有点抽卡抽魔怔了,所以米忽悠株式会社决定在耗掉我90%的原石之后,给我个刻晴冷静一下(大嘘🤔至于米忽悠株式会社到底有没有在人工干预我的抽卡进程,我估计只能等哪天俄罗斯黑客真的黑了米忽悠株式会社,然后扒下所有服务器端代码才能知道了🤔






diluc = eula theory

  1. diluc是大剑角色,eula也是大剑角色
  2. diluc普攻的最后一招是单手砸,eula也可以单手挥舞大剑
  3. diluc是所谓的t0级主c,eula目前看来也会便乘t0级主c
  4. diluc是X风骑士团的编外人员,而eula的家族曾经是X风骑士团的橄榄对象,迟早有一天eula chan也会(由于政治正确的原因)被驱逐出去便乘编外人员
  5. diluc是提瓦特世界万千少女的意淫对象(点名donna),eula也是万千meta impact玩家的意淫对象(大嘘
  6. diluc有着成熟的第二性征(大嘘),eula看起来就像有成熟的第二性征(确信
  7. "no one knows how to accompany diluc better than eula chan"

话说回来我一直以为diluc和琴酱是一对(大嘘,现在看来琴酱大概可以去和荧酱贴贴了,eula chan才是diluc的共轭伴侣🤔从meta的角度来说,我测试过所有的冰系角色,只有eula chan可以在只上一个冰系角色时,让diluc的三次e都打出melt,而且只需要两个角色交替e(确信🤔当然eula chan自己就能造成极高的物伤,而且这在1.5泄露客户端里就得到验证了🤔但我做梦都想不到的是diluc的最佳冰系搭档,居然是个五星的冰系主c,草死🤔我估计只有冰法,也就是不知什么时候会出的la signora才能和在diluc的最佳搭档方面超过eula chan🤔

果然,diluc是个不好伺候的角色,难怪我在的胡桃群里对这个角色的评价是:只有抽歪了才会去练的角色🤔不过,在这游戏已经无限期从diluc impact便乘keqing impact的当下,我现在已经懒得管meta不meta了,没有eula chan我的diluc基本上别想meta了,更别说万年41/141🤔当然现在我也许玩刻晴玩得好,但等它下次再出个像X相交响曲这样的阴间活动(其实上个活动也挺阴间的,我宁肯玩114514次躲猫猫也不想进domain),我估计还是会去问候一遍米忽悠株式会社全体员工的妈🤔


当然玩meta impact还是避免不了meta的,甚至在我玩刻晴的时候也避免不了🤔其实刻晴很容易就能达到其他c达不到的80/154双暴数据,此时攻击只有不到1500,但e伤害已经到了6000多🤔而且meta impact这游戏最容易强行提升的数值还真是攻击,吃个鸡块都能上320还是340来着🤔更别说六星真神可以一次性加个850啥的🤔我算了一下装备三星武器和某个白值最高的四星武器后刻晴的攻击居然只差150,所以不用非得带个什么四星商店兑换武器啥的🤔当然那个武器在橄榄三个敌人后(打鸟也算橄榄敌人)可以加一堆攻击,但还是那句话,我当时兑换错了🤔总结下来刻晴尽管没有meltdiluc或者更多人练的vapediluc那么猛,但反正比fischl chan猛多了🤔fischl chan大概得c6才能玩起来爽🤔




总结下,meltdiluc不是很需要一个五星冰,除了甘雨外的五星冰作为冰来源都烂的批爆,eula chan是打核爆物伤的,77大概是个只有开挂才能变成cryopunk2077的萌妹,最强的冰源居然是开局送的kaeya🤔另外一方面我的diluc也是垃圾得不行,我头一次看见在重云/diluc组合里只打出了1500,现在我不玩meltdiluc了,改玩刻晴北斗了🤔


突然翻出我的些旧手机把玩了下🤔xzp到现在还剩一半电,甚至连google play都能随便用,当然上面的v2节点列表早就是不知啥时候的了,但我可以从主力机上面拷一个🤔

另外一台z1 compact就没这么幸运了,怎么充电都充不了,奇怪的是对电池测试电压显示还有点电压,但它就是充不了电🤔这个问题总体来说是好解决的,因为z1c其实比xzp好换电池多了,我前后换过三四次,而且更重要的是,如果电池正常的话,z1c可是能磁吸充电的,而xzp不能,所以它们都坏掉了usb,但一个换电池后还能苟,一个就只能无限期吃灰了(确信🤔






















现在看来,一个方言浓度极高的地方还是有点好处的,不仅让外地人看起来像外国人,让外国人看起来像外国人,甚至外国人的狗现在看起来都像外国人,因为他们都不可能成为当地方言的native speaker,进而影响他们的普通话风格🤔我下次再也不黑蜀国了(确信🤔


顺便既然这是allesganging频道,如实论述事实怎么够呢,我要黑屁几句🤔american pedophile and spiritual alabamaian joe pussyden sent his pedosexual doggos to infiltrate chengdu, only to get rekt since they couldn't even speak chuanpu🤔they are hammer chengdu locals, they are american doggos🤔反正美国人毫无根据地骂人pedophile都快成他们的insulting 101了,我只是便乘了一次美国民俗而已(大嘘🤔等等,批登真的是炼铜术士,而且尽管他和12岁萝莉的性爱视频还没流出,但他和外孙女舌吻的视频可是到处都有的,我貌似没有在黑屁🤔当时我还特意去查了下,好像alabama还没出过总统,只出过一个长期重病连就职仪式都只能在古巴举行的副总统,所以批登只能算精神阿拉巴马人了🤔


关于49中门前示威的视频,好巧不巧,我当时就在现场。看到这视频觉得好笑,又笑不出声。好笑是因为,分裂势力居然动作这么快又开始有组织有预谋地煽动民情、“贼喊捉贼”。笑不出声是因为本来已经够可怜的死者和父母,还要被这样利用来黑自己的政府和国家。现在我就来为大家 #还原真相昨天是周二,也就是视频中显示的时间。学生都在上课,可49中门外已经聚集了一群年轻人,根本不知是不是学生,白天一直没有动作,还有一个女生手提行李箱,大概是刚从外地赶来还来不及check in. 天色渐渐变暗,吃完晚饭出来散步的围观群众多起来。这群人开始井然有序地一边鼓掌吸引目光,一边领取准备好的白色鲜花。然后一群人开始训练有素地高喊口号“真相、真相…”,有专人从各角度拍摄此场景。此时围观群众更多,警察、保安也高度警惕。突然这群人中有人开始挑衅警察,警察反击,然后这群人开始高喊“警察打人了”。看到这里,我真的笑了,多么熟悉的套路!制造警民冲突,这不就是这群组织在香港的一贯作法吗!果然是“训练有素”👍可惜呀,大家别忘了。这里不是香港,这里是成都!成都人示威的style完全唔系咁样😂先说手拿鲜花吧。我们成都人示威不会这么有情调好吧,别说是鲜花,假花都不会拿,我们只会拿大瓶矿泉水。因为四川人真的会往死里喊,嗓子会好废,需要大量喝水。哦对,组织者还会准备锣鼓。以四川人火辣的性格,吸引注意力怎么可能鼓掌,必须要敲锣打鼓呀,必须是把附近几十条街的住户都震出来呀!从这点就看出,组织者对四川民情可以说一无所知,很可能都是外地来的。再说口号吧。标准普通话!有没有搞错!这里是四川诶,我们喊口号都是用四川话好吧!就算必须要用普通话,也是川普,怎么可能这么标准的普通话!这点是这场假示威最失败的一点,根本就不接地气好吗😂。参考香港,示威你们都知道喊广东话,为啥到了四川不突击一下四川话呢,又不是很长的口号,就两个字而已,学起来有很难吗?哎真为你们感到惋惜👎最后说说挑衅警察吧。其实从警察一出现我就预计到会有这么一出情节。所以我一直紧盯警察附近的示威者。果然,清楚看到其中两位男青年去推搡一位女性学校负责人,然后警察上前保护该女士,根本没有碰到的镜头前一些人自动倒地,然后镜头疯狂拍摄。得了,他们想要的警察打人视频有了。这套路真的再熟悉不过了,在香港上演了几千几万次。可以看出这些组织的培训教材还是比较一致的,也不会有太多花样,一招闯遍天下。至此,这出闹剧我已经不想看了,坐朋友车离开了。然后如我所料,这些视频开始在外网疯狂传播,有人专门在评论区带节奏,然后出现“中国人权”这种tag。有人说,如果一个地区的群众容易被煽动,恰恰是因为他们善良、充满正义感。而反动势力抓住了他们的这个优点也是弱点来拨乱反正。我很欣慰昨天没有群众加入他们,也许是因为他们的表演太假,不接地气,群众无法融入,但这一次,他们利用到可怜的孩子和家长,却没有利用到成都群众的善良和正义,也是唯一值得欣慰的事

ref. 某条批乎评论,忘了哪儿的了,石锤翻车 点草阴谋论 迫真理客中惨遭meta analysis点草(上次我在批乎看到meta analysis大法还是那个出了名的反犹主义者y.x通过neil chan的背景解读跳楼2剧情的时候),114514人怀疑他是个锤子的高三学生,当然评论区里还有些更有意思的玩意,比如前成都领馆的领事夫人的某个姬友也加入了这场活动,到底是自带干粮还是拿了些钱,我暂且蒙古 草,指望颜色革命搞996可真是太草了,晋国默许996如果是在打迫真社会主义的脸的话,某国搞晋国996岂不是在打资本主义的脸,让他们自己国家的共运整起来?🤔


t o i l e t n a m s t y l e🤔


叫你不学川普 其实在更大的战场上,他们还是比较专业的,就像国军在/z/本投降前一天还在失地一样,只不过在成都翻车了🤔但无论如何,翻车就是乐子,更何况是在ground zero翻的车,哪怕再专业,现在也只能撤退了🤔

然而他们这次真的太愚蠢了,这次校门聚集基本相当于“中国北方人”直接往国安门上撞 ,而且估计他们也没有想到,即使舆情被引爆到如此地步,国民对ZF和党的信任依然秒杀对他们的信任,所以半点水花都激不起来。







:thonkeqing: 某国训练有素的舆论战攻击还是栽在了对当地方言的不了解上🤔 专业团队.jpg thonks 到底谁™在游击而谁™在被动应对🤔 就和那些跑去49中门口的不知哪儿来的垃圾玩意一样,toiletwan壬也犯了遣词造句的最低级错误,然后翻车,看来某国人的钱真™好赚(确信🤔 thonks deepthonks

顺便提一嘴,在某个被我安排爆破(鬼知道成不成功)的批乎答案里面,有壬居然妄想用宗教方式劝阻别人自杀,看得我实在是不知该生草还是该升血压🤔现在是哪一年了来着?无论是49中的这个高二学生,还是我之前提到的alex kun,他们选择自杀还不是因为缺乏社会支持,和自身的心境障碍因素?🤔不给他们恢复社会支持,解决他们面临的实际问题(当然我指的不是逼迫那个妹子接受他,而是开导他再找一个),和他的家长一块进行那个在心理咨询里面叫什么来着,group therapy,却妄图拿各种宗教诅咒已经惨死的这些人下地狱,怎么说呢,死妈神棍果然缺乏和任何人的共情能力,如果让那个垃圾玩意便乘那个高二学生或者alex二选一感受上个114514秒,我™倒想看下它会不会接着这么想🤔这么屑的新保守主义垃圾壬还有什么在批乎上黑屁的必要呢,爆破答案,请(🤔

der mihoyogang.en.21.05.13

某篇米忽悠黑屁文的的直球翻译(确信,用了google translate+人工校对,当然主要是看google translate翻译我满篇黑话的玩意准确度有多高🤔实测大概只有40%左右,除了它没法识别出我喜欢拿thonk emoji当标点符号的习惯外,它也没法识别出里面绝大多数的专有名词和黑话(也算专有名词)🤔需要在语法层面大改的只有那么两三次🤔



The reason why "der paimongang" is not used as title, is that the reason Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha was -ganged, no, almost demolished this time, really has nothing to do with Cuties Impact.

When I heard this news in a small chatroom where Cuties Impact was often discussed, my first reaction was that a furious redneck meta player thought the meta was so hard, that he traveled across the ocean to assassinate Mihoyo bosses, only to be arrested by FBI, as the link was written about Genshin Impact anyway. After looking at the news carefully, It's Honkai 3rd? Now I know what really happened, in a matter of milliseconds.

And actually this incident can be said to be funny af. It has been going on for more than a month, and reached its climax in the last few days with the hakushin apology of Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha (oouso.

ass ass in (hakushin

As early as last month, someone showed 4chan style terrorism on Tieba, forgotting that the biggest difference between Tieba and 4chan is that Tieba is totally not anonymous (oouso:

Rough translations: "I'm nothing but a piece of trash, with nothing to care and even AIDS, but you Mihoyo are different, had made more than enough money. Now I'm already in Xuhui District (a certain district in Shanghai where Mihoyo headquarters might be in), having two bottles of gasoline prepared, and two boxes of incendiary bombs made by beer bottles, and happen to have a mortgaged Wuling. I've stated here, if you Mihoyo won't delete all of bunny girl videos or speeches in all platforms including YouTube, and apologize publicly, I will light your building up in April 5th, promised. The bunny girl crap has been going for like one month, players are all ragequitting, I've been waiting for official response but I could only see them pretending death. This time is not like other times, I really can't stand these pretty characters in sexual poses. That's all I could say, the employees should be taking naps at noon, right? If I ram into your company's front door, I might be able to ram one or two of these receptionists to death, they should have had good life, but it's all over. If you don't believe, you can totally wait for April 5th, and watch these receptionists die. "

Wait, is he really saying "I had AIDS"? What kind of possessed arsehole is he? To be honest, if he really had AIDS, he shall go to Africa to get HIV-2147483647 instead. Besides, do you think Mihoyo is rich enough to rent the entire building? Your car has to fly to its floor before you can ram Mihoyo's receptionists instead of receptionists of other companies (convinced.

Of course, nothing happened on 5th (or something happened, for example, the server room of u2 caught fire and was brutally distinguished, and it started two painful weeks of u2 offline). After all, just like the Cover = Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha theory I earlily mentioned, Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha could only pretend its death at this time, and it is said that it has been pretending death for a month, how could a copypasta that couldn't get FBI's attentions even posted on 4chan end their pretending death? But I couldn't imagine that someone really bought two knives half a month later, travelled from Foshan to the headquarters of Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha to assassinate Mihoyo bosses. According to the US laws, this is called "interstate transportation of a firearm with intent to commit an offense" (convinced. Of course, because Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha was cyberbullied everyday, and some people even ran to their building to post banners, they had already called the police, or (I think it is more likely) that the fake arse assassin did not take any protective measures to buy knives online. It has already attracted the attention of a certain department that's monitoring the internet 25 hours a day, foiling this amateur assassinations. Wherever there were several extreme Honkai 3rd players who are also skilled in Hitman series, I guess Mihoyo bosses were already assassinated.

Of course, I definitely don't want them really assassinated, otherwise I would have no cuties to impact in the future (convinced🤔

The funny point is that the assassination is actually one of the few languages that Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha could understand. After this incident, Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha privatized the Honkai 3rd bunny girls youtube video, and canceled the bunny girl event on the global Honkai 3rd server in a speed of light (maybe not that speed of light, there is a saying that they wait until the global Honkai 3rd server's event to end). This move has caused extreme dissatisfaction among Western players, because this was originally their third anniversary event, and then it just disappeared (maybe there is some kinda skin or something, almost equivalent to Cuties Impact kfc wings removed from the local server due to the redneck assassin's failed assassination attempts). And regardless of whether the quality of this event is outright rubbish or not, with the rebellious (oouso) spirit of anti-communitsts, these bunch of retards flattered the low quality bunny girl event into the sky, and left 114514 racist comments on reddit, as usual. With such a bunch of retards, Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha can also feed shit into global server just like local server, or even more shit, for example, a video of more than one minute and a galgame plot of less than 10 minutes can make Western players think that it is the supreme reward of their Mihoyo daddy, ueber funny. I read 1145.14 comments, none of them mentioned the true nature of the extreme players in the local server, all their rants are either shittalking ccp or shittalking players on local server, no wonder anti-Mihoyo united front does not exist, and Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha can do whatever they want in both servers anyway. Or the local server is a little better, at least after assassination attempts, they are hakushin forced to concede and give away (at least in term of whales' per capita consumptions) irrelevant gacha items, global server players can't even realize their demands, too weak.


The time for my favorite "how to rate xxx" has come again (oouso. What the fuck is this incident caused by the epic troll Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha? What is wrong with that bunny girl video? Why does Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha make it and what did they think about making it? And of course, why can't the extreme Honkai 3rd fans tolerate this video that they have been -ganging Mihoyo for a month, even reach the point of assassination attempt? 🤔

And then we'll try to answer these questions.

First, video appreciation (oousu:

As a Meta Impact player who has never played Honkai 3rd, what is the look and feel of this video to me? In my opinion, at least its soundtrack is too tasteless, and it is not clear that it is the 720p resolution of this video after re-uploading (the original video might have 4k version, but it is now privatized), or something else, caused me to feel that its production level is not very good. Is this thing fucking outsourced? I remember that Honkai 3rd did have several videos showing off their magic modification technology on Unity engine, which was made by Mihoyo themselves. In short, the quality of this third anniversary event of the global server is really low.

But this video or the related event of the global server itself is not a big problem. If there was, it would be the problem of out-of-character. After all, based on my vulgar understanding of the plot of Honkai 3rd, if these Valkyries was placed in the hakushin medieval world of Cuties Impact, they could fight back and forth with behind the scene villain Sustainer of Heavenly Principles. How can they gamble so bad until their ship got mortgaged? I knew they wanna write some exclusive plots to favor their Western market. Why can they only come up with this kind of trash plot of gambling? Are they satirizing that Americans only favor this? The United States is indeed relatively vulgar per capita, but it is also a nation of hundreds of years old (convinced. Excavating the history of the United States can still produce some in-depth exclusive plots. Besides, even if they used this excuse to bring bunny fanservices, this kind of plot is extremely low quality even in fanfics, not to mention this is an official work. So I said this is a very low quality event plot. If that's what global server players enjoy, they can probably go -gang Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha to death.

However, this retarded event that might allows us to watch jokes of global server players for free, caused an uproar after it reached the local server. So I suppose the biggest problem with this video must be related to the domestic and international environment, or the so-called Zeitgeist. And no matter it was intentional or unintentional, it ignited a series of gunpowder, from the long lasting operation problems of Honkai 3rd, to the so-called Zeitgeist, almost at the heat of cyber-WW1. Even Lexburner couldn't ignite that much of gunpowder like Mihoyo do.


First of all, even though they are both the japanese anime style cutie games made by the same Kabushikigaisha, Honkai 3rd and Cuties Impact are two completely different games. By difference I mostly mean that their player groups are significant different. Although there are exceptions, most of the Cuties Impact players I have known, even a quasi-whale guy who had all characters except Hutao chan, are all meta players. I could only have hypercarry characters except Ganyu like him until 1.4 patch. And the reason why he didn't pull Hutao chan and half retired is that he couldn't meta anymore. (I remember that Hutao chan needs a certain exclusive weapon to make it fun to play. Besides, he already had a lot of Pyro hypercarries, And we all know that the meta difficulty of Pyro hypercarries is pretty high, right?

And Honkai 3rd is a game that is difficult to describe. If someone spent tens of thousands of money in it, the reason is not meta, although this game is said to be less friendly than Meta Impact in terms of meta. The real reason is that they really thonk these anime cuties are their wife. In other words, just like I invented the term "cutie game" to describe a series of games that even other aspacts of them are shitty, people would still buy them for anime cuties, there is also a term to summarize Honkai 3rd: "incel game". There is only one possibility that these players spent tens of thousands of money in Honkai 3rd that is even worse than Cuties Impact, that is, they are the lowest level of all kinda incel, simp incel. Only if reddit comments ever mentioned the word "incel", I won't really despise their cognitive level anymore.

I won't repeat the cause of incels anymore, you can go find 114514 academic papers on 4chan (oouso. Anyway, as a result, since simp incel can personally give 3d bitches the power to exploit them to death via intimate relationship, so for Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha which is more greedy than an individual 3d bitch, they also personally gave Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha the power to exploit them to the point that they have nothing left, via intimate relationship. Even the intimate relationship used here to exploit them is virtual, or hakushin, only existed in their own minds.

So, as a hakushin MGTOW, although I often write "k-kawaii [insert cutie name here] chan ist mein waifu! " on my discord nickname, I don't think that I have established any intimate relationship with these anime cuties, just like my attitude in real life. To put it harsher, these anime cuties are just my cyber fuckmates. Obviously, I certainly know that there are greedy capitalists behind these anime cuties, I mean there are already enough exploiters in this shitty world, why more yoke on yourself? And in the name of one of the most basic needs of human beings, the need for intimate relationship? So the first thing I do after seeing anime cuties or 3d cuties, is to find their nude photos or hentai pics, because this is a key step in deconstructing the myth of intimate relationship, especially for anime cuties, hentai pics are basically completely free, and even if it doesn't exist, I could always learn to paint and then draw one by myself, it's totally not a big deal. Anime cuties should become the road to the hakushin communism without exploitation, at least without intimate relationship exploitation. (At least because of the existence of private trackers like u2, anime communism is already a fact for me), but in Honkai 3rd, anime cuties were rearmed as the tools for capitalists to exploit simps, which is really sad.

But could these incels be satisfied with their desire for intimate relationship in real life? If Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha only exploited them for hundreds of thousands of money, the real life would explote them for millions of money. And this is not even enough, 3d reversed nationalist bitches also like to suck foreign dicks for free, fighting hard to bacome HIV-2147483647 carriers, otherwise why do you think incel would rather waste money in Honkai 3rd than in 3d bitches. And I personally think that Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha's biggest mistake in this incident is that, whatever shitty event they made in global server, can be easily interpreted in a ridiculous way as these anime cuties in Honkai 3rd did the exactly same thing as 3d bitches, they would rather waer bunny costume and dance to amuse foreigners abroad, I mean that amateur MMD video that doesn't even know where and how to put the camera, than willing to show closeness in the local server. Of course, you can also say that this is a meta plot, because when these cuties dance in the plot, the audiences are only characters in the game. But in any case, even if Mihoyo's original intention of doing this was just to make some customized content for its western market, no matter how outsiders interpret it, there is nothing they can do right now. So what is Zeitgeist (tactical backward🤔

But then again, Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha has portrayed the Valkyrie into manipulative character like these 3d bitches, in the local server. If the incel players of Honkai 3rd can actually become addicted to this kinda stuff, then I can only say that they are really too low, and Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha is really too shameless. Of course, I guess these Valkyries in the global server are the same, but in fact, based on my understanding of Cuties Impact or Honkai 3rd communities of the Western world, they didn't play these games in simp incel ways. Even metagaming is not very welcomed, and there are not much of metagamers like in here (this is probably the reason why few people voted for my meta fanfic🤔

Generally speaking, I have a very good impression of the Western Cuties Impact community. Unlike Perusona community, nothing but a group of pedo-police possessed arseholes and anti-social serial murderer cultists🤔

Therefore, in a ridiculous way, Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha dragged its core incel players into the real life ugliness. Their smart extinguishing operation not only caused incel to suffer from 3d bitches PTSD yet again, and also cut off the last hope of reconciliation between local server players and global server players. Originally, people play anime cutie games just to escape reality, but the operation of Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha forced them into the very frontline of Zeitgeist called Sino-US confrontation (convinced🤔

At this point, I'm really taking it. I can't take it anymore. Cover = Mihoyo theory added yet another very powerful argument. Ironically, as a Kabushikigaisha who literally cut tides with Cover Kabushikigaisha when it's fucked, it rushed to the forefront of the forefront of Sino-US confrontation in almost the same ridiculous way. It is not even like the Cover Kabushikigaisha with a group of Class A war criminals who are eager for the Sino-US nuclear war🤔

It means that Cover Kabushikigaisha stands on the forefront of Sino-US confrontation with its own strength, and Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha only need to lie down to reach the forefront of Sino-US confrontation.

But in any case, the players in the local and global servers of Honkai 3rd are now fighting, and both sides think that the opposite is better, but they don't know they actually had a common enemy. They are greedy and use their need for intimate relationship to exploit them (of course, I don't think Western players will think that Mihoyo is exploiting them, because they will not seek intimate relationship in it anyway. Besides, they don't even participate in the PvP rankings). But even more unfortunately (oouso), by using the racism cards on both sides to divide the players, this time Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha can no longer wipe its ass after stirring up the shit without any cost. It has to choose a side. After all, it is really rushing this time. When it comes to the front line of the front line, which even CIA dare not. And even if it wants to ride the fence, I think the global players of Honkai 3rd will have to -gang it to death, even with the price of 2147483647 racist comments left on reddit.

Is Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha, like its conjugate Kabushikigaisha Cover, forgot what type of products they provide to their consumers? Their products, whether it's incel game that only simp incel would spend thousands of money in, or the virtual female streamers that only simp incel would spend thousands of money in superchats, is to allow people to get a temporary escape from the fight of the real life, or to get a temporary escape from Zeitgeist. And they seem to have forgotten this completely, trying to keep introducing Zeitgeist into the anime cutie world, so Iiyo! Koiyo! Since you likes Zeitgeist so much, what about becoming Zeigeist's cannon fodder? I don't know what to do with Cover Kabushikigaisha, but if Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha got rekt from both Jin and United States at the same time, wouldn't it be more enjoyable than its bosses being dismembered? After all, the anime communism could only happen when anime capitalism are all dead (oouso🤔


references (oouso

I have seen a lot of analysis of this incident on PihuZhihu, so I list them and might refer to them. Of course, it may also become the source of inspiration for my own writings (hakushin

additional notes: all of the links below are not translated, and I won't translate them either, so go translate yourselves🤔 tells how this incident was delayed from level 2 to level 2147483647 like the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. Mihoyo = Fukushima nuclear power plant theory, hakushin argumentations, douzo🤔 an answer attempting to analyze the early forms and transformations of Honkai 3rd. However, there is a real early player in the comment sections, who has been a whale playing ever since Honkai 3rd was launched bunny girl popularization (convinced the answer about Mihoyo's entire life cycle shitty_global_server_event.mp4 3d bitches PTSD, this answer directly proves my previous judgment chain reactions (oouso give the absolutely rational boi 2147483647 likes, but I don’t think this will work anyway. Wherever Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha had any kinda humanism tastes outta their so-called graphics technologies (it really doesn't count anything when compare to the similarly notorious big publisher like EA), it will not produce such garbage event plots. The reason why players worldwide won't have to vote with their feet yet, is nothing but the absence of these big publishers. Are either Tencent or Ubisoft making anime cutie games right now? 🤔 thonks character_settings.jpg Zeitgeist, Zeitgeist:paimonthonk: comment section filled with strange bois, probably a new perspective (convinced🤔serious answer: antiestablishment (oouso) keyboard politician bois

I am gonna look for some hakushin references randomly:

It is echoed back and forth with one of my previous views (convinced. OK, the keyboard politics time is over, start anime instead (hakushin) mentioned Mihoyo's incel customers Zeitgeist part2 (convinced I suddenly remembered something that I often talked about last year, the postmodernism style deconstruction🤔Of course, I was temporarily blinded to Toiletnam mansion (oouso) of whether Li Zhiqiang has fucked these underaged pussy or not, about what did the making of toilet chan's parody videos deconstruct, but the high-intensity stigmatization of Honkai 3rd's cuties can indeed deconstruct the core selling point of the game in the greatest sense. It would be much more efficient than ranting about the meta problem of this game (convienced🤔

拉鸡⑧倒吧,原文的那段“XXX到底XXX,我暂且蒙在XXX的XXX里”就是esu特色的狗屁不通的句子,为什么我要翻译它 Zeitgeist part3, where Mihoyo accidentally rided the Zeitgeist, which caused the core value of their incel game to be completely deconstructed, so ironic🤔Or would this be counted as Mihoyo deconstructing themselves? 🤔 Mihoyo forgot about its market position thonks Zeitgeist part4, what the fuck am I doing:bruhsette: the true nature of anime world no one knows anime business worse than Mihoyo (convinced Zeitgeist part114514 Even with the bunny girl element, there are 2147483647 better ways to go

终于,google translate靠谱了一会(确信 wiebitte? Cover = Mihoyo theory the practice of enemy state internet theory? deepthonks 3d bitches PTSD part2 the views refuting NTR Honkai 3rd red fanfic? Kind of interesting🤔 Z-Z-Zeitgeist? Mihoyo_knows_a_hammer_about_American_culture.png

google translate的生草直译"meters Flickering to understand the American culture of a hammer.png",看来哪怕我上了元老院与蜀汉人民的传统艺能,在生草方面也不及google translate的2147483647分之一 Zeitgeist replay incel analysis? Honkai 2 history added another argument to Cover = Mihoyo theory, Cover uses anime virtual idol to let the audience project the need for intimate relationship onto the skin-changing female streamers, and Mihoyo also wants to create anime virtual idols🤔 Mihoyo = Nixon theory (hakushin the true nature of anime world part2 inside story of Mihoyo, real or fake unknown. One of them is that the employees of them had to play their own games but don’t have time to do it, so they found the author to help play for them, funny af. incel p a y f o r l o v e (hakushin thonks


这玩意翻译得我快要吐了,外加后半段是在公交车上完成的,生理不适感又加了一重🤔总体来说极其的词不达意,但这次我决定完全甩锅google translate,毕竟我自己从头开始估计也会有点词不达意🤔出于某种申必原因,可能是因为我学艺不精,我发现allesganging栏目里面常见的戾气,翻译成英文之后居然没了,所以我觉得翻译是失败的,暂且仅图一乐吧🤔

当然我做这件事除了实在是闲的蛋疼外,我还想搞点思想实验,比如林纾式翻译到底可不可行,当年他能在完全不懂英文的情况下完成英文翻译,仅仅做了下我们现在被称为润色的事情🤔我这玩意也是对着google translate结果直接改的,假装我没看过原文,也不懂原文是什么意思,至少在公交上我没机会上双语对照(确信🤔
