


不过话说回来如果我真的是蒙德城的居民的话,搞不好能打疫苗的也只有琴酱了🤔amber和eula chan在外面四处橄榄qq壬,kaeya在指挥着完全不存在的🐴,diluc压根就不住在蒙德城,他在酒庄里“自我隔离”,barbara和rosaria在教堂里面不知道在干什么🤔noelle chan也许会帮忙,但琴酱处于显而易见的原因,不想让noelle chan参与任何骑士团事务,那么最后只能由琴酱自己出来打疫苗了(悲🤔



parsec test


在楼下华莱士测得延时8ms,屌的批爆,这可以说是神之p2p了(确信🤔我寻思如果那个华莱士像那个X海的麦X劳一样是在超市里面而非小区外面的话,也许我就可以天天在里面串流cuties impact了罢(确信🤔







所以,我从某个箱子里面翻出我不知多少年没用过的gtx titan,插上去之后接上所有电源线,开机🤔效果还行,至少能点亮并输出图形,它上面甚至还有一个去年搞的clover,可以直接启动nvme🤔






impact cuties

当然,我也闲的蛋疼测试了下rdp能不能用来跑cuties impact🤔结果发现它居然真的能跑cuties impact,不仅没有任何dx问题,甚至能够接受键盘和鼠标输入,勉强玩起来🤔就是rdp打游戏实在是卡的批爆,1080p也只有30fps,更蛋疼的是窗口模式下鼠标基本上失效了,全屏模式下游戏分辨率只能调成窗口的分辨率(也就是4k🤔















既然如此,那么我只能去试试邪道玩法了,比如将胡桃酱当元素精通刻晴用(悲🤔和宵宫类似,胡桃酱的e可以高频率上火(确信🤔这样理论上来说4tf元素精通胡桃酱和fischl chan一起玩的时候可以一直上火🤔


那么还可以考虑把胡桃酱当作宵宫用🤔宵宫的meta从某种程度上来说用到了多重普攻伤害加成,比如丐版宵宫至少有shimenawa四件套消耗15能量获得的50%普攻加成,和r5弹弓的60%普攻加成(或者r5rust的80%普攻加成🤔所以宵宫只有三款武器能够完美符合其meta体系:弹弓、rust和专武🤔另外一方面,和rust相比弹弓尽管补上了一大坨crit rate,使得ar35宵宫都能搞出几乎完美的50/100数据,但代价就是攻击实在是太低,需要另外一个火或者bennett加攻🤔




所以我最后组了一个坑爹好感队(迫真),胡行thoma和fischl chan🤔可见我对我那40级胡桃酱的纯元素输出是不做任何期望了,就等着打超载了🤔外加4tf对fischl chan没啥卵用,我直接用元素精通乐章沙漏撸一个比我某个早柚酱小号里lisa的元素精通还要过分的元素精通出来,最后五六百都有可能(确信🤔


我看了一圈keqingmains,他们测试了下各种武器的性能,生草的是deathmatch的伤害期望居然和dragon's bane几乎一毛一样,wiebitte?🤔那个号dragon's bane我都有两把了🤔

但我觉得这个期望说明不了任何问题,如果不用一把crit rate武器的话,除非圣遗物足够好,胡桃酱绝大多数时候都打不出crit,而我对dps角色是有点要求的,实际crit rate必须超过50%🤔所以,我可以暂时不当一回事(确信🤔




我目测又双叒叕想腾一波截图了,cuties impact这游戏的截图真tm多(悲🤔这个版本不清楚为啥肝的批爆,我已经连续三个周末肝到第二天三四点了(悲🤔为啥它每一个活动都需要将关卡彻底玩到最新进度才能搞,我觉得通关2.1屎一样的主线就够了,某个活动居然还需要我接着肝到鹤观?wiebitte?🤔








  • 肉丝 15.52/2

  • 韭黄 4.4

  • 生姜、蒜、油和砂糖等调料 基本上可以忽略不计(确信









另外一方面我逐渐克服了炒菜恐惧症,开始炒各种玩意吃了🤔比如做法最简单、甚至写在了咖喱块包装上的咖喱鸡🤔当然我还是喜欢搞点迫真创新,比如炒鸡肉的时候撒下去一勺子砂糖🤔大草,我impact cuties最喜欢砂糖酱,做饭也最喜欢放砂糖🤔








  • 土豆 0.65

  • 胡萝卜 1.34

  • 鸡腿 7.68

  • 洋葱 2.13/2

  • 油、淀粉、生抽和砂糖~酱~ 基本上可以忽略不计(确信

  • 咖喱块 6(取决于在哪儿买了,超市里面是12,放半块,如果网购的话肯定会便宜很多,比如35.8可以买一公斤,那么50g的话算下来才不到两块钱











我现在基本上知道荧酱的本质是什么了,荧酱可不是一般的短发萌妹,从meta剧情的角度讲,荧酱其实是cuties impact玩家意志的化身,尽管就没几个人用荧酱meta🤔


至于有可能perusona世界的规则不适用于genshin impact世界,这倒是没什么太大的问题,刚好genshin frontier的基本设定之一(迫真)便是献祭一个邪眼可以实现任何看起来极其离谱的愿望,包括让另外一个游戏世界(比如perusona世界)的规则在提瓦特生效🤔

既然如此,我觉得genshin frontier第二季的最后几节我知道怎么写了(确信🤔而既然我都做梦到梦见这个剧情了,有什么理由我不去写出来呢?🤔

hutao chan






这几天发现koikatu的新版本,koitatu sunshine也出了整合包,所以下下来玩了🤔感觉还行,解决了上个版本的很多缺点,比如加载大地图之前要卡半分钟,期间没法和任何人互动🤔当然同地图人太多仍然会卡出⑩就是了(悲🤔

而且这个整合包也加进去了一些新的cuties impact角色,比如雷电和早柚酱🤔更有意思的是,我将其中一些萌妹改成眼镜萌妹的时候,基本上没有任何问题,除了eula chan🤔尤其是里面那个lisa的模型,戴眼镜之后更加色气了🤔lisa要是戴眼镜的话搞不好直接跻身t1级萌妹的前几名,三幻神直接便乘四幻神(确信🤔


我最后知道它那个eula chan怎么戴眼镜了,把眼镜的parent object设成“脸中央”就完事了,然后稍微调节下坐标就能搞定🤔



-> [] errorCode=8 Invalid range header. Request: 985661440-1016070143/3888677743, Response: 0-3888677742/3888677743



我对此的猜测是cloudflare故意干扰了Range这个http header的实现,比如就像上述的aria2c报错提示那样,它的某个线程需要文件里的某段,但cloudflare居然无视这个Range请求,返回了整个文件🤔这样,基本上可以认为走cloudflare代理下载的文件和搜书盘一样,多线程名存实亡了(悲🤔当然,搜书盘靠一个php向浏览器或者别的http客户端不停喂文件内容,那就更别想用Range了(🤔




另外纯静态blog现在理论上来说可以用搜书盘实现了🤔比如它可以用aes加密文章内容,然后将解密的js函数和加密后的玩意扔进一个html文件里面,然后将这个html扔进搜书盘(当然你要是能用rsa也可以🤔但解密用的密钥可以放进cloudflare worker的脚本里面🤔当用户每次访问这个纯静态blog时,cloudflare worker脚本只需要像我们之前撸的搜书盘脚本一样获取这个文件,然后对里面的内容做一次替换,将html里的某个占位符替换成解密用的密钥,再返回即可(确信🤔



我大致了解了下,目前流行的静态blog系统是种怎样的玩意🤔具体来说,它们的思路是将源文件以md的形式本地存储,然后用某种渲染工具将其渲染成html,套上某种主题模板(相当于wp主题里的相关词条),然后用git的方式将这一系列渲染好的html文件上传到github pages里,然后在那儿绑域名,完成展示🤔当然,也有更加高级的版本,利用github本身来存放源文件,然后用github action来完成渲染并上传的任务,它可以被设置成存放源文件的repo完成一次提交(修改或者新增一次源文件),就开始渲染一次,这样,它的使用体验就和wp这种动态blog没啥区别了,毕竟github可以在线使用,而且好像也有集成md编辑器(确信🤔





我对上次写的用来搞搜书盘的cloudflare worker脚本做了一些改进:

  • 和之前将文件url解析出来之后直接return那个url的请求不同,这次我用了一个response变量接受了它返回的结果🤔

  • 然后我再对它执行了一次await,提取出了它的text部分🤔具体来说text()这个函数返回的是一个promise,所以前面需要await一次🤔

  • 然后对这个text(现在也许已经是string对象了罢)进行替换,比如将某个占位符替换成密钥啥的🤔当然,如果这个静态blog上面的文章刚好是用来介绍这种技术的,而且出现了示例代码,那么它会不会把示例代码里的占位符也给替换了?🤔面对这种meta情形,恐怕只能整个其他占位符了🤔或者,可以把占位符设置成某个文件的sha512值,只要这个文件不是那种全网都有的玩意,它就没什么可能会出现在文章的任何位置🤔算了吧我上文都在放屁,文章本身在html文件里面的存在形式是aes加密后的密文,怎么可能会出现和占位符一毛一样的字符串(确信🤔

  • 接下来用这个替换之后的text变量和上一个response构造一个新的response对象,如果我没记错的话应该是response2 = new Response(text, response),非常简单🤔

  • 对这个新的response做些header处理,比如删掉content-disposition头(不然它肯定会作为附件来强行下载,而非作为html被浏览器解析),删掉它如果有的content-type头,加一个代表html的content-type头,然后return🤔


但这样的话,不禁让人产生另外一个疑问:如果我在cloudflare worker脚本里面写解密过程呢?🤔也是可以的,而且这样我还可以免得学js了(因为css就可以做到将几百篇文章塞进一个html里面🤔只不过文件一大的话,恐怕它运行会超时,还不如让用户的浏览器来做这事🤔





上批乎围观: thonks md2猴子说(确信 md2高华说(越来越离谱了 md2袁腾飞说 md2轮子哥说 w-wiebitte?

genshin frontier.21.10.28

Genshin Frontier Act I: First Attack

Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha and Cuntstantin Films AG proudly (oouso) presents

"Attention all passengers, this vessel will Defold into…"

"Wait… Fold! " Yukari FEGELEIN woke up from her dreams, "I was Folded into here! But why did everyone here can Fold except me? Of course, it’s not like I’ll need Fold ability anyway. "

Definitely, becaused Yukari chan can just fly whenever she can, and this world called Teyvat, is a pretty small one; only ten minutes of flight would meet the invisible wall that stops her from advancing. But currently, Yukari chan just sat on the beach between Strombearer Point and Starsnatch Cliff, enjoying the sunlight probably.

While a certain teleport waypoint not far from her suddenly reacted,

"Who’s there? " Yukari chan transformed her weapon into a sniper rifle and started charging towards the teleport waypoint. A long haired girl with red costume Defolded from it, and a green "friendly" marker showed up on her from Yukari chan’s AR display of her glasses.

"Outrider Amber! Fucking surprised me, almost thought Hilichurls somehow learned how to Fold too. Why are you here outta all places? "

"Didn’t expect to see you here too, Yukari chan. I thought you must be staying with Jean and others for critical missions. "

"Not today, though. They didn’t have missions today, so I had a day off. Why didn’t they bring you into critical missions? "

"You know why, Yukari chan. " Amber looked pretty embarrassed. Yukari chan found the record on her implanted computer. In the last time of the Knights of Favonius’s long range expedition mission, Amber sucked so much that the entire team got rekt and had to retreat, or we say Fold into the headquarters, calling the mission an epic failure. Since then literally no one would ever consider bringing Amber with them, in any mission. "Now only Aether would like to play with me… "

"Who is this Aether guy? I only knew him not belonging to this world too, can use elemental skills without a Vision… "

"And what about you? You can also use elemental skills, right? "

"It’s not precisely elemental skills, anyway. It just looks like I inflicted Pyro status on the enemies, but in fact, that’s the advanced technology you guys might not understand. " Yukari chan detected some Hilichurls somewhere 150 meters away from them, "Found some neat enemies. Wanna fight them off? I might be able to improve your combat readiness, just like how I did to other Knights members, but I need to watch you fight too. My combat analysis system can only be used in combat, you know. "

"Alright, let’s go! " the duo reached the place detected for Hilichurls, and found three level 91 Hilichurls with one… "Fucking Ruin Hunter? Wait, you only said Hilichurls, right? "

"What, you’re afraid of that machine? Don’t worry, I’ll cover you. " Amber started to throw out her Baron Bunny and aim at the enemies, but her Pyro damage is too little, in Yukari chan’s real time analysis. Yukari chan started analyzing, "Well, Amber’s combat stat… level seems to be fine, weapon seems to be Favonius Warbow and it should… be fine, but wait, what Artifacts are she wearing… hmmm… "

Yukari chan found out where the problem is, Amber’s Artifacts are not right for a Pyro character like her, "Four sets of Brave Heart, un-upgraded… No wonder she can’t output much damage. Amber! Try This! " Yukari chan threw out four Wanderer’s Troupe Artifacts with HP/ATK/ATK/Pyro DMG and a random Critical Rate "hat" into Amber, "Equip them and it should let you show your true strength! "

"Wait, shouldn’t Artifacts only be able to change outta combats? "

"Who the fuck says that? You can do it in battle, just try it! " After dodging an enemy, Amber opened the Artifact slots on her arm, pulled all her old Artifacts out and inserted the new set of Artifacts Yukari chan gave her into it and performed a charged shot onto the dodged enemy. After receiving a 15000 critical damage, the poor Hilichurl just disappeared.

"Yes, it works! Of course not as powerful as Diluc that I also instructed, but now, you restored your real power! At least for a bit. Now, a fucking Ruin Hunter remaining. " Yukari chan rushed to the cliff of a mountain, and jumped from it, "Takeoff! "

Yukari chan spreaded the wings of her variable armor and started flying, and while Ruin Hunter detected a flying object in midair, it turned into Bombardment Mode and exposed its weakness. "Not gonna happen! " Amber aimed at its weakness and shot it down with an aimed shot.

"Good, looks like I don’t need to do that in midair. Imada! Finish it off! "

Amber used her Elemental Burst to summon a lotta fiery arrows at the downed Ruin Hunter, and Yukari chan felt her elemental energy also went full, due to the elemental resonance between Pyro characters. "Happenly my Elemental Burst was also ready… Fire it off! "

Throwing out her guns, Yukari chan opened all of the missile pods on her Armor, targeted all over the Ruin Hunter, and fired them at once. High Explosive missiles hit the Ruin Hunter one after another, making it disappear in a giant arse explosion.

"Wow, I never saw Yukari chan fight! I knew you’re the Knights’ famous instructor, but never know that your combat ability is also supreme! " Amber lauded while Yukari chan landed vertically, "But where did you get these powerful Artifacts? "

"If you stay in this shithole for half a year, you will one way or another get a lotta Artifacts. It’s just… most of them have shit stats, only like one in 100 has usable stats. Let’s just say… the World Creator is a lame arse fucking cunt. "

Yukari chan and Amber walked while they reached another cliff. There are some Hilichurls lying below, with a Cryo Abyss Mage. Amber suddenly smashed her Baron Bunny to them, shouting "I will have order! ", while the Baron Bunny exploded on impact, blastin’ them off, leaving them to burn in pain.

"Wow, is that the famous line of Zhongli, the retired Geo Archon? "

"How do you know he’s the retired Geo Archon? "

"I guess everyone in Teyvat knows that, right? Only Zhongli himself didn’t know that his little fake death trick actually won’t work, and everyone just pretends to eat his shit due to respect. Besides, in the initial Iterations his combat ability was hugely nerfed, that even I didn’t know how to equip him properly. Is that some kinda punishment for his retirement or what? Only in the third Iteration Zhongli’s stats are finally ‘corrected’ and I managed to find out a set of Artifacts for him. Now, he’s the core teammate of Liyue's long range expedition team. "

"I see… Sometimes I really feel that the World Creator was too harsh on him. Why not let him retire anyway? He’s serving long enough, and should let people in Liyue take over instead. And you actually instructed Zhongli as well? "

"Yes, just like Mondstadt, Liyue authorities also hired me to instruct them on combat. After his retirement as Archon, Zhongli was also occasionally seen on Liyue’s expedition missions, because of his shield abilities. For some reasons Liyue prefers Geo characters a lot. Even Noelle and Albedo are currently training with them. "

As they were talking about Zhongli, Yukari chan and Amber heard someone singing a song…

Aimo aimo
Ne-deru ru-she
Noina miria
Enderu purodea
Koko wa attaka na umi da yo

"Is that… Barbara chan? The famous Mondstadt songstress? "

"Barbara chan! " Amber gilded there and met Barabara in the giant Status of the Seven. Suddenly multiple Fold signatures appeared, while a bunch of unknown monsters Defolded into there.

"What? " Yukari chan started flying from the cliff, and switched her guns into Intelligent mode and shot at them. "Why didn’t it deal much damage? Wait, Pyro resistance 95%? SHIT! We got troubles here! Call the headquarters! "

"Alright! " Amber took out her flare gun from the pocket, and fired a red flare into the sky. The monsters started to counterattack and caused damage on Yukari chan.

"Oh no! I’ll heal you! " Barbara used her Elemental Skill and perform Hydro attack on the monsters. Yukari chan noticed that the monsters didn’t have much Hydro resistance, and she came out with a new battle plan. "Here, Barbara chan! Replace your artifacts with these! " she threw out four Wanderer’s Troupe Artifacts with HP/ATK/ATK/Hydro DMG and one other Artifact with Critical Rate.

"Why are you giving me Artifacts with no HP bonus, Yukari chan? " Barbara asked in doubt.

"Because… Now we need you to fight them off! Pyro won’t work on them, but Hydro might work a bit! "

"Alright! " Barbara opened her Artifact slot and replaced them with Wanderer’s Troupes. "Wow, I didn’t know you have so much Wanderer’s Troupe Artifacts. And what would we do right now? "

"Keep shooting! Barbara chan’s Hydro attack required Pyro status on the enemies to trigger Melt elemental reactions that will double the damage plus Elemental Mastery. Wait… " Yukari chan replaced her Artifacts into four Instructors, and switched her missiles into Incendiary ones, "Now time for.. Maximum Pyro Strength! "

After Barbara caused all monsters to get Wet, Yukari chan shot all her missiles into them, triggered the effect of the Instructor four-set and increased everyone’s Elemental Mastery by 120, and caused them to have long lasting Pyro on them. Yukari chan can see Barbara’s Elemental Mastery reached almost 300. Barbara hit them with all her might, and dealt a lotta damage.

"Impressive, but still not enough. Where the actual fuck is our reinforcements? "

"It’s a giant arse Statue of the Seven right? Isn’t it a valid Fold point? "

"Wait, I knew why. It’s jammed, for some reasons. Guess I’ll have to find a place away from here, and set up an artificial teleport waypoint so they can Fold into there. Amber, you know what to do. Instructor set! " Yukari chan threw her Instructor set to Amebr.

"I know! Provide Barbara chan with Pyro and Elemental Mastery right? You go ahead, and be quick! "

"Takeoff! " Yukari chan jumped from the statue and started flying, distracting some of these monsters. After flying outta the battlefield for like 200 meters, Yukari chan felt that it’s suitable to set up an artificial teleport waypoint without jamming, and did that. Seconds later, it reacted and Jean and Diona Defolded from there.

"Sorry we’re late, we might know the place where the distress call is, it’s right under a Statue but we can’t Fold into there, no matter how hard we try. "

"Doesn’t matter, it’s jammed anyway. So where the hell is Venti? "

"He’s probably drunk as hell in Diluc’s tavern. "

"Fuck! Whatever, you’re an Anemo character too, Jean chan. Equip these Viridescent Venerers, we need to decrease these monster’s 95% Pyro resistance by 40%, it’s still not much but at least I can deal some damage. And Diona, you need to equip Instructor four-set, these one are currently on Amber. "

"Amber? Is she capable of fighting any serious enemy? "

"She’s not weak right now. After my instructions. No time to explain, we need to arrive there asap. "

Yukari chan, Jean and Diona reached the battle scene, where Barbara and Amber are still fighting these unknown monsters. "Here comes the cavalry! Now we’ll take over from here, it’s Cryo and Pyro elemental reaction now, Barbara chan, have some rest. You know what to do, everyone? Time to finish them all! "

Yukari chan switched her guns into Intelligent mode with Incendiary bullets, and shot until every one of the enemies has been inflicted with Pyro. Jean used her Elemental Burst to all of them and Yukari chan can see their Pyro resistance decreased, "Of course, if it was Sucrose chan it would be much better, but probably she might be with Albedo right now. " Diona threw out her Signature Mix, causing an elemental reaction and everyone increased Elemental Mastery by 120. "Imada! " Yukari chan opened all her missile pods and fired all her High Explosive missiles onto the Cyro inflicted enemies, finishing them all off.

"Congrats everyone, the battle concluded. Now let’s Fold back to the headquarters. And for you, Yukari chan, since you can’t Fold for some reasons, you might need to fly back. We need everyone to gather, and yes, everyone in the Knights. Our next long range expedition will start pretty soon, and this time it’s bigger than any one of our previous expeditions. "

After everyone Folded outta there, Yukari chan started to fly back to the Knights of Favonius headquarters.

plays Frontier 2059 but every note was replaced with Paimon’s annoying moans

"Teyvat. A strange world. Everything in here seems to be confined to the hakushin medieval looks. But, these elements, Visions, Gnosises, these Artifacts, the ability to synthesize any wired thing via Alchemy, and definitely the ability to Fold to every teleport waypoint in real time, they’re all definitely state of the art technologies. Compared to them, my gears are nothing but a modern technology product that will be broken at any time. "

"What AM I? Why and How do I end up here? Where am I from, exactly? What is the nature of this place? The more I interact with and help these natives, the more I can get to know these answers. Now the Knights of Favonius is planning for their next long range expedition, and this time it’s so big that even Liyue parties will also be thrown in. "

At the Knights of Favonius headquarters, Jean showed a graph of battle plans: "The place we’re going this time is filled with whatever now called ‘Fold Faults’, just like what we encountered today, that will not allow us to Fold into. Albedo? "

"Yes, Master Jean. Our research team developed a gadget called ‘Fold Fault Detector’, and using this, our kawaii Yukari chan can go there with her flying equipment, detect an area without Fold Fault, and set up an artificial teleport waypoint there, so we can all Fold in. "

"And then we will advance in teams. The first one to advance would be me, Sucrose and Diona, to provide support for Yukari chan. The others will follow, and someone will need to bring that giant arse Guizhong Cannon that the Liyue Advanced Alchemy Agency recently authorized us to manufacture in. "

"Why not let everyone all Fold into the waypoint at once? "

"You know Fold channel has capacity limits, right? And we got support from Liyue Quxing, they said they can dispatch some of their elite combatants to support us, but they also said they might be late. So we still had to prepare to do this with our people only. "

"Alright everyone, the battle plan is set. Now we’ll wait for Yukari chan to fly back, and we will dispatch right away. "

Genshin Frontier Act II: MEGAROAD-514

Meanwhile Yukari chan already reached Mondstadt, and was entering the Knights headquarters. Barbara suddenly called her, "Yukari senpai! Do you have a minute? "

"What? Do they actually enlist you into the long range expedition too? Shouldn’t they dispatch the astrologist Mona as their Hydro output? "

"No, my sister didn’t want me to get involved in all these. "

"Wait… Jean chan is your sister? I didn’t remember she had any sister or family members present… "

"Actually I’m only her adopted sister. I didn’t remember anything before meeting Jean’s family. "

"Probably just like me… So what’s your business here, Barbara chan? I need to attend their expedition asap. "

"Do you see the Celestia island atop the sky? I wanna see what they have in there, and can you help me? "

"Probably… I mean I can just literally fly you there, but I don’t think my stamina can let me fly that high. Wait, I had an idea, I know how to make foods that let your or my stamina consumption be reduced to zero. It’s pretty useful for you by the way, since your damage output requires charged attack, and your charged attack uses too much stamina. "

"Alright, let’s go to Good Hunter, there’s a stove table to cook. "

And when they arrived at Good Hunter, they saw Xiangling using the stove table right now. For Barbara she looks like Wanmin Restaurant’s Head Chef and is not surprised to cook meals in any suitable places, but for Yukari chan, she’s the main Pyro output of Liyue’s long range expedition team. Besides, she didn’t see Xiangling for a long while, especially since they almost switched to all-Geo teams.

"Hey, chef! We’re planning to make some meals, and might need your suggestions. By the way, haven't seen you in Liyue’s expedition team for a long while. What happened? "

"They had Hutao right now, and as a Pyro polearm user, she’s much more powerful than me. So I’m kinda relieved from expedition jobs, and have more time to research new cooking recipes. "

"That’s pretty good, at least better than risking lifes in unknown expeditions. And I had a good message for you. I know a way to add any food with a secret addition that will reduce your stamina consumption to zero, for five minutes. Wanna try it? "

"Why not? You can straightly add your things into my new cuisines, and try out! " Yukari chan added her addition to Xiangling’s newly made meals, "And… Wow, it looks like I had infinite stamina right now! Any chance to share the recipe? "

"I wish I could, but I didn’t know the recipe for it either, just… when I feel like putting them in food, it would magically appear on them, sorry. " Yukari chan and Barbara also tasted Xiangling’s meals, "First class cuisine from the internationally recognized master chief, very good… Now we can fly to the Celestia island in no sweat. "

"Celestia? I’ve heard that when people become archons, they will be able to ascend to there… "

"And we’re gonna go there without becoming archons anyway, wish us luck. " With Barbara on her back, Yukari chan already initiated vertical takeoff. Normally vertical takeoff would cost her a lotta stamina, that she will never do that except emergency. But now they were flying without any drop in stamina, and soon reached the outskirts of the Celestia island.

Suddenly the island grew red, and a sound started to echo around: "Access to the Administration Area Denied. " while missiles started to shoot at them.

"The fuck? " Yukari chan dodged the missiles and reached a safer area. "It looks like we didn’t have the proper things for it to grant us access. Would this thing be Gnosis? It’s not like we can borrow them from either Venti or Zhongli, since they’re both retired. What about the Futui? No, I don’t think they will give us either, no matter how much Mora we spent. Guess what, I’ll get in no matter what. Barbara chan, sing Aimo. "

"What? "

"Did you remember every time you sing Aimo, a lotta monsters would Fold into the locations near you? And I don’t think they need a teleport waypoint to do that, so if you sing Aimo near the Celestia island, these monsters would appear there, and cause the island’s automated defense system a huge arse trouble. Imagine these brainless monsters accidentally shot a Cyro beam on the island’s defense system… "

"And then you blow them out with Melt elemental reactions that double the damage? "

"Plus Elemental Mastery bonus, by the way. Guess time to switch to Crimson Witch of Flame/ Wanderer's Troupe then. " Yukari chan switched her Artifacts, and started to approach the Celestia island again. "Let’s do it, Barbara chan. "

"Okay. Aimo aimo Ne-deru ru-she… " While Barbara sings Aimo, multiple Fold signatures appeared and a lotta monsters were Defolded outta there. The island’s automated defense system started to attack them and the monsters were attracted and started to attack these automated turrets. "Get outta the battlefield, quick! " Yukari chan did a quick dive and left in a safer distance, "Let’s see which one of them wins, besides, if unfortunately the island wins, you can just sing Aimo again and we can repeat this crap. "

As the battle between the monsters and the island’s automated turrets in progress, Yukari chan detected a big arse turret inflicted with strong Cyro, "Thank RNG Archon, they dispatched Cyro monsters this time. Imada! " Yukari chan opened all her missile pods and launched all her high explosive missiles onto the Cyro inflicted turret, blasting it off and leaving a hole into the island. "Now it’s our chance to get in! Just let time fight outside as they might please. "

Yukari chan and Barbara quickly dive in the hole that the destroyed turret left and went inside the Celestia island. Its interiors look unlike anything in Teyvat, it’s full of modern looking machines and robots, of course, hostile robots. While Yukari chan destroyed them one by one, they didn’t simply vanish like all of the enemies in Teyvat do, they just exploded, leaving debris everywhere.

The duo found an elevator saying "Elevator to Bridge", and they decided to take it, because it looks like it’s the elevator all the way up.

"Barbara chan… You said you’re not the real relative of Jean chan, well, I mean Master Jean, so I suppose you didn’t belong to this world either, just like me. So do you know these robots? Did you see how they explode like this? "

"Nope… "

"Perhaps even in your early life you don’t need to do battles like I do. Now I remembered some of my own life. Yes, It’s what the real world looks like. At least in my early life I seem to beat these things using whatever armor I’m wearing right now. "

"You mean Teyvat, or whatever the world below the Celestia island… isn’t real? "

"Probably… Remember the same bunch of monsters we defeated earlier? When they were defeated, they didn’t vanish either, they also exploded, so I suppose they didn’t belong to Teyvat either, and probably I even rekt some of them before I came to this world. Now, more like we’re gonna get known of this place. "

The elevator arrived at top, and when they went out, they saw the "bridge" with all kinda electronics, with the deep dark background of the cosmos, "‘Rumor has it that people who've ascended to Celestia have also witnessed the same helix-shaped divine ladder that can be seen within Visions. Venturing out into the universe and down into the abyss are the same in that both are braving the dark unknown. ’ Now I know the real meaning of this phrase. "

"Nope. Did you see the texts below the windows outside? "

"What did it write? I didn’t recognize these texts. "

"Hmmm…. You didn’t recognize? It’s MEGAROAD-514. One of my speculations were right, we did live in a giant arse spaceship. And at the size of it, you know what? If I read the MEGAROAD Project right, you know what, Barbara chan, or everyone else in ‘Teyvat’: Inazuma doesn’t exist. The other regions or nations other than Mondstadt and Liyue doesn’t fucking exist at all. Whoever claimed such places exist just wanna trick your sorry arses outta some unknown intentions. This spaceship just couldn’t contain that much space. Unless someone magically makes an Island 2 just like Macross 25 do. "

"Spaceship? "

"Let me show you some ‘magic’. " Yukari chan switched some buttons on the control panel, the giant arse metal shell writing MEGAROAD-514 "opened", showing the land of Teyvat below. "You can even see the Barbatos statue in Mondstadt here. Would that make you remember more of your past? "

"Still nope… "

"Strange, because I remembered them all. I’m actually a member of the 114th Long Range Expedition Fleet, of course codenamed MEGAROAD-114. After the last battle with the giant alien race that I didn’t know their name again 60 years ago, humanity started to build and send out Long Range Expedition Fleets that were kilometers in sizes and millions of people onboard all over the galaxy, looking for suitable planets to live. But for this MEGAROAD-514, or you say ‘Teyvat’, I didn’t know the purpose of it, it didn’t have many people, and all of it except this administration island looks like a medieval theme park. If it was a Research Fleet, what is it researching? "

Yukari chan was looking for more intels from the control panel, "Wait, what is this? Zhongli battle stats? Yes, it did change by the third Iteration, but who controls these Iterations? And wait what, there’s an Iteration 5 in plan? The current Iteration is 4, right? I’m gonna download these things into my implanted computer, and see what actually changed. "

Yukari chan pulled a cable from her armor, and inserted it into the control room’s mainframe and started downloading. After she finished downloading all of the Iteration 5 data, suddenly another person appeared, "Well, well, Yukari FEGELEIN. You finally come here, don’t you think you’re a little bit too late? "

"Aether? I knew you’re not the people of this world, or this spaceship. Where the fuck are you coming from? "

"117th Research Fleet, ring any bell? "

"Wasn't the 117th Research Fleet totally destroyed due to a Fold Fault, and with totally no survivors? "

"These fucking NUNS scumbags only know how to deceive people. We were destroyed by an alien race called Vajra, the fact that NUNS will never let anyone know. And yes, the same kinda monsters you try to throw at the Celestia island’s defense system. I can’t believe you would let Vajra Fold into this place, outta all the antics you could pull. "

"What, would they be hindering whatever the grand plan you have or what? They’re the perfect target practice material anyway. Besides, what’s your role in this place? You sound more and more like you own this place. "

"I’m the overseer of this… amusement spaceship. And your antics of calling Vajra into this place has greatly interfered with my works. "

"Amusement spaceship? To amuse who? "

"Audiences of all over the galaxy, you moron! There are cameras all over this place, people would LOVE to watch how these hakushin medieval dramas with magic go everyday! It’s like a giant arse reality show, but with more reality than show! "

"You mean whoever I met these years, including you, are all fucking professional actors? You gotta be fucking kidding me. "

"Of course not. This place would be no fun if people are just acting. No, they do believe they’re the medieval people they’re perceived to be, and act upon it. You know, the magic and whatever you have noticed, is the result of highly advanced technologies of several research fleets that your home fleet didn’t even notice of. Your equipment can cause so called Pyro damage, just because its damage looks like the simulations we ran on Pyro damage. And the first bunch of inhabitants of this spaceship were poor, deprived nobody from other fleets, hired to act like medieval characters for the rest of their lives, so even if they were acting, their children and grandchildren and so on will start to believe all of the world around them are 100% real. And they formed the royal families of these so called Mondstadt Knights, and Liyue Quxing, and whatever cuties you would like to ‘instruct’. "

"That’s really beyond my imaginations… If whatever you said about that was true. "

"It’s actually beyond my imagination, that you, who didn’t even know how to Fold, ended up here. Let me guess… Vajra! It must be Vajra’s antics, they’re species across the galaxy, and can Fold into wherever they like, and we all know that they can follow Barbara whenever she sings Aimo, right? That’s why the 117th Research Fleet was destroyed anyway. Probably you were fighting one of these Vajra and then Folded with them by accident, and when they Defold their arses to Barbara, you ended up here. "

"You seem to know a lot about Barbara, right? "

"Yes, and to your surprise, I’m actually her real brother, we’re both the members onboard the 117th Research Fleet. Last time she sang Aimo, attracted a lotta Vajra Defolded into our fleet’s secret locations, and our fleet was fucked. But Aimo is actually a really old song, said to be older even when our head researcher Dr. Mao Nome was still loving the same man her sister’s loving. "

"A fleet full of researchers, good… Now, Fold me back into my home fleet, Dr. Aether! "

"Not gonna happen. Unlike Vajra, we humans need a spaceship, at least a VF scale one, to do Space Fold. And it's an amusement spaceship, how could we have a VF in the first place? Besides you bring Barbara outta all people here, and manipulate her to attract Vajra, it’s already pretty unforgivable. "

"It’s actually Barbara who asked me to send her here. Otherwise, I might just join the Knights on their expedition missions instead. Strangely, why did they not invite you for a long time… "

"You can go play their stupid arse expedition missions all you like. You know why these missions are called ‘long ranged’ expedition missions, even if there’s no ‘range’ in this amusement spaceship? It’s just the tradition of us, the members of the so called long range expedition fleets, the space wanderers, who’s exiled from Earth, while Earthlings are probably enjoying their happy and comfortable life, enjoying all the resources from all over the galaxy, we risked all our lives to fight whatever the shit alien races we met. But it doesn’t matter anymore, now that you know all of the things, especially the 117th fleet, I cannot let you get outta here alive. Prepare to be blown away! "

Aether used his Elemental Burst to form a giant arse tornado towards Yukari chan. "Wow, so that’s the real strength behind the variable five-star character, who’s always been seen as a four-star one. But… I’ll never concede! " Yukari chan opened all her missile slots and smashed random missiles towards Aether, but all of them were intentionally missed. While Aether was in confusion, Yukari chan started one of the escape pods and was ejected from the Celestia island to the land below.

"Shit… just let her escape like that… " Aether received a call from someone else, "You know the Operation Reset is started, right? What are you waiting for? Hurry up and Fold your sorry arse to the designated locations! The Fold Fault area would be started pretty soon! "

"Wait, mein Master, we had that Yukari FEGELEIN infiltrated into the Administration building several minutes ago. "

"And you dealt with her? "

"Nope, she escaped. "

"Was soll das heißen, Sie können FEGELEIN nicht finden?! Dann suchen Sie ihn! Ich will FEGELEIN sehen! Sofort!! Wenn er sich ohne Befehl entfernt hat, ist das Fahnenflucht! Verrat! Bringen Sie mir FEGELEIN, FEGELEIN! FEGELEIN!! FEGELEIN!!! "

"What does that mean, that you can't defeat FEGELEIN?! I look down upon you! I want this FEGELEIN dead, at once! If she left without a scratch, it’s a shame on your arse! Bring me that goddamned FEGELEIN, FEGELEIN! FEGELEIN!! FEGELEIN!!! "

"Don’t worry, she will appear in our locations anyway, just like any combatants of this spaceship. We will eliminate all of them in one sweep. "

"Fine… After all these things are finished, we can guarantee you and your sister’s safety and grant you permits to live in any fleet or human planet of your choice. Besides, is Barbara within your reach? "

"What would you need Barbara for? "

"Just Fold her arse there too, goddammit! Explain later! "

After he finished his Fold communications, the alarm started to broadcast across the bridge, "Caution. Hull Breach detected. Air pressure is decreasing. " Aether rushed to the control terminal, "Have the battle accidentally breached some of the spaceship? I gotta start the automated repair system, before it's too late. "

Genshin Frontier Act III: Der Paimongang

While Yukari chan was descending from the Celestia, she felt the atmosphere suddenly become as cold as what's in Dragonspine. "Now I remembered. Hull Breached. In a MEGAROAD spaceship, when the hull was breached, the air won't run away too soon, but it would cool down due to contact with absolutely zero astrospace outside. "

"So would that explain whatever happened in Dragonspine? No, I don't think any spaceship designer would be stupid enough to expose some of the area on their ship open just to make an artificial snow mountain. "

For some reason Yukari chan wanna listen to some new songs. Of course there are some background music in this world that can be chosen to listen to via Fold wave, but staying in here for half of a year would make any music boring as hell. So Yukari chan chose to "shut down" these music, and used her own music instead.

She searched the music from her own music library on her implanted computer, and found a music from "Sheryl Nome’s Best Hits", Yousei, and played it. As a member of a certain fleet, of course Yukari chan knows the greatest Anime hit of all times, Macrosss Frontier, the story of the intergalactic songstresses Ranka Lee and Sheryl Nome, or probably more than that.

"Wait… Ranka Lee was also on that 117th Research Fleet, is that the same fleet Aether and Barbara chan was also staying? That basically means whatever Ranka and her brother Brera Sterne said about they’re the sole survivors are not right to some degree, and… Was my history book too old for that? "

Suddenly she received Jean’s calls via Fold wave, "Where are you, Yukari chan? We’re waiting for you for hours! "

Even in a medieval amusement park like Teyvat, everyone seems to master Fold related antics, like the ability to speak to someone else over long distances without any phone or such. Probably it’s something happened after the incidents of Macross Frontier, where people finally cracked Vajra’s secrets of individual Fold antics.

"Somewhere midair. And had a fight with Aether. " Yukari chan replied after a lotta thought.

"Aether? Why are you two fighting anyway? And how is he right now? We all didn’t see him for months. "

"He’s pretty fine, showing me the true strength of a variable five-star character. Probably he’s even more powerful than Venti right now, because now he seems to get all his Anemo Constellations by unknown means. And because he’s not an alcoholic. But… there’s some bad news, Barbara went missing. "

"What? And who did it? "

"It’s hard to explain, but in short: Aether did it. "

"What? Can't believe it. Will have to retrieve her later, I’ll send another one of my teams after. Now focus on the mission. You need to arrive at the site first, and find a place without Fold Fault, and set up an artificial teleport waypoint there. "

"How do I know if there is Fold Fault anyway? "

"Don’t worry, Albedo made a gadget just for you to detect Fold Fault. And you need to pick up his Protocol Breacher as well, it’s used to blow a giant arse hole in the Spiral Abyss Floor 12. "

"The destination was right below the Abyss? "

"Yes, you’re right. And it seems that you can pass Spiral Abyss floor 12 just like playing, and they will suspect nothing if you just enter right into the floor and pretend to do a rechallenge. "

"But the Spiral Abyss rule forbids me to use… "

"Don’t worry, the Protocol Breacher was designed as a Catalyst, so you can just use it in there, pass the two rooms before 12-3 Second Floor, and suddenly breach the floor of 12-3, and get inside. Once inside you’re free to do whatever you can. "

"Wow, so by breaching the Abyss, you’re not afraid of the Celestia descending Divine Punishments to you and all the mortals in all of Teyvat? "

"No, now we don’t give a flying fuck about the Celestia. We and our Liyue comrades, and all of the people in Teyvat have had enough with their endless antics. By breaching their shitty arse Abyss, and causing a shitstorm inside whatever below it, even though this long range expedition didn’t have any rewards anyway, we will show these greedy arseholes, the strength of the human race! "

"JAJAJAJAJA! Now let’s get these gadgets, where did you put them anyway? "

"In Albedo's Campsite in Dragonspine. "

"Dragonspine? That cold arse mountain? That’s the ultimate bruh moment, you know in the last combat my gears were kinda damaged. By the way, ask Albedo to produce one of my Armor with his magic, I don’t think current one will sustain much longer. "

"Alright. He will make you a replacement armor when arrived. And good luck! " After finishing talking with Jean via Fold wave, Yukari chan flew towards Dragonspine to gain Albedo’s gadgets. And she saw Kaeya and Diona fighting a bunch of enemies not far from Albedo's Campsite. "The fuck? Why two Cyro characters in Dragonspine anyway? I gotta help. " In Yukari chan’s analysis, the enemies had pretty high Cyro resistance, and these two didn’t do effective damages against them.

Yukari chan greeted the duo below, "How are you two Cyro ended up adventures in Dragonspine alone? Why didn’t you find a Pyro character with you? Where’s Amber, then? "

"The all known Pyro characters are all prepared for the upcoming long range expedition. "

"Even Amber? "

"Nah, she’s probably going alone, scouting for Hilichurls or such. I guess no one loves a weak Pyro character. "

"But I enhanced her hours ago, it’s pretty unfair to say to her like that. Anyway, you kinda need my help. " Yukari chan did a SDW LOCK ON to the strange Cyro object, breaking it off, and then switched her SDW into Incendiary bullets and shot them until they’re all inflicted with strong Pyro.

"You know what to do! Do Cyro on them with whatever you can! " The duo below used all their Cyro skills and Yukari chan can feel her Elemental Mastery rising. "Now I forgot that you still had these Instructor sets. Good, my time. " Yukari chan opened all her missile pods, aimed at them and fired them all, finishing them all off, and descended.

"By the way, what are you doing here, Yukari chan? "

"Looking for some mission required gadgets in Albedo's Campsite. And I suggest you two better call Amber right now. See there? The teleport waypoint right there, call her in. Seriously, you need a Pyro character. "

Yukari chan found all the gadgets and the hakushin Catalyst in Albedo's Campsite, and said farewell to them, "Gotta carry on the most important part: Breach the Abyss. Take care of yourself, and happy mining! " while Amber Defolded from the waypoint after Yukari chan’s departure.

Genshin Frontier Act 3.5 (Oouso): Der Paimongang Part 2

At the Musk Reek, Spiral Abyss entry point

"Hi, Fischl chan! Are you coming to the Abyss too, just like me? "

"Yes, The Adventurer's Guild sent me to support you in the upcoming Abyss battles. "

"Wow, you’re healed from Chuunibyou, Fischl chan. And your help is pretty useful, since 12-2 was full of Pyro enemies, and all of the Anemo characters are either too busy helping me, or were already dispatched on other missions. Let’s hope that your Oz can follow my rate of fire. "

"I didn’t expect to fight along with the legendary instructor Yukari FEGELEIN one day. Any Artifacts instructions, Yukari chan? "

"Your current ones are pretty fine. Do not need to change anyway. The purpose of the constant Overload elemental reactions is to make the Futui Agents hard to stay invisible, and once he’s visible and stays downed by explosions caused by Overload, his Pyro resistance might be decreased into an acceptable level, allowing me to finish them off. Now let’s head into the Abyss. As the ninth champion of the single player Abyss speedrun contest, they will just let me and whoever I would like to bring right in, no more questions asked. "

And they arrived at the stage of the Abyss Floor 12, while a host or such welcomed them, "Welcome to the Spiral Abyss Speedrun Contest this year, Our Ninth time Champion, Yukari FEGELEIN! Your name was already well recognized across the galaxy! And you brought a teammate, not gonna solo through the Abyss anymore? Don’t worry, we’ll just double the HP of these enemies for you. And here we also welcome a new songstress to provide some background music, The Teyvat Fairy, Miss Jean Gunnhildr! "

"Jean chan…? What the fuck? "

Jean chan performs Northern Cross

"Whatever… Battle started! " Fischl rushed up to the crowd and summoned her Oz, while Yukari chan checked her gears and did a vertical takeoff.

"Wait… your stamina… It’s not the normal domain where you can… "

"I don’t fucking care about my stamina. Get rekt you arseholes! SDW… Transform! " Yukari chan’s weapon transformed into Intelligent mode and started to shoot the enemies below with a high rate of fire. Oz did his best to match Yukair chan’s bullet rate of fire to shoot them with Electro as well.

"A full Constellations Fischl? Only a full Constellations Fischl’s Oz can shoot that fast… " With the constant Overload reactions, the enemies are totally unable to cast any skills or generate any shields before they’re totally rekt. And then Yukari chan finished them off with a diving attack of SDW LOCK ON. They had beaten the 12-1 and 12-2 almost without efforts.

Meanwhile a team of Diluc and other characters were playing in the first half, because… the deeper Spiral Abyss just requires two teams to participate. Of course Diluc said he’s totally not interested in the Knights’ business, he was coming here only for joys. But who knows.

Yukari chan and Fischl finally reached 12-3, if the Knights’ theories are right, their destination of the long range expedition was just below her feet. "Imada! Let’s blast it off! I mean seriously, fuck the Abyss! "

"Wow, our champion Yukari chan invented a new kinda Elemental Burst! Astonishing! "

Yukari chan charged all her energies into the Protocol Breacher on her hand, and smashed it into the ground. The ground of 12-3 was blasted with a big arse hole, and Yukari chan, Fischl and the monsters were all fallen right into it.

Yukari chan quickly dived in the holes below the Abyss, trying to find out a place without Fold Fault. "Wow, hardly any place without it… how did they do that? And… " Yukari chan finally found a deadzone of the Fold Fault areas. "Yes, that’s the ideal place, done! " Yukari chan flew there and set up an artificial teleport waypoint. Seconds later, the advanced team of Jean, Sucrose and Diona Defolded outta there.

"Is this place… the place we really planned to go? Where is it? "

"It’s the heart of Teyvat, if whatever controlling the Celestia will fight us, they will fight us here. "

"I see… more like the reactor core of MEGAROAD-514. It’s up to no good if they blew up the reactors, but I don’t think the World Creator will let that happen, and they will definitely show up here, so we can piss them off and humiliate them, instead of really breaking the reactors or such. " Yukari chan thonks.

"And where’s Fischl, Yukari chan? "

"She’s probably in midair, right…? And yes, she’s still in midair, grabbing… Oz? Oh that was bullshit. " Yukari chan took off and flew to Fischl to carry her down, sparing an painful Oz. While they’re doing such stunts, a giant statue, probably somewhere 20 meters, of Barbara erected from the ground and started speaking,

"There you are, mortals. Don’t you know that breaching the Abyss violated the Term of Service we agreed on eons ago, that will get all of you eliminated? And we, the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles, will descend the Divine Punishment upon you right away! "

"More like you’re finding excuses, you fucking god playing cunt. Should you wanna really stop us from breaching the Abyss, you can totally temper with the production of Protocol Breacher to make it not work or such. And you didn’t and just let us in, or… even let us in the Celestia island, even without Gnosis. So you’re totally just finding excuses, to do whatever low quality conspiracy you would like to do, and let me repeat, you fucking greedy god playing C-U-N-T! Not to mention your antics of changing the drop rate of useful Artifacts to 1/200, and by simply that I will definitely rip you into 2147483647 pieces, and flush you into a Toilet in Macross Galaxy! Or any toilet in the modern looking Celestia island anyway. "

The Barbara statue looked really pissed off by the word "cunt", with Barbara performing a certain trance version of Do You Remember Love. A huge amount of monsters Defolded here and started attacking the Knights.

"The battle already started… You know what to do, everyone. I will do Pyro infliction first, then Sucrose chan, since you’re pretty new to the team, you’ll need to cast your Elemental Skill non stop, and let me check, four-set of Viridescent Venerers, with the total Elemental Mastery reached 1145, and then Diona… Wait, since when did you obtain all of your Constellations? Now your Cyro Elemental Burst will add 320 instead of 120 Elemental Mastery, that’s… ueber good. And Jean chan, or we say, The Teyvat Fairy? "

"What do you need me to do, Yukari chan? "

"You can occasionally use your Heal Burst, but in most cases, just sing any song you would like to distract these enemies. I guess if they keep listening to Barbara's song, they will be harder to beat anyway. "

"Yukari chan… Watashi no uta o kike!!! "

Jean chan started to perform Northern Cross again

Yukari chan did a vertical takeoff, and started to shoot the enemies below as planned. Suddenly a familiar figure appears, "Aether… "

"The Honorary Knight… What is he doing in there? "

"He’s not Honorary anymore, by conspiring with this so called Sustainer of Heavenly Principles. Let me ‘ask’ him… AETHER! What the fuck are you doing here? Doesn't it look like you failed your duty to protect kawaii Barbara chan, and sacrifice her sorry arse to this fake god? " Yukari chan threw a bunch of missiles into Aether while asking him.

"Shut the FUCK up! " Aether casted a giant arse tornado against Yukari chan, "Barbara chan should be totally fine, and no need to fight herself if the arseholes like you didn’t breach things you shouldn’t breach! Now die, all of you! "

"Wiebitte? That’s the most retarded reason I’ve ever heard in my life when someone ‘decided’ to team with the equally retarded fake god cunt. Do you really think you and Barbara chan can be spared if every other one of us was eliminated? Besides, your giant arse tornado looks just like what these Anemo Samachurls made! Probably your mother was into interricial romance too much, that she boinks a goddamned Samachurl and gave birth to you? "

"Fuck you! Go disappear! " Aether casted one after another giant arse tornado and they’re all dodged by Yukari chan. At this moment almost everyone was watching Yukari chan flying over and over.

"I really don’t understand, what’s her strategy this time? Is verbal insulting another new element? "

"I guess… she would like to piss both Aether and the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles off hard, they will make more mistakes due to rage, and she might be able to find a weakness to exploit. Or probably she just wanna see them pissed off. But you know, this so called Sustainer of Heavenly Principles is much more of a lulz than Aether, because it will react greatly by the word ‘cunt’, almost like a fucking mechanical cunt. Shit! " Hearing Jean saying "cunt" not just once, but twice, the Barbara statue shot two laser beams at Jean, and she dodged them.

"Think one more time, Aether, how much benefit would you have, if you have all your ‘actors’ in your ‘amusement spaceship’ killed, how would the audiences all over the galaxy see this, and rate your character, as the "overseer"? Wouldn’t people of the galaxy start to think you of a clown, serving the fake cunt god? Whatever, looks like you’re deeply mind controlled by this fucking cunt. Sing Aimo, Barbara chan. "

"What’s on your fucking mind, are you fucking crazy? You wanna destroy this place just like the 117th Fleet? Maybe killing all of you is just right. "

"Don’t worry, even if kawaii Barbara chan did summon a Vajra mothership here, I totally believe that our kawaii (oouso) Sustainer of Heavenly Principles cunt can beat it in one single laser shot, much better than what Macross Cannon can do. Right, cunt? I guess now it’s time for me to sing Aimo instead. "

Yukari chan started to perform a modified version of Aimo:

Lyrics redacted due to overflowed profanities

While Yukari chan was throwing out profanities in midair, multiple Fold signatures appeared and a lotta Vajra were Defolding here and attacked everything. "Now I see. Summoning monsters seem not to be Barbara’s special abilities, Besides… A pissed off and perhaps tired Sustainer of Heavenly Principles later met with the infinite amount of unknown monsters, it will pretty soon show some kinda weakness. Let’s just all sing Aimo to summon more of these monsters, and furtherly piss that cunt - Oh shit! dodges - Off. Yes, just remember to perform Dodge when you have to say that word. "

"Understood. Aimo aimo… "

Even more and more Vajra were Defolding outta here, "and at this rate, the Vajra mothership would be summoned in minutes, and this little spaceship would be totally destroyed! No, I have to stop all this! " Aether found a moment where Yukari chan seemed to forget to protect herself, "Disappear, to the end of the galaxy! " and generated a bigger than ever tornado against her.

"Oh shit! " Yukari chan detected an abnormal Anemo stream below her, but it’s too late for her to do anything. The Anemo stream ripped through her armor, causing it to gradually disintegrate, and she can see herself sufferin’ a -60% Pyro resistance. Few seconds in this already transformed into Pyro tornado and she can totally say sayonara to this world. "I wish I could Fold right now… "

Suddenly the artificial teleport waypoint reacted, answering her calls. "Naruhodo. Now I finally knew how to Fold. Time to commit Full Zhongli, and… Eject! "

Yukari chan ejected from her armor and simultaneously her mind was concentrating on the waypoint and she can feel her body instantly away from the giant arse Aneno and Pyro stream that Aether made, leaving her remaining armor exploding in it.

"Oouso… Yukari chan died… How could that be… "

"How could we finish them off with our only Pyro output dead… Retreat! "

"No, the headquarters was filled with Fold Fault! And other safe rooms too! Nope, the entire Teyvat was filled with Fold Fault! "

"What? "

The enemies prepared to charge and perform the finishing blow, while suddenly the artificial teleport waypoint reacted, and a giant beam was shot from there, finishing off a Ruin Hunter in one single hit. "Time for… RETRIBUTION! " a certain Pyro Phoenix swept forward, clearing all the common enemies on the ground, and burned Aether outta his mind controlling implants too.

Albedo, Venti, Diluc and Bennett Defolded from the waypoint, with Albedo operating the Guizhong Cannon, fully charged.

"Diluc senpai? Isn’t the Knights totally none of your business? " Jean saw Diluc in surprise.

"Now it’s not just the matter of the Knights, or the Liyue Quxing. It’s the matter of all of humanity of Teyvat, to revolt and beat this fake god or whatever for good. Besides, did you know that this artificial teleport waypoint is the only one that can be Folded in all of Teyvat? Even if one of us wanna have some fun, the only fun we could have is right here. Expect more and more people joining your fight. "

"Good news to you all: I’m alive, temporarily. " Yukari chan suddenly broadcasted using Fold wave to all.

"Yukari chan! Where are you! "

"In an undisclosed location, that risks getting known by these fake gods or whatever. But I happen to see in close proximity to the Barbara looking statue, and it’s not Barbara. It’s not Barbara at all! Shoot them with all your might! "

"Aye aye captain! " Albedo locked on the Barbara statue, and fired the fully charged beam into it, dealing 2147483647 damages, making its disguise totally rekt. And the Barbara statue showed its true form: a giant arse flying Paimon robot, that looks just like… Paimon.

"Wow, Paimon? "

"The emergency food mascot? "

"No wonder I didn’t see your annoying little face for months, Paimon. So you planned these shit all alone! " A sober Aether said in anger.

"Not to mention your technique to fake a god is so weak, you know what, Paimon chan? "

"How dare you fucking call me Paimon Chan! These Cuntstantin Films sponsored cloaking devices are so weak! "

"Stop capitalizing chan’s c or I’ll cook you into 2147483647 pieces! And Albedo? Did you bring my armor? Last one was destroyed, and I totally need a new one. Seriously. "

"Right here, Yukari chan. Actually, it’s even improved from your original design. And this one for you too. "

"My last Constellation? Where did you get that from? "

"By synthesis. "

"Oouso? Constellation can be synthesized right now? Like nani za fakku? "

"Explain, Mona. "

Mona Defolded from the waypoint, "F2P Astrology, btw. Added with Mondstadt’s advanced alchemy. You said Inazuma doesn’t exist, right? Soon we can build our own Inazuma from scratch, and probably elect the Electro Archon from Keqing and Lisa for it. Now everyone in everywhere will have full Constellations, and this means of exploiting us, won’t work anymore! "

"Good. Aether? Now that you know Paimon was manipulating you and Barbara all along, would you like to still work for them right now? "

"Never, and I’ll literally make this little shit emergency food after this crap. "

"Very well, now Barbara seems to be trapped inside Paimon’s giant robot body, we might need to find a way to cut it and extract her. But rest assured, we will save her, unscratched. " Yukari chan equipped her armor and test fired a charged Pyro shot onto one of the enemies. "Damages fall in the expectations, good. And… Level Up to LV60? Now I got enough combat data to make this work. "

"Hand me your Artifacts, Aether. I might know a magic of my own to perform, " Yukari chan checked Aether’s Artifacts, and found out now she can indeed just modify the Artifacts’ arbitrary substats to any one she wants. "And done! Now you had almost max Critical Rate / Critical Damage Viridescent Venerers, and would receive about 75% Critical Rate / 220% Critical Damage on your stat, though why would an Anemo character need that high of Critical stats anyway. Time to piss Paimon off, even more. "

"Now everyone is ready, right…? No, not everyone, Barbara was still in Paimon’s mind control. Gotta find a way to free her mind first. Let me try some… Mona? Can you perform your Astrology antics again? I need to connect my mind with Barbara chan and Jean chan? "

"Because only Master Jean could recover her sister outta mind control? "

"Yes, exactly! Just do it! "

Mona used her antics to connect the trio together. In the simulated mental world, Barbara wished to give the fuck up. And Jean bitch slapped her, "BAKA! "

"Didn’t you forget about your dreams, of letting your songs be heard all over Teyvat, and all over the galaxy? Even Yukari chan was actually inspired by your songs! "

And Yukari chan also appeared in their mental world, "Barbara chan, didn’t you once say that you will reach your dreams and never give up? I haven't given up on finding the truth, and I found it. So come on, Barbara chan! And Jean chan! You’re… Both of you are my wings! "

"So… Let’s sing one more time, Barbara chan! "

With Barbara chan fully prepared, all of humanity finally decided to perform full assault against Paimon and her giant arse robot or whatever.

"Takeoff! " After eating a piece of Golden Fried Chicken with her own stamina reduction addition, Yukari chan did a vertical takeoff, signaling the beginning of the assault phase.

Barbara chan and Jean chan sings Nyan-Nyan Special Service Medley

"Bad news for you, Paimon chan. I stole all of your precious Iteration 5 data right from the mainframe of the Celestia island, and used the data to crack the encryption protocol of your shitty arse Artifact chips. Now I can manipulate the sub stats of any Artifact as I want, just like how I can manipulate your very own sorry arse whatever I want, after this is all over and you show up on Good Hunter’s stove table. "

"Hmph! For the last time, Paimon is not emergency food! "

"Wiebitte? "

"Wiebit te nandayo! " While Paimon’s distracted by Yukari chan’s insults, Yukari chan started scanning her robot to find where Barbara was trapped. And she had found a weak door on the robot’s body that can be frozen with a Frozen reaction. "I need this location of the robot Frozen, do me a favor! "

Mona started to use her attacks to make the entire robot get Wet, and Diona aimed at the weak point Yukari chan designated, making the door frozen. "Alright! " Yukari chan fired some of her missiles onto the Frozen door, blasting it off to pieces. And she can see Barbara chan trapped in there.

"Here, Barbara chan! Catch me! " Yukari chan flew to her and took her outta the robot’s body, while the Guizhong Cannon fired after both of them escaped, stopping the Paimon robot from harming them.

"Hmph! Futile! " A pissed off Paimon flew pretty high up, and fired a bunch of laser beams to the ground, almost hitting everyone on the ground. Diona made her shield for everyone, but Yukari chan can calculate that the shield strength of Diona was far less than enough to absorb the damages, and if the damages are dealt, "they’ll be all dead… "

Suddenly, there were two more shields appearing on everyone, and a huge arse Jade Screen also appeared above their head, deducting the incoming damage by 50%. Everyone took a hit, but no one died or even lost too much HP.

"It’s Liyue’s long range expedition team! They finally come to join us! " Zhongli, Ningguang, Hutao and Noelle Defolded outta the waypoint.

"Sorry, we’re pretty late, it’s pretty difficult to Fold in this place full of Fold Faults. What’s the combat situation right now? And isn’t that flying cutie kawaii Yukari chan, our instructor? "

"I saw your arse over there, and you're pretty late actually. But still, thanks for your shields, otherwise we’ll be all dead. And Noelle? Why are you in Liyue’s expedition team? "

"Because they formed an all-Geo team, and that’s the experience I’ve never had. People always say all-Geo team cannot be used for long range expeditions Iterations after Iterations, but we did it too many times, without anyone hurt or dead. "

"And I remembered Jade Screen is… only a screen, why could it be over our head? "

"It’s already upgraded into Jade Dome like months ago, don’t you know? Like the advanced alchemy of Mondstadt, our people in Liyue are also researching advanced alchemy. "

"Good… Currently, I analyzed this giant arse Paimon robot and found several layers, like two, or three? The current layer has pretty high Pyro resistance, even after our best Anemo character Aether’s tornado, its Pyro resistance still couldn’t be reduced into an optimal amount, I mean subzero. I guess it’s time for Hydro characters to be the main DPS, and I’m gonna do sub DPS. Mona? You still remember the ‘Tactical Nuclear Mona’ tactics, right? "

"Yes, it’s a little bit complicated, but I did remember all the steps by heart. "

"And Sucrose chan? Bennett? "

"We knew what to do too! "

"Alright, now I’ll try to shoot this giant arsefuck down! "

"No need. Just let it eat my cannon! " Albedo prepared to fire the fully charged beam, while Paimon found out and destroyed the cannon beforehand. Luckily Albedo Folded into the waypoint and dodged the certain death.

"Not over yet! " Yukari chan found a weakness in the Paimon robot, and fired a charged SDW Precision Shot into it, making it fall to the ground.

"Imada! Tactical Nuclear Mona! "

The songstresses happen to sing "What about my stars? *2" and the rest of Lion

Mona performed Hydro attack on the downed Paimon robot making it Wet, while Sucrose threw out her Anemo creations to apply Swirl reactions, decreased Paimon’s Hydro resistance by 40% and added a roughly 200 Elemental Mastery to everyone, and for some reasons Sucrose’s 5-refined Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers had effects on Mona, and then Bennett with four-set Instructor smashed his iconic Like button on the ground, while the final time for Mona’s grand antics come.

"Fate is upon you! " Mona finally used her Elemental Burst to mark an Illusory Bubble on the Paimon robot, and all is set for a Pyro character to trigger the Hydro damage. Yukari chan used her SDW LOCK ON to the Pyro damage to the Paimon robot, triggering Mona’s Illusory Bubble with Vaporize elemental reactions, instantly ripped the Paimon robot’s layer of armor off. Now the Paimon robot only had one layer of armor that’s "pretty weak" to Pyro, it’s finally the time for her, and so many Pyro characters all across Teyvat.

"Why are you still with them, Aether? Isn’t it your wish for them to all be eliminated in the first place? "

The songstresses happen to sing "Ikinokoritai" again

"Now I changed my fucking mind! It’s you, and your sadistic, greedy treatment of Zhongli and other characters, that makes the entire program’s ratings drop like hell, not them! Besides, you manipulated Barbara, one more thing unforgivable! "

Yukari chan issued the final order, "Now for the moment of Melt! " But the Paimon robot rebooted and attempted to rise into the air again. "Not gonna happen! "

Yukari chan switched her SDW into Intelligent mode, shooting Incendiary bullets onto the Paimon robot, and let it fall into the ground again, while Aether used his Elemental Skills to decrease 60% of the Paimon robot’s Pyro resistance. Meanwhile Yukari chan’s Pyro was still on the robot, so Sucrose also threw out her Anemo creations and added everyone with a lotta Elemental Mastery. Diona threw out her Signature Mix to trigger the Instructor four-set’s 120 Elemental Mastery increase, and anyone in the range of her Signature Mix added another 200 of Elemental Mastery. Bennett also smashed the Like button on the ground, added every Pyro DPS on the ground with 1200 of Attack.

"Wait… how do we inflict sustained Cyro status on this robot… "

Ganyu suddenly Defolded from the waypoint, "I feel that you’re calling me, Yukari chan. " Ganyu used her Elemental Burst to summon a Sacred Cryo Pearl upon the Paimon robot to give it sustained Cyro status.

*The songstresses happen to sing "Seiza no michibiki de..." *

"Imada! Final Attack! " All of Pyro DPS characters all across Teyvat stayed in Diona and Bennett’s circles, using all their Elemental Bursts at the same time:

"Time for… RETRIBUTION! "
"Blazing Delight! "
"Cross over! "
"You're toast! "
"Amp it up!"
"No one escapes my sights!"

Aether performed his Elemental Burst to generate a giant arse tornado, mixed with Pyro elements towards the Paimon robot, while Yukari chan used the Anemo stream to take off again, activated her last Constellation, opened all of her missile pods, replaced all of the missiles with the experimental reactionary missiles, finished aiming at the still Cyro inflicted Paimon robot in the blink of an eye thanks to her new model of armor, and fired them all,

"Disappear, to the end of the galaxy! ",

totally blasting the Paimon robot into non existence.

"The Fold Fault had all disappeared! We made it! "

"Can we conclude this thing? Like It’s really concluded and I really wanna conclude it and I’m too tired to conclude something else. Now I can Fold too… "

Yukari chan Folded herself into the Knights’ headquarters. There are more and more people Defolding after her. All of the people Folded into the Knights’ headquarters and then went to Diluc’s small arse tavern to drink.

Genshin Frontier Act IV: Epilogue

Some time after the Yukari FEGELEIN incident in Teyvat, Paimon, I mean Twitter account @Genshinimpact, I mean the annoying mascot of Mihoyo Kabushikigaisha, rants on Twitter:

"Dear Travellers, We have recently received a lot of feedback from Travelers regarding issues with the character Yukari FEGELEIN. Recently, we discovered the breach in our systems. Such behavior not only disrupts our plans to develop and promote the new characters, but also causes some Travelers to have misconceptions about the content of the new characters. Here, we kindly ask for the support and help of all Travelers to resist Yukari FEGELEIN, and maintain a fair gaming environment. We will also increase our efforts to deal with such security breaches and illegal characters, such as banning all players’ accounts playing as her. "

And soon someone replied to her with: "Yukari FEGELEIN was a mod in your leaked 1.5 singleplayer development build, and you basically can’t ban anyone. Get the 2FA implemented before bitching about your own security problems, otherwise, we will plan to DDoS your shitty arse game servers 2147483647 times everyday until you go bankrupt yourselves, you greedy capitalist cunt. ---- Anarchy Intergalactical"

Meanwhile, Cuntstantin Films were busy sending DMCA Takedown Notices to every one of these Genshin Impact gameplay videos containing Yukari FEGELEIN, and to everyone and their meow chans and doggos’ surprise, Youtube did it, they took down these videos and terminated a lotta accounts. Just because they featured Yukari FEGELEIN, and Cuntstantin Films claimed copyright on the word "FEGELEIN".

"What a bunch of clowns, abusing copyright ‘protections’ and their legal teams against individuals, " Aether watched the news via his own AR display glasses, sitting with Yukari chan on the beach between Strombearer Point and Starsnatch Cliff, enjoying the sunlight, "They’re literally worse than Paimon, Yukari chan. "

"Who? "

"The big arse intergalactic ad company faking itself into a hi-tech company. After the intergalactic Fold network became a reality, these clowns resurfaced. But anyway, thanks to this recent technology, this spaceship of reality show, Genshin Impact, becomes possible. "

"You’re pretty sure this area is not on your reality show, right? "

"Don’t worry, I shut down the camera here for a while. By the way, last night’s show was awesome! The rates literally riled up! I guess beating Paimon outta the picture is a much better idea for the show. And that means I finally purchased a VF-25, and if you insist on returning to your home fleet, it’s all yours, and you can use it whatever you like. Or… "

Aether seemed to see through Yukari chan’s doubt, "If you wanna stay here, here’s an offer, work with me as Overseers, Yukari chan. Together we can work the greater things out! Our program was undergoing a huge arse shift. People were tired of watching the same medieval magic reality show years after years, farming Artifacts in one of 100 to 200 probabilities. We all knew that, right? Now they wanna see the program of people advancing in technologies, and become modern and even future humans from medieval times. Macross Frontier is already an inspiring story for all the people in long range fleets fighting the unknowns, expanding humanity to frontier. And the renowned Genshin Impact, will inherit the spirit of humanity expanding through the newer frontiers, not only the ones in space, but also the ones in technology. "

"And I think your shift in focus is happening naturally, either Mondstadt or Liyue are researching advanced alchemy right now, it’s only a matter of time before they’re advanced enough to be considered modern technology. And then they will ascend to the Celestia island, to find out the truth behind their spaceship, and contact with other fleets or such. But right now, they need to evolve and adopt newer technology on their own, like their current project of building their own Inazuma from scratch, and soon the rest of these nations, and elect their own people as Archons, without a greedy so called Sustainer of Heavenly Principles to make for us after ten or even nine Iterations. "

"I never thought you actually had deeper understandings of the program, Yukari chan, just like your understanding in Genshin combat. Wait… An email from Ranka Lee and Sheryl Nome. "

"What? Are they threatening to DMCA us or what? "

"No way, they’re not Cuntstantin Films anyway. They lauded the show last night, especially lauded your usage of their iconic music and Macross Frontier’s most famous line… "

"Both of you are my wings? "

"Exactly. By the way, it’s you who makes Jean and Barbara sing songs in Macross Frontier, right? "

"Right, Even by now I still had their music stored on my implanted computer… At my times with them, I was always imagining Jean chan to be Sheryl Nome, and Barbara chan to be Ranka Lee. "

"Nice try. Half of a year’s repeated Artifact farming would drive anyone crazy, including you and me. We will run on new contents pretty soon, and Ranka and Sheryl said they will license any of their new songs to us exclusively. I guess our program had some new fans! "

"Good to hear… By the way, we all knew Barbara chan had experienced all we had these days, how would you tell her of all these truths? Or whether? "

"What would you do? "

"I didn’t know. Knowing the truth was once my goal, but the truth isn't actually harmful to me. But it won’t work for her. If she knew she’s the cause of the 117th Research Fleet’s demise, I don’t know what she would feel for the rest of her life. "

"Besides… if these NUNS scumbags knew that… They would definitely come here, cause some considerable damages and arrest her, put her on a tribunal, and probably execute her, no question asked. So that’s unacceptable, and I went telling her all these things are nothing but a nightmare. And Barbara seems to accept this, and probably still dreaming to become an idol of Teyvat. That’s probably what we called blissful ignorance. "

"So, how would you stop them from singing Aimo again? "

"I don’t think Vajra is hostile to humans right now. They seem to attack randomly anything if summoned, but probably because no one knows how to effectively communicate with them. Ranka Lee seems to be successful in Frontier once, but these Vajra Folded themselves to somewhere unknown, and these ones appeared here are the new species. Research is still underway, no matter on these research fleets, or here. "

"You mean people in Teyvat were also able to figure this out? "

"Yes, and they probably would go ahead in research. But anyway, when effective communication is reached, we can finally make peace, no deaths due to singing Aimo, and no trials either, and Barbara would be finally ready for the truth. "

"Sounds practicable. Now you ready to work your role as a variable traveller, Aether? Jean chan was expecting you. "

"Alright, I’ll see her in seconds. " Aether Folded himself out, leaving Yukari chan alone.

"I was starting to love this place… But when will we see the end of the galaxy… "



总体来说30k活动的时候玩群比玩游戏好玩,那时如果我没记错的话是1.3末期,这游戏已经无限接近于长草了,以至于胡桃酱成了这游戏为数不多的惊喜🤔我加入了甘雨小组,我们每天在甘雨小组的专用频道里面刷甘雨emote🤔当然,如果我那时玩小号的话,我肯定会干出用甘雨emote刷万字符这种事情,然后被赶出群(悲🤔或者刷完万字符向discord运营团队举报,然后看他们的管理团队被discord批斗,找他们乐子🤔但说实话我对cuties impact的社区没有perusona社区或者ucc/hrpc那么大的恶意,我应该不会做这种事(确信🤔


话说我迫真续写genshin frontier(没错,到今天还没写完)是因为2.1的剧情实在是太烂了,绝对不是因为又要参加某个oc征文(确信🤔其实我以前很少直球批评这个游戏的剧情的,以前我顶多只是调侃一下它(比如我写的那篇关于万叶的),但2.1实在是烂到了一定境界,烂到很多人顶着批站“你行你上”的嘲讽验证码也要“我行我上”的程度🤔所以genshin frontier第二季就是“我行我上”风格的作品,当然,它目前这个进度也说明了我不是那么“行”,至少在英文写作方面🤔



  • 荧酱在对决女士第二阶段的时候被橄榄,然后说自己是旅行了114514个世界的旅行者,在某个世界获得了一种叫做perusona的玩意,然后掏出一把手枪,对着自己的脑袋开了一枪:“PERUSONA! ”,一转perusona3🤔但这么做的话我打算把对战女士和对战雷电将军缝合在一块,而且得彻底抛弃我之前的一个设定(牺牲邪眼可以实现一个哪怕听起来不可能的愿望)🤔话说迫真ソナ的最后一章什么时候能写出来啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊(悲🤔

  • 荧酱在对决女士的时候用自身嵌入的音频系统(这是第一季的设定,yukari飞过来就经常这么干,我在稻妻钓鱼的时候也在这么干)放起了hardbass,让作为精神斯拉夫壬的女士开始鄙夷荧酱的音乐品味,还可以趁机黑屁一波批站某个自视清高的俄罗斯up🤔它不是在那儿嫌冲国壬玩suka blyat梗不够尊重俄罗斯文化吗,那么,安排一个(吴慈悲🤔

  • 正常(确信)剧情,心海和稻妻砂糖酱作为姐妹花(迫真)唱起了lion,橄榄女士后放了obelisk,无限接近于macross frontier某个剧场版里有这首歌的剧情🤔问题是神像激活后不到一分钟时间雷电将军就会被橄榄,除非立即唐突二转lion,不然我想不出来续上歌曲的可能性(悲🤔


所幸(大嘘)橄榄雷电将军之后发生的事情,和之前计划的版本没啥太大差别🤔除了我实在是太喜欢(大嘘)我创作出的反派了,所以我不是很希望他和第一季里的paimon机器人一样被橄榄,他在召唤出深渊教团后直接摊牌,自己也是如同荧酱那样的异世界旅行者,因为实在是受够了这个楚门世界(也是第一季的设定)的垃圾剧情,所以来这个世界找点乐子,改改剧情,然后在帮助114514个深渊法师来这里之后fold回了自己的世界,从此直接消失🤔接下来开始放那首sayonara no tsubasa来着,既然是genshin frontier,那就用最macross frontier的方式结尾吧(确信🤔话说我都不看macross frontier长达半年了,我现在只记住了几首歌🤔



在我翻了114514个/z/本姓氏之后,我得出一个迫真结论:难怪人们喜欢瞎寄吧给虚拟角色取/z/本姓氏,因为只有/z/本姓氏可以给使用汉字的几个国家的人带来彻头彻尾的取名自由🤔我反正难以想象中文复姓会有叫“雨宫”或者“雪(大嘘)宫”的🤔而对西方世界来说,瞎鸡巴取/z/本姓氏也有一种迫真附庸风雅的意味,差不多就像我在genshin frontier里面雷普拉丁文一样🤔没错,我估计wfp的150k活动里面那些写oc的全都在干这件事🤔哪天我有闲时间了可以观摩一下wfp的殿堂作品都是些什么货色(半恼🤔


要么就叫stellanomiya吧!或者以cuties impact的用词习惯,叫astranomiya吧!🤔越听起来不像/z/文名字,就会越生草,越符合我写genshin frontier系列作品的初衷🤔别忘了第一季可是从头到尾都在黑屁,要不是投wfp的30k征文,我搞不好会写什么雷普paimon什么行秋给胡桃酱破处什么胡桃酱的virgin blood活活淹死了全世界的炼铜出警魔怔壬之类的🤔这第二季我感觉黑屁力度至少降低了一半,难怪我写了一个月都写不出什么玩意🤔


另外我决定将传说中的genshin frontier第一季整理下,重新发表出来🤔原文是个google docs文档,我也不清楚为啥当时没有整理成md🤔但我还是需要强调一下第一季的背景,那时这破游戏才出到1.4,而且我写那玩意时恰好1.5开发者客户端泄露,所以如果感觉到第一集有点黑屁过度的话,也没啥不好理解的(确信🤔当然第二季的背景也比较好理解,2.1剧情便乘了一坨屎🤔





话说这游戏里面到底有多少个miya?🤔我突然想到某个nga帖子闹出了把狐斋宫当作建筑的笑话,但狐斋宫在英文里面叫做kitsune saiguu,kitsune是狐狸的意思,saiguu貌似是个官职还是啥来着,这构词法可以说是无限接近于yae miko了🤔看来,不是所有的“宫”都是miya🤔当然,saiguu只是斋宫的念法之一,还有什么itsukinomiya和imimiya,这两个就有miya了(确信

对了,那个心海和琴酱的小号,我准备捞个重云,结果出了一个班爷,接下来这破游戏的玩法就便乘了班爷一个大,琴酱一个大,然后敌人就被瞬间雷普了(确信🤔比如在剧情里屌得不得了的女士,就被我一波带走了,连话都没说完,wl3就是这么爽🤔但当我用这一招来打雷电的时候,就不管用了,然后完全没怎么升过级的amber吃了一整套大,挂了🤔话说cuties impact和incel3还不太一样,由于coop存在,时停什么的就没法搞了,所以自机雷电的大招就退化成了一个动画加上一个只有数字的伤害,可以说是非常敷衍了,那个可以锁定敌人并时停的大招只有作为boss的雷电才有(悲🤔

