new sandisk extreme pro.21.02.28



基本上唯一值得买的旧卡是sandisk extreme系列,这些据说都是mlc,而extreme pro除了那个性能基本上只有索尼的sd能赶得上的128GB版本(我有,但它和只支持uhs-1的a6300不太搭配,写照片速度连三星的tlc和普通extreme都不如)外,还有一个400GB的版本,我这次买的就是这个版本,算下来400多些🤔


在这张卡到之前我只能用之前相机里用的128GB卡充数,发现它现在倒是能放下我的新歌库和perusona musik,旧的歌库大概只能放3GB这么多,我全部放成了move的专辑🤔毕竟move的歌曲是真经典,现在的日本流行乐坛已经创作不出这种歌曲了🤔我在X州迫真头文字d的时候这些歌就有用了🤔







这里应该插入一个lexar的uhs-2读卡器结果的,但我忘了截图了,反正连sandisk的uhs-2都不如🤔其实这个400GB的extreme pro做了一个定制触点,和uhs-2的触点长得完全不一样🤔所以只有sandisk的uhs-1读卡器才能搞它🤔

接下来跑h2testw,和所有sandisk的mlc卡一样,这个卡跑时间长了也降速🤔上次测的extreme pro写入好像没降速,但读取开始降速了🤔这次好像写入就开始降速了,从95降到了75🤔但读取一直都是144,没有降🤔当然写入速度从来不是sandisk的强项,至少不会像三星那么强,和三星evo plus差不多读取速度的普通extreme好像写入只有45🤔




MOVE - strike on


strike on, ride on, ride on my own
hurry up and move into the streamin'
strike on, ride on, ride on my own
screamin' to the mountain high

run and run baby run! そしてヤツがいくぜ
あぁどんな夢追いかけ どんな焦燥に追われ
loud desire うなる backfire ビリビリ bangと
こんなにアクセス踏んでも 振り切れないモノ
なぜこの時代に生まれ なぜこの瞬間に生きて
存在とか行動の 根本の理由探すコト
now strike you on

誰もがただ一人で探す 自分の未来を

hurry up and move into beat,
strike and bang it down

strike on 君がホントの 君のままでいるため
strike on あとどのくらい 胸に傷を背負うの?
strike on 追いかけていく 夢を愛をどこまで
straight shot いくつの叫び なみだ隠し走るの
(hey make a noize)wow wow wow..
(somebody make a noize)wow wow yeah..
(somebody shake your body, now you make a scream)
to be strike on..

and noize around the town
ほら go with mach sound
失うモノならでっかい程ワクワク そうでしょう?
さあもう丁々発止ステージ 観客がキリキリ舞うほど
見舞うぜstraight shot

ride on,ride on,i'll strike you on with my song
優柔不断に再見! セコビッチな後悔消し去ろうぜ
よしましょうかたいコト ですます調のケンカしても
効果ないことに気が付かない people
rock the beat,rock the break beat

どんな答えが待っていても その道を選ぶ

hurry up and move into beat,
strike and bang it down

strike on 激しい未来 望むならば今すぐ
strike on 大切なモノ なくすことも恐れず
strike on 求め続ける 君の熱い夢中が
straight shot 目覚めないまま

woo strike it on yeah to the mountain high
takin' to the straight shot so I feel
your love that's 4 real
woo strike it on yeah to the mountain high
It's a real, It's a real, It's a real to feel
to be strike on

hurry up and move into beat... strike on,
ride it on, come on!
oh yeah! boom!!!




Northern Cross

from Lion

I can no longer remember the start of this journey.
気づいたら ここにいた
Before I realized, I was already here.
季節が破けて 未発見赤外線
As the seasons wore away,
Those who sense the invisible infrared rays become lost.

I will probably lose them,
These feelings that I risk for life for.
I loved as if I were fighting to survive.
I spent all my time building my dream.
I wanted to land on that star.
君の空 飛びたかった
I wanted to fly in your sky.

Wouldn't someone please caress my empty contours?
Pushed on by the beating of in my chest, these words of love rolled out of my mouth.
だけど 困ったナ 応えがない
But no one answers them, and I don't know what to do.
Chosen by destiny, the Northern Star is burning bright.
Though it snatched you away from me into the sooty darkness,
なのに 可憐に笑うとこ 好きだったよ
You continued to smile so gracefully. I loved that part of you.

If you are gone, then there's no meaning left to life.
I don't care if everyone disappeared.
If my love is gone, then I have no more use for my heart.
This world can just disappear.

I was always in pain.
I would risk my life for that first time we met.
I dream't as if I were struggling to breathe.
I reached my hands out blindly.
I wanted to listen to your heartbeat.
君と虹 架けたかった
I wanted to build a rainbow with you.

Wouldn't someone please embrace me tightly with daybreak's sentimentality.
Tears of love that scatter as they are repelled by orbits of dreams will do.
それが むき出しの傷みでもいい
Their painful flow is just fine for me.
Called back by destiny, the Northern Star is crying.
どうせ 迷路生き抜くなら
If I have to survive in this labyrinth anyway,
I want to die loving you to my last breath.

And it will begin,
The finale I will risk my life for.
I loved as if I were fighting to survive.
I kicked on dreams on until they are crumpled.
I wanted to end on that star.
君の空 咲きたかった
I wanted to bloom in your sky.

Wouldn't someone please caress my empty contours?
The motions of time have erased away
The words of love that could not be saved.
だから モウイチド 応えがほしい
So please, give me your answer one more time.
Chosen by destiny, the Northern Star is burning bright.
Though it snatched you away from me into the sooty darkness,
なのに 可憐に笑うとこ 好きだったよ
You continued to smile so gracefully. I loved that part of you.

Though it snatched you away from me into the sooty darkness,
なのに 可憐に笑うとこ 好きだったよ
You continued to smile so gracefully. I loved that part of you.

黑屁时间:这歌听起来挺不错,而且kawaii sheryl chan唱这歌的时候也挺萌的(确信),但回去再看一遍macross frontier,再看这歌词,这首歌出现的那两个场景和这歌词有半日元的关系吗?所以我说macross frontier的绝大多数歌曲只能当背景音乐听🤔



from Lion

星を廻せ 世界のまんなかで
Turn the stars at the center of the world
If you sneeze, a butterfly in a forest somewhere will dance
君が守るドアのかぎ デタラメ
The door you guard has a useless key
It's an embarrassing story
舐め合っても ライオンは強い
Though they often lick one another, lions are strong

I want to survive
I want to survive
I still can't stop wanting to live
Guided by the constellations, our eyes met

I want to survive
I am at a loss
Gently withering away
本気の身体 見せつけるまで
But until I show you my true self,
私 眠らない
I will not sleep

Will the winds blow east one day?
高気圧 この星の氷河を襲う
High atmospheric pressure attacks this planet's frozen rivers
My chest hurts from the sip of alluring water I took
It's a story seen from a distance
かじり合う 骨の奥まで
Gnaw at each other till the bones

I want to survive
I want to survive
I still can't stop wanting to live
Guided by the constellations, our eyes met

I want to survive
I am at a loss
Gently withering away
本気の身体 見せつけるまで
But until I show you my true self
私 眠らない
I will not sleep

What were we born to do?
What are we here to do?

I want to survive
This permanent scar
光 恐れてた
I used to fear the light
The lives seeking redemption were drawn to one another

I want to stop prowling
君のとなりで ほてり鎮めたい
And settle down next to you bashfully
本気の身体 見せつけるまで
Until I show you my true self
私 眠らない
I will not sleep

I want to survive
Even as a nobody
I love you
The lives waiting for awakening were drawn to one another

In place of my wildness,
I shall offer a prayer.
I love you.
Constellations, please guide me...

I want to survive
I still want to live
I'm in love with you!
Until I show off my serious heart,
私 眠らない
I will not sleep

入坑曲,而且我们和alto的两个翅膀(手动滑稽)都知道这歌在macross frontier最后一章里的分量,但这也是首看了歌词翻译后让我脱口而出“唱的什么鸡巴玩意”的歌曲🤔再说了,这歌怎么翻唱成英文,反正我是想不出了🤔



from Macross Frontier VOCAL COLLECTION Nyan Tama♀

Everyone calls me 'fairy'.
妖精と呼ぶ わたしはそれに応える
I try to live up to it.

感じないから こころの重さ
I can't feel the weight in my heart.
だから この空を飛べたんだ
That's why I chose to fly in the sky.

あなたを知って 愛にふるえて 戸惑うわたしの羽が
I was shaken by love from meeting you, and my wings lost their way.
むき出しで 雨に濡れて 生命体呼び覚ました
Exposed to the rain, they are wet, and they woke the sleeping lifeforms.
Fly away, for another day
"Watashi wo yonde, anata no koede"
"Call for me with your voice."

I have no regrets, except my secret love.
好きだといって それ以上今は言わないで
Tell me you love me, but say no more for now.
I mustn't return to paradise.

I'm here I'm here,
Here's where I live, now I sing in the silence.
Right here, there's no fear.

Is there such a place in this universe?
暖かい場所 慕いあい夢見る場所
A place of warmth, a place where we can dream together.

心の闇 照らす波動を集め
I gather the energy waves that shine on the darkness in my heart,
そして わたしは飛び立とう
And I take to the skies.

あなたの元へ 遥か地上へ ムチのように打つ雨よ
To your place in the distant land, as the rain falls like whip lashes.
この想い 報われず 泡になり消えても平気
I'll be fine even if my feelings unrequited disappear like bubbles.
Believe in me. "anata no hikari, namida no soba ni"
Believe in me. "Your glow is by my tears."

ただあるがまま I'M LOVING YOU
The truth is simple. I love you.
解かれるため 結んだ髪がきれいだね 滴でにじんでく
My beautifully tied hair is yours to untie. It's collecting dew drops.

あなたに出会った 愛されるため ずっと独りでいたんだ
After I met you, I was always alone because I wanted to be loved.
過去と未来 結ぶ銀河の夕暮れを あなたと見たいから
I want to watch with you, the galaxy's sunset that bridges the future and the past.

Where are you? Why the love?
Fall into the end of the World.
Fairy, realize that I can feel on my soul.

I will escape from the reach of the space-time tempest,
And head for you...

这歌在macross frontier所有歌曲里知名度基本上相当于没有,但首先至少它没有被用到错误的地方,比如最后决战之类的🤔歌曲本身的水平也是相当高的,不过好像第22集才放了一半,毕竟只是插曲,而sheryl chan早就不是frontier偶像了🤔但奇怪的是,我感觉这首歌是macross frontier里面最有味道的歌曲了🤔

result (finally


草,我的firefox又tm崩了,还是老毛病,switchy omega插件没法用了,显示文件已损坏还是啥来着🤔


所以我最后找到了一个旧的全profile备份对原来的目录进行全目录覆盖,然后再从最新的备份档里覆盖所有的sqlite文件回去,这样至少我的switchy omega插件恢复了正常,而且更惊喜的是我之前设置的那一堆代理设置全部回来了🤔所以到今天,我tm还是不知道这个插件的数据到底放在哪里,而且也不知道它哪里坏了,反正它肯定不是webappstore.sqlite🤔




话说回来我突然想到导致历史数据库损坏的原因在哪儿了:是那个expire history by days插件,我之前在这个插件里设置了一个非常大的值,每过一段时间它就按照里面设置的时间来清理这个时间之前的历史纪录,按理来说这个值非常大,它不会清理任何东西,这样就起到了取消历史记录过期的效果🤔但实际上它在一顿瞎几把计算之后决定将今天之外的其他历史纪录全部清除了🤔所以以前我只能不停刷新浏览器啥的阻止它发动了🤔

但我这几个月就没有遭遇到这种情况,原因可能是上次浏览器插件故障后我也做了覆盖整个profile这种操作,但这个插件的数据没有恢复过来,所以它被设置为了0,也就是default browser expiration:




macross frontier

这几天我又看了一遍macross frontier,不过由于浏览器修好了,我这次是在youtube上看的🤔神奇的是作为版权狗的youtube上居然有完整版的macross全集,甚至还有两个剧场版,而且都有英文字幕🤔这玩意是没人发射dmca弹,还是日本人英文水平不行?但我突然想到macross系列的版权归属本身就混乱的1b,估计没人管youtube吧🤔那这差不多也就意味着我拿macross frontier的bgm做元首鬼畜,也不会吃dmca弹?🤔

神奇的是我现在拿英文字幕看日本动画,感觉居然比拿中文字幕看日本动画舒服得多,毕竟我连玩cuties impact都开的英文字幕,写个迫真同人都是英文写作,哪怕写作水平实际上退化到了美国小学生级别,但还是乐此不疲🤔更神奇的是,我这个blog里评论(迫真)都是中文写的,但虚构创作都是英文写的,我不清楚这是哪门子传统🤔当然我也许可以将评论也翻译成英文,比如unterganger列传的hrp部分我就翻译了,但它一开始是中文🤔而虚构创作我完全不会经过中文这一步骤🤔我的无端猜测是,虚构创作的素材是我接触的其他科幻作品,无论是游戏还是动画,要知道我开始用纯英文玩儿bionic commando和mass effects 2大概是11年前的传统了🤔所以拿英文写虚构创作会感觉更加自然些🤔

回到macross frontier,这个动画我看的次数越多,我越发惊叹于它考究的细节,能够考究到我对perusona系列发出极其不客气的评价:简直让perusona3剧场版看起来像是无病呻吟🤔唯一的问题是日本的游戏工业实在是垃圾,perusona本篇也就是个二流回合制rpg而已,要不是因为perusona剧情的名气我才不会玩那垃圾玩意,而macross frontier到今天都没啥可以玩的游戏🤔那几个psp射击游戏又不算,我说的是覆盖整个动画内容的游戏🤔当然把san andreas改装成island 1只是图一乐,毕竟这个动画其实一半以上的篇幅都在飞船外,但我估计一个能够完全还原macross frontier的开放世界游戏,到206X年都别想见到了(悲🤔



impactus tertius explained.21.02.22



总体来说我会将其归类为学园浪漫(大嘘)科幻类型,或者简单点说,科幻版bully🤔而且既然是以我的高中生活为背景,那么就不可避免地会有些真的东西,比如里面那个被绑上天做迫真布朗运动的富二代是真实存在的,他爸的确是某家矿业公司的高管(据说是副总裁?反正他们全家那时都在我的刺杀名单里就是了),而且这家矿业公司在故事发生的年代真的濒临破产到他们的底层员工吃饭都只能吃白米饭(或者至少那个时候我家里人是这样说的)🤔而且像我写的其他萌妹作品一样,里面的萌妹也是有原型的🤔但剩下的东西应该都是虚构的,比如主角身上的外骨骼装甲和酷似bionic commando的机械爪子🤔还有即将涉及到的正邪影子组织的大战(说是大,但按照开放世界游戏的风格,通常都是两三个我方角色大战成千上万的敌方角色)什么的🤔

当然,bionic commando很明显是本作试图致敬的对象,而且在文中有多次引用,毕竟按照设定,它也是200⑨年某高中非常流行的游戏,每个人都在玩🤔但实际情况呢,这游戏当时只有我玩过,而且也不是在200⑨年,是在2010年🤔0⑨年我哪有能跑得动bionic commando的电脑,那游戏至少要dx9🤔2000年我家买的清华同方品牌机里面只有奔4+mx440,它只支持到dx8,大概也就是gta san andreas勉强能玩的水平🤔

0⑨年某富二代也组了个i7 940+gtx295的神机,这个配置在我上大学的时候已经变成了x58垃圾佬套餐的一部分🤔当然到今天连x79都被嫌弃了,x99已经是主流(大嘘)垃圾佬平台,要不是ddr4内存太贵,我已经去搞x299了🤔


另外一方面这个主线也受到了我那时玩的另外一款游戏的影响,那就是mass effect 2🤔里面有个人类至上主义的组织cerberus给主角提供各种黑科技,甚至重建了一艘飞船给他们做移动司令部用🤔初创者组织也有这种华人至上主义的意识形态,只不过作为一款可能主要是美国人掏钱的游戏,它不会明目张胆地写出来而已🤔


mass effect系列的一个主题是阻止一种叫做reaper的大型章鱼哥通过瞬移来雷普银河系文明,而这点也被我迫真借用到了我自己的作品里,那就是阻止反派组织通过瞬移(大嘘)大规模雷普初创者组织的最后一片基地🤔套用点macross系列的设定,这个基地一定是个城市大小的大型飞船,而且和macross里面的不同,它一开始就被反派组织渗透成了筛子,他们里应外合准备打开主角所在城市里隐藏的大规模瞬移通道,然后一举橄榄这个飞船🤔主角在整个故事里的目标就是阻止反派这么做,并橄榄他们的头目,让他们几十年都没法再这么搞了,而且在地球上寻找一片地方重建基地🤔

其实我要搞的并不是mass effect或者macross这样的太空歌剧科幻,这个基地是不是飞船或者它是什么其实并没有那么重要🤔但飞船倒是挺契合初创者组织的另外一面的,那就是它是人类的第一个开始大规模星系殖民的文明,大概在2型文明和3型文明之间,只不过这个人类貌似并不包括华人之外的其他人种🤔毕竟初创者组织是极端华人至上主义组织,他们的人工智能在20XX年计算出其他人种对人类离开地球进行星际殖民其实是障碍,然后研发出了基因病毒灭绝了华人之外的所有其他人种,然后研发出了可控核聚变并开始星际殖民🤔但这是gta类型的游戏啊,这只是个背景故事而已🤔

当然,这个华人也可以换成别的人种,理想情况下游戏卖到哪个国家就便乘这个国家的主体民族,比如在美国卖的版本初创者组织就是个极端白人至上主义组织,在日本卖的版本初创者组织就是个极端带和至上主义组织,在墨西哥和其他南美国家卖的版本初创者组织就是个极端拉丁至上主义(大嘘)组织,在火星卖的版本初创者组织就是个极端火星至上主义组织(infinite warfare梦幻联动),极端到他们一炮轰了地球,并骗太阳系外来的外星人火星就是地球,地球是火星人造的大型行星景观(大嘘🤔






当然这代领袖还造了其他的人造超人,比如主角的妹妹,当然也是个短发眼镜萌妹(why not?),还是目前整个初创者组织的形象大使(大嘘),至少所有特工的板载人工智能都是以其建模的,而且还装备可替换人造批,能够做到和114514人做爱还能确保不传播std(bruh🤔





ps. 何为“第三次冲击”?而且第一次和第二次又在哪里?




impactus tertius part


Neinth Floor of Northern Stellar High School's Laboratory building, October 200⑨

"So you ditched the morning homeroom session again, right, Nathan Spencer IRL? " [insert_deuteragonist_name_here] greeted [insert_protag_name_here] who's already watin' here probably for hours.

"Yes, and I'm much better than Spencer right now, at least he couldn't fly and I can. Besides, this time I really got this crap covered. "

"By how? "

"This device of mine, it's actually much more powerful than any computer in this age in computation power. And unlike any other computer, it's directed connected with my brain so I can use it with pure instinct, like part of my organs. Thus these math exams , or whatever form of exams will never be my problem, and I can get full marks that my headmaster would allow me to do anythin'. What's your excuses to come here? "

"Nah, I don't need excuses, our headmaster won't mind our business for some reasons, so my class was always in anarchy. "

"So you escaped the anarchy all the way here? "

"Exactly. Otherwise what else would I do? Watch them trappin' a cat with a mouse and see how long it takes for one to eat another one? "

"Not if the cat was equipped with my kinda equipments. "

"That's not funny, bro. Meanwhile I've heard that you got a TA job at the IT class? "

"It's not a job in any payment, and it's not TA either. It's just me pretendin' to be a TA so I got access to the teacher's machine that has workin' USB ports and much faster processor. But with my current equipment I don't need that position anymore. Gotta resign. "

"I won't if I was you. "

"Why? "

"It's the perfect opportunity to approach freshmen girls. Serious, the only moment that I wanna learn programmin' as well... "

"That's all you thought on IT technologies, right? "

"I don't fuckin' care about IT technologies, but you would also agree, that girls in our grade are totally shit. As for these freshmen girls, they're in here only for one month. "

"Fine then, you can go apply for an unpaid TA yourself, to see if you could pick up some freshmen girls you like. Like I said before, I lost interest on almost anything that our generation seem to care. Grades, girls, whatever you name it. Especially after I gain these magical devices or such. "

"Then what do you care anyway? The persue of the true knowledge of the universe? Come on, stop acting like you're an alien in human disguise or something. Besides, there is one more thing on your way to goddom. "

"The rich arse kid that we robbed and trolled last week? "

"How would you deal with him? He will definitely ask his father's collection back. Probably after a beatdown from his father. "

"Then I will beat him up once more, simple. Seriously, I will try to finish this objective without the armor or glasses. Just the neuron link shall be enough, and he's dumb enough not to know I'm still enhanced. "

"Then what? Tell him to go fuck himself or another round, right? "

"Not just that. Mostly he will just pretend to surrender, and try to backstab me in the future. I will try to threaten him more, like how his family might have illegal connection with the school board, or the corruption his father might have in his own company, or how he's a lizard people instead of human. At least one of these things are true! "

"And he still had the power to fuck you up, before you can actually damage his family using your claims. As I seem it, we shall do long time project of really collecting the evidence of his family's crimes, and fuck his family up asap. "

"The arm race of fucking each other up... Interesting, and he will never reach my speed. Even if his father is wealthy as fuck, he's a normal person anyway, but I am not, " protag prepared his arm and gear for flight, "Just beat him up today to begin with. "

And protag jumped from the roof of the laboratory building and started flying towards the main building, or precisely, one of the windows of his own classroom.


"Who the actual fuck shut the window down... " By manually openin' one of the windows, protag climbed into his classroom. The homeroom time is almost over and he saw the rich kid already there and with girls surrounding him, as usual.

And he saw his father's gear worn on protag as well. "Well, well, protag, I never thought it's you who has stolen my father's armor from my party, you bottom feeder fuck! "

"Not if your father stole from me first. See, I'm the legitimate owner of this armor, and arm attachment, and you're not. " protag shoved his arm besides the rich kid and scared him, "Neither your father nor you can actually control this crap, but I can. That's the proof everyone and their slave needs. "

"How dare you speak to the Master like that! " One of his sidekick wanna beat protag and soon found himself in the air by his arm, "Go fuck yourself. " protag grabbed and threw him outta the classroom, in everyone's horror.

"None of your business, servants. Discussions with your master only. One more arsehole servants of yours and you're gonna be a bigger arse joke, rich fuck. "

"Fine, I'll let you play for a while, but you'd better give it back to me, or..."

"Or what? You're gonna use your father's magical power to expel me from this school and furtherly fuck me up? At the same time I can say I will make you a piece of dead meat, and murder everyone in your family in a minute. Nope, we won't do that. What about we had a fair fight, no enhancements, no armor. You beat me down, you can have your armor; Otherwise, I keep it. Deal? "

"You're not in any position of making deal with me! "

"Or you don't wanna have a fair fight, right? " protag unequipped his armor and glasses and put them on the ground, "Listen up everyone! This rich fuck doesn't want a fair fight. That's understandable, because unfair fight is the winning rule of everyone in his corrupted family! That's how his father gained an opportunity to be the executive of the Silver Mining Company, and that's how he will gain all the luxurious shit while everyone else in his company are so broke, that they can't eat any normal meal! " protag watched his opponent having significant mental shift, even when he's actually not wearing glasses, "And more interesting, that's how his mother licked and fucked the school board director's nein centimeter small dick, to send his fat arse kid in here! "

"Enough! I'll fuckin' kill you, and grind you into pieces-" An enraged rich kid waived his fist to protag, only to be predicted and dodged, and protag kicked his butt instead, "Wow. I was just shit talking your mother outta my arses, and you're suddenly that angry? So the rumor of your mother having sex with the school board is indeed true. I did NAZI that coming! "

The rich kid angrily turned around, just facin' an accelerated protag shovin' an high speed fist up his nose, almost braking it.

"Yes, the life is indeed unfair, at least for your hard working father, " protag trolled the rich kid sarcastically, "What about we walk together, and report to your father of his wife's cheating, after I beat the literal crap outta your fat arses minutes later? He will be ueber happy to hear that. "

"You know that, " protag dodged the rich kid's attack again, and noticed one of his sidekicks attepted to move the armor on the ground away; but this armor is too heavy for that stupid arsehole to move, and he would like to see them fruitlessly try it, "There're bunch of kids that can't eat things right, and there're another bunch of kids that profit the fuck outta these kids, and-" protag suddenly appeared in the rich kids's back, punched him into the ground, extracted two shoelaces from his shoes, and used one of them to wind around his neck suffocatin' him, "And you know what, another bunch of kid received ueberhuman abilities, and will beat the crap outta people like you, and give justice to all! "

After leavin' the rich kid suffocatin', protag could deal with the armor thief, and use this perfect excuses to progress the beatdown into the next stage, "Wow wow wow, you rich fuck, can you please educate your servants for a little bit? I said a fair fight. Not someone who will stab me in the back, try to steal my armor in vain. You know what, the fair fight period is over! " protag punched the armor thief and swiftly appeared befind his back, usin' another shoelace to strangle his neck too, and quickly equipped all of his Inititator systems, "Now, enjoy the unfair fight! "

There are already a bunch of the rich kid's servants tried their best to remove the shoelace stranglin' his neck, and succeed, "Thank you servants, for savin' your master without my help. But now, you can all go fuck yourself. " protag used his extensive arm to throw every one of them into somewhere else and suddenly grabbed the rich kid and threw him outside classroom. And he saw the armor thief almost suffocated to death, "And no, I don't want legal troubles. Fine, I'll save your sorry arse life. " He removed the shoelace in the armor thief's neck, and smashed him into desk and chairs too.

Protag ran outside the classroom to confront the rich kid, "Well, after the pain in your body, the humiliation that you had all across your servants and girls, would you like to finally realize that I am the sole legitimate owner of my armor and such, and sign the contract to completely give up your retarded claim of my ownership of them, and happily go fuck yourself? "

The rich kid's servants were all watchin' behind the classroom door, but none of them dare to come out for a bit, afraid of bein' thrown again; "W-what are you waitin' for? Get his sorry arse! " the rich kids still imagined one of his servants could solve the problem for him, "In that case, I suppose you need another round of re-educations. Encore! "


Protag threw the rich kid outside the main building, at the same time he checked the Icarus system and jumped outside the window too and started flyin'. He grabbed the rich kid in midair and kept flyin'. "Loadin' Brownian motion flight patterns... Oh what the fuck? "

As long as protag was in the air, and Opposition SDA was happened to also appear in the sky, shootin' missiles to him. "This time it's an unmanned model, onni-chan. "

"That means we can try to control it, right? I suddenly had a better idea to torture this rich fuck, Athena chan. " protag flew all the way up to the maximum height his flight system could ever reach, released the rich kid midair, and did a fast desendin' to appoarach the SDA and grabbed it. In less than a second he had taken over the system on the enemy SDA, and started drivin' it to match the speed of the freefallin' rich kid.

Seconds later the aircraft reached close proximity with the rich kid, "I remembered this SDA model had a mechanical claw to transport goods, use this one to grab him. " The aircraft grabbed the rich kid seconds before he hit the ground and become pieces of dead meat probably, "Uploadin' Brownian motion flight patterns... Set flight time as 1145.14 seconds... And done! Enjoy shittin' your pants, arsehole! "

Then protag left the aircraft, and flew into the top floor of the laboratory building, and watched the rich kid moanin' midair. "You're still there? Shouldn't you go to class already? "

"Of course I knew you will choose this way to torture him. Impressive. And that means your little negotiations went in total failure? "

"Not just 'total failure'. Everyone of them and their servants wanna attack me, and they all failed. Now time to enjoy that rich arsehole moan, I'll ask him of contracts again when he's landed. "


1145.14 seconds later

After minutes of Brownian motions, the aricraft landed on the playground, and protag flew to there to confirm the situation of his prey. While the rich kids are deeply frightend by the stunt, moanin' "No! Humph! Humph! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "

"How you like that, huh? You want another round? "

"Of course not! Have your stupid armor, and stop botherin' me! "

"If I had it, how would you report to your father, of his collections missin'? "

"I don't tell him about a god dammed thing! As long as you don't show up in his face with this, I suppose he will never know anyway. "

"Nor would he try to report to police either, because he got them in illegitimate means himself. So rest assured, this thing is almost settled. " protag released the grab on the rich kid by sendin' the aircraft commands, "But remember, I will keep an eye on you, any more attepts to fuck with me, hard evidences of your family's dirty business would be appeared to people that shouldn't have got acknowledged. Understood? "

"Yes, yes, just leave me alone! "

"Sure. Will do. " protag rided on the aircraft and flew with a high enough attitude, left the aircraft with a delayed release control command.

"You released control of the aircraft? Don't you wanna have a personal aircraft, onii-chan? "

"Nah, I don't wanna or don't have any means to maintein or refuel such aircrafts. But if I sent it back, our enemies will do such jobs for us. Besides, when we need to use one, one will always come. "

"Why? "

"Didn't you remember? The Opposition seems to have ways to detect me, as long as I'm above ground and airborne, they can always send a SDA after me, and at least in these days, they're always unmanned. I guess last time they did totally lost a pilot. So I just need to fly myself, and then a free and powerful aircraft will always come. "

"Strategic mind, onii-chan. The Initiators definitely need a leader like you. "

"Sounds like you, nope, we ever lack a leader. "

"No, our leader is present, but his appointed heir went missing, and we did our best to find him, and train him into the next leader or such. "

"That's quite an interesting mission to do. Where is him now? Or exactly, when? "

"Latest intel indicated that he was deployed in 1996, 13 years ago, in somewhere not far from here. But since then we've never heard of him anymore. We've sent a bunch of time travellers to get him, but no messages were ever received from them. Maybe you're actually one of the task team, onii-chan? "

"Nah, I didn't remember such mission, either in my own memory or the system's local database. It's just wired that I didn't have a mission at all. Besides, I only equipped this system a week ago! "

"In that case, we'll have to keep looking for any task team member, perhaps they can give us new information. Or probably this system is undergoing some kinda failures, and require someone with Initiator knowledge to repair it. "


protag were swinging his way back home, and in a little alley. Someone suddenly called him off gurad,

"Initiator Operative! "

"Opposition? " protag prepard his extensive arm for fight.

"Easy! I'm a friendly! Also an Operative, just without your fantastic Enforcer armor. And... a neuro link Enforcer armor? More fantastic! I didn't know that HQ would send ubermenschen into this mission. The future leader thing must be that important. "

The IFF system recognized the people front of him as "Operative Praesidium". "Praesidium... Is that your name? "

"Codename. And you... you didn't have a code name. That's strange, because every Operative has a code name. At least if you appear in here instead of 114514th century, you must be one of the Operation Recovery crew and must have one. "

"Recover the future leader, right? What about the other members? "

"I didn't see or hear from other crew members right now. Probably they got killed by the Opposition or lost in the time travel process or whatever. But now we have you, and judging from your current situation, Let's just say your equipments were damaged, and need a quick repair. "

"That won't happen, I just beat down some Opposition arses minutes ago! "

"I mean the intelligence part. You don't remember your mission, or any memory of other crew members, so it's indeed damaged. Besides, I am assigned to be the intelligence and logistics officer of the operation, and you definitely need my services, mission or not. "

"What services? "

"Don't you wanna do upgrades and become at least stronger, faster and much smarter? We can work together and get over this mess, or perhaps rescue more friendlies! Do you really like to do things alone, beatin' the same Opposition arses over and over, until your equipments broke? "

"Fine, let's see what you can offer, Praesidium. "

"Follow me, I have a secret lab around here. We mainly operate here. "


The duo went into Praesidium's underground secret lab, hidden in the usual slum-like alley not far from protag's home.

"And here we are, the Operation Recovery headquarters, except it's not like a proper headquarters anyway. Take a rest on the chair over there, I'll do a routine check on your system. "

protag comfy rest on Praesidium's surgery chair and let him do the routine check, "And... All system operational? Even the intelligence module? That's more strange than I thought. You indeed didn't have a mission, nor being one of the Recovery crew. And yet you're an uebermensch. And you appear here, now. "

"What mensch? "

"An artificial designed human. Remember the neuro link behind your brain? Unlike 'natural' human like me, human like you have faster reflexes, nearly zero latency to whatever technology you would like to use, and even more. As an Initiator researcher, I'm pretty jealous of you. Work with me, I can promise you much better upgrades of your equipments, even better than what the HQ offers! "

"Why not? You definitely need a hand, since other Operatives didn't show up, and your little Researcher outfit won't fit in combat either. And what would you offer to me? "

"Everything you've like! But first, let me upload some new software to your SDA hijacking command. Do you know that SDA had several flying mode? "

"Nope. "

"It's Software Defined Aircraft after all. And with proper software, you can turn them from usual hover mode into a fixed wing aircraft with much faster flight speed, and beat the crap outta Opposition hover only aircrafts. "

"So they didn't have such software right now? And why didn't you try them yourself? "

"I can't even go near an Opposition aircraft without bein' killed. I don't have your magical extensive arm or Icarus system either. And since I'm stick to the ground, I don't think the Opposition would send an aircraft after me anyway. So you can have it, totally free of charge. "

"Good, since we're on the same team now, I could probably hijack one and give control to you, if you want. "

"That would be useful. But right now we don't need that. As I see it, the most useful upgrades for you right now, is a weaponry called Software Defined Weaponry. "

"So like SDA, it can change into any form of weaponry as I see fit? "

"Exactly! And with your neuro link, you can make the change in a blink of your thought. But it has limitations though. "

"What limitations? "

"The number of modules. One SDW was composed of certain number of modules, the more you installed modules into a SDW, it would become more powerful, and of course heavier, like a heavy sniper rifle or greatsword required 32 modules; but on the other hand, small form factor SDW only needs a few, like two or three modules, and the other ones would be needed to store somewhere. "

"And how many can you offer? "

"None, mate. I don't have the necessary proto materials to make such modules. But I've heard that the Opposition ran a base somewhere in this city, and they seem to have such materials. Steal some for me, and I can make some SDW modules for you. "

"And we can steal more than materials. What about an opportunity to get some enemy intels? Perhaps they might know something, of the future leader or such, so we can find then before the Opposition do? "

"Anything would be welcomed, imagine we can even find some software - you know, both the Initiator and Opposition used heavily on Software Defined technologies. Their software can work on our hardware with little modifications. That makes me wonder, are they really our lost siblings or what? "

"Even if it was ture, I guess they're not anymore. So, where are they? "

"I didn't know, you might need to find it yourself. "

"Fine. So much for the intelligence officer's works. Besides, I had to go right now, I had a teaching session as the only TA in the Northern Stellar's IT classes. Of course, time to say resignation to them. "

"So you had access to the high school's hardware, right? "

"Yes, and some kinda 100Mbps Internet, a pretty fast one. "

"Not that pretty fast, at least in 114514th century, we actually have 1919810Mbps network, all wireless. "

"While you're trapped in 200⑨, just like me, right? I don't think you had any choice in here. Besides, this one is pretty expensive though, because the upload speed is also that fast, if I were you, I would magically thought of some magical device to provide this Internet access to your place, so you might add up your intelligence works. So do you have such devices or not? "

"I happen to have some. Here, it's a network bypasser, you might need to find a chance to install them in the core switch of your school's network, you definitely know where it is, right? "

"Of course, and then what, using a kilometer long fibre cable to conenct to your place? "

"Nope, you only need to install this hacking device to your school's radio tower, it could mix the high frenquency signals with the radio's signals and send Internet all over the city. "

"I don't think that would work though. That tower might have enough power to transmit singals to your places, but how could it receive whatever signal you send to it? You know, the Internet works pretty differently from radio towers. "

"That's pretty easy though, I've already hacked a cellphone base station near me, so it's powerful enough to establish connections with your school's radio tower. It didn't work on optional frequency though, but the bandwidth should reach somewhere 100Mbps at least. "

"So if I hack more base stations, does that mean we can have Internet in anywhere else in this city? "

"Of course, if you're boring enough to install every one of them. But they're not software defined, that means they need specialized hardware installed. And these hardware needs some kinda rare earth materials to produce. "

"Rare earth? I knew a local rare earth company in somewhere between this city and a nearby town, I always took vacations between them and I can see it every time. Probably we can buy some from there? "

"I don't think they will take individual orders. But that's a message worth researching. I will find a way to pretend a high profile purchases. "

"Good. Now I'll really have to go before it's too late. "

"You really don't want a little tour-"

"Next time! " Protag rushed outta Praesidium's secret labs with pretty high speed.


With the power of his extensive arms, protag arrived at the IT building of Northern Stellar just before the night IT self study class started. In Northern Stellar everyone can choose to attend a night self study class or go home, but protag definitely chose to return to school instead. This is a combination of several considerations: his father often came home drunken, complainin' how his wage was so fucking low, or how his boss was so fucking corrupt or how protag's grade was so fucking low as well, havin' fights with his mother or such; besides, a "volunteered" overstudy would be perceived as less possiblility of slackin' in studies, even if it really didn't improve his grades much, at least before he got his 114514th century neuro implants or such.

And at least in his sophomore year, he chose to spend his night time at the IT building, as an TA in Northern Stellar's night programmin' classes for the school's IOI team. As a formor champion of the city's programmin' contests, protag was trusted by his IT teachers for the works, but now he got pretty tired of it: the new participants were way weaker than the time he joined in, they just epically failed the contest this year, and it's not the contest season right now. He almost had no reason to come here anyway.

Except he might need to at least get access to the school's core switch to install the bypasser Praesidium gave to him. And it's not a pretty hard job though, he was workin' in the IT building for a really long time, and he knew exactly where it's at: A very distinct office in the second floor, where the only usage of this place is when teachers need to input grades manually after exams, into a local database of grades and scores, and print rankings, in the very same room.

"Yes, I really can't believe it's 2000 and nein and they still need to do such jobs like in 20 years ago, " Protag got into the core router room without problems, because for some reasons it's not locked at all. "Well, where it the core switch... Here, in this ugly arse case. "

Protag open the case, installed the bypasser on one of the Ethernet ports and closed it. Suddenly his system had network access.

"I didn't know that this bypasser has wireless functionality. I knew such devices exist, but I guess in my current gen, it could only 'steal' the Internet access with some kinda wires or fibre cables. "

"It's 114514th centruy technology, onii-chan. It used a high frequency signal and can support very high speed communications for a very long distance. "

"How long? can it reach the radio tower of Northern Stellar? "

"It can barely reach that far, but as I calculated, the signal decay would be acceptable, at least in 100Mbps level. The signal relay can amplify it and tranfer it over the radio tower, once you install it into the right place. "

"Well, that's tomorrow's jobs. Currently the school's radio station is closed, I'll have to find a chance to get them installed tomorrow morning. Any chance to get a laboratory building plan on somewhere online? "

"Wait... There's one, it seem to be some kinda contract information of the construction of the exact laboratory building where the radio tower's at. " Detailed information was shown on protag's mixed reality glasses, "I see. now I might know exactly which devide I need to install the relay in. And, plan to find an excuse to get in. "

"They did work on an audition started from 8am tomorrow. Perhaps, you can find someone who would attend it, or you can apply yourself... Nope, already passed the apilication deadline. "

"What about bruteforce? "

"Not a good option. The last thing you need is to make anyone alerted, of the possibility of their equipment hacked. If they knew it somehow, our works would be all in vain. "

"Fine. Now that the plan is set, guess time to monitor these kiddos. " Protag moved to the IT classroom, and sat on his teacher's computer. It's just like any normal day, where kiddos were tryin' to play any game they could find on these legacy 20th century computer. Even the one he's usin' was also too old to do anythin'. Before he had any implanted computer or such, he used such computer to learn programmin' and doin' things that was supposed to use python with bash. But now he didn't need these shit anymore.

He was supposed to find a teacher there, state his resignation and get the futabruh out. But he didn't see any teacher today. "That's strange, where the hell are they? "

"One of the faculties has posted photos on his personal page, of attendin' a certain teacher's birthday party. "

"Well, that teacher... I hate him, and he hates me, and that's all. Luckily he didn't see me installin' some wired arse devices in the core switch. " protag watched these kiddos desperately attempin' to play whatever 90s legacy shit they found in whatever wired arse website, and gradually fell asleep.


"Senpai... wake up... "

Protag felt that someone's shaking him. "Finally someone comes, havin' a good party right? I'm actually comin' here to resign, Ms... "

As protag became sober, he saw a ponytail girl with glasses in front of him.

"The fuck? You're not one of the teachers, and who are you? "

"Amanda. A freshman student newly to IT classes. You must be the famous [insert_protag_name_here] senpai, right? I thought you're drunken, and almost prepare to call for ambulance, if you couldn't wake up. "

"Not that famous, Amychan. And not drunken in any form. I didn't take alcohol, and I hate it. Now you can probably go f-" protag was angered when related to alcohol, but used his best efforts to stop, realizin' it's not actually proper to let a cute girl go fuck themselves, "Wait, what time is it? Sorry, I was bored to sleep several hours ago, you know, this job is ueber boring. "

"Eleven oclock, senpai. Everyone's already out and it's only two of us here. "

"Eleven? Wow, you know what, I'm pretty used to sleepin' in these computers, even if I didn't try once. But what's your business here? Shouldn't you be like already at home three hours ago, or even earlier? You know it's not safe on the streets? "

"Yes, but I'm watching some programmin' videos and tryin' to do stuff, and forgot about time. Would you like to accompany me home, senpai? "

"A programmin' girl... very interesting. Fine, I'll do it, it's not like you, or me had any other choice. " protag started to check the transportation info usin' his newly get Internet access, "The bus... all stopped. The taxis... they're doin' shifts, and would become reavailable at 2am next day. It seems that the only option we had is to walk home, amychan. "

"Walk home? I'm livin' in the western district of the city, it's too far... "

"Indeed. The estimated time would be like somewhat one and a half hour. I would suggest you just find a hotel for a night. Or what about I paid the hotel fees upfront, then I would go ask from your parents? "

"No, I don't think they will give me money to do that, senpai. "

"Well, if that's the case... I guess we had another option. " protag and amychan went outside the classroom, and found the entire IT building locked. "Ah great, it's locked. Then it's more necessary to go the 'other option' of mine. "

"What? "

"Come to the rooftop, and I'll fly you home. "

"Are you sure you're not drunken, senpai? You started to sound like my drunken father even more. "

"And I also had a drunken father, too bad I'm not like him. Just follow me, and I'll show you how to get up there first. "


They reached the top floor of the IT building, where they saw a small window to the rooftop, with no ladder or any way to get up.

"That doesn't look like a problem at all. Just watch. " protag streched his extensive arm and grabbed the ledge, and ascended into the rooftop. "Now your turn, amychan. " protag released his extensive arm into the ground to let her grab it.

Amychan grabbed it and protag pulled her up to the rooftop too. "Now, start to believe I can fly, perhaps. " Protag started to boot up his Icarus system, "Micro Turbine Generators... check. All system green. Granted for takeoff. "

protag jumped from the rooftop, and seconds later he started to fly around the building, while amychan watched him, "Now you see I'm indeed flying, and I'll try to fly you home too! "

protag landed on the rooftop, and tried to explain to amychan how he would take her flyin' with him, "Well, it seems that my flight system could bring an extra heavy object with it, but I need to carry you behind my back. Would you still wanna do that? "

"Sure, senpai. "

"Alright then. " Amychan came to protag's back and hugged him. "And we need to be fixed more, like... " protag found some rope and used them to tie them together, "Sorry but if I didn't do that, soon I will be flying and you will be freefallin'. And remember, just hold me tight, no matter what. "

"Got it. "

"All system operational. Initiate... vertical takeoff! " protag vertically lifted and started flyin' with amychan on his back.


In the semi emulated consciousness mode, where protag can communicate with his onboard AI without other people knowin':

"Why would you use such a wired takeoff method, while you can still grind to takeoff? "

"I don't think I could run with people on my back. It's not like I would like to show off to a girl or what. Wait, how's my energy goin'? "

"It didn't last long, esp. after you used vertical takeoff. Only two minutes before you lost all engine powers and become a glider or whatever. "

"Two minutes? Probably I'll try to fly outta the school's range, where it's of course all locked. Then probably I'll just swing my way or what. "

"Your extensive arm also needs power. In that case I guess the only thing you can do is to put your amychan down, and really walk one and a half hour to her home, probably explainin' to her why your energy lost that fast. "

Suddenly an Opposition SDA appeared in his radar. "Now I had much better way to utilize these two minutes of mine. " protag did a quick maneuver and approached the enemy aircraft and grabbed it, even before it could clearly fire a missile.

"Hack... and done! " Now under protag's control, the SDA was movin' slowly in hover mode, and he felt that amychan was still grabbin' him, bein' scared. "Now we had a faster ride home, amychan. Even if you're goin' to another city, we only need ten minutes. Where are your home exactly? "

Feelin' a little better from the rapid air moment, amychan told protag the exact location of her home later on. protag started to upload the software Praesidium gave him into the aircraft, to transform it into a fixed-wing one.

"And... it works! " The aircraft streched extensive parts to hook protag's feet, legs and other body parts, it seemed to be the preperation phase of a SDA transformation. "Let's hope that you're ready, amychan, because soon we will be flyin' pretty fast. Time for... Paradigm Shift! "

The SDA transformed into a fixed-wing aircraft, and started acceleratin' forward with several g's. "Slow down... I don't think amychan can take that high accelerations, " At that moment the SDA already begun deceleratin', since it's halfway her home.


The SDA switched back to hover mode, and landed on the rooftop of amychan's home apartment building. protag jumped off the aircraft, released the rope on their body, and put amychan down. He tried to pat amychan's head to confort her, while his argumented gloves were able to get the information about her vitals, "It seems that you're very exhausted, amychan. Rest assured, you arrived home. "

"Arrived? It didn't look like anywhere near my home at all. "

"We're currently at the rooftop of your home. And it seems that you actually had the key to unlock the rooftop door. "

"How do you know about that? "

"Of course I know, I'm an ueber-" protag suddenly felt that he shouldn't say that to a totally Initiator unrelated people, "Nope, I just aimlessly guessed. "

"Still, it's really wired experience flyin' with you, [insert_protag_name_here] senpai. And I'll never forget about it. See you tomorrow! " amychan rushed to the rooftop door, unlocked it and disappeared outta protag's site.

"Time to go my own home then. " Protag jumped back on the SDA and started its Paradigm Shift tranformations.


On the way home, In the semi emulated consciousness mode:

"It's my first time to use the Profiler system, and I really feel something off with her. She might say goodbye in a pretty happy tone, but my readings of the Profiler system tell otherwise. Do a search on anyone matchin' 'Amanda' in the Northern Stellar Highschool's student database that we dumped hours ago. "

"Found one matchin' record, Amanda Brooks, '09 Northern Stellar student and a member of the IT club. "

"Well... that explains why she's into computer stuff that literally get herself locked. Now I'll try to fly back to the Northern Stellar network area. Do a deep search of her families. I suspect a highly unpleasant family relationships, just like what I've encountered myself. "

protag hovered above Northern Stellar's IT building, while his onboard AI started to gather information about amychan's families.

impactus tertius part

before i started to write some shit

this "project" was born roughly 12 years ago, when i was a high school student myself, and in my boring as fuck high school life i was always dreamin' of participatin' in a sci-fi story myself, and even if it couldn't be true, at least i could make whatever my thought into a gta-like videogame and let others play it in the future

but 12 years later my dream of becomin' either a computer science genius or someone in the videogame industry still didn't come true, and here we are, an infinitely close joke, the shortage of video cards and the declinin' of my favorite videogame type, it just became too expensive to finish for any individual or small group of people

hence, the only thing i could do for myself 12 years ago right now, is to record it down before my memory of them perished and myself get drown into the trivial matters in my life, and hopefully someday i might be rich enough, the computer graphics tech would be powerful enough to make it a videogame, but currently i couldn't see it happen in another 12 years:bruhsette:


Northern Stellar High School, October 200⑨

There is another boring Saturday afternoon after another boring class that taught literally nothing. [insert_protag_name_here] thought like that as his classmates goin' outta the classroom, and he would do that too in minutes, except in most of the times he did it alone. Or he might be waitin' for his only friend, [insert_deuteragonist_name_here] from another class to visit him.

"Hey [insert_protag_name_here]! Where is your deskmates? Are they too busy to date other boys, leavin' you behind? "

"Have I told you that I didn't have any deskmate anyway? "

"But you don't actually care, right? "

"Yes, I didn't care. I'm not actually popular amoung girls, that they'd rather transfer class to avoid sittin' with me. But come to think about it, the absence of deskmates allow me to use three desks all by myself, I can set them up as a virtual meetin' room like now, and when I got a cheap laptop in the future, I might start to enjoy college life right now instead of three years or what later. "

"So what would you think of college life differ from high school life? Just the freedom to use computer whenever you can? "

"Of course not. The ability to pursue better and more useful knowledge, instead of the bullshit we're learnin'. I might know how to make computer programs, but that's the useless knowledge in this shithole. "

"That might be sad... But it's Saturday, and you can probably go program whatever you like at home. "

"Nah it's not the way I spent my holidays. Now I'd rather waste my time on Bionic Commando, and probably imagine myself to be Nathan Spencer, if I had that bionic arm of his, I might save my arse half of time from home to school, or even better... "

"Or you don't need to just imagine. I mean, you might be able to just become Bionic Commando. "

"What? "

[insert_deuteragonist_name_here] explained whatever he heard of here. The rich kid of the same class of [insert_protag_name_here] was plannin' to have a huge arse party today, to mostly show everyone and his fuckmates how wealthy he is, "But most importantly he will show everyone and his fuckmates a special set of high tech armor that was in his rich father's private collections. And it seems that neither him nor his father could be able to actually use it, otherwise it could not be in collections. "

"So how do you think I'm cabable of usin' it, and deeply humiliate the fuck outta that rich arsehole? And we didn't look like havin' invites of any kind. Come on, I'm the most marginalize one in this place, and you're not even in this class... "

"Don't worry, I've got it covered. Actually I planned for week. "

"Planned? What would you plan to do to them? "

"You might know that my mother is a biology teacher of another high school, so I learned the synthesis of a certain trance inducin' drug outta her book collections. "

"Wow. That's why your class had a huge arse accident in the last week's chemical laboratory? And you used high school laboratory to make highly sophisticated organics? "

"It's not that sophisticated anyway, at least not exceed what high school chemical laboratory could do. But anyway this drug can trance its targets into more likely to drink alcohol, until they're drunk as fuck. And I added them into their food by replacin' food materials that one of his sidekicks prepared for him, so when their party started, everyone in there would start to drink alcohol, and here comes our chances to get invites and get access to his high tech armor or such. "

"One moment I can't believe your mother was just a high school biology teacher. Alright I'll go with you, lead the way. "


They decided to walk their way to the rich kid's house, because both of them can't afford a texi. "Well [insert_deuteragonist_name_here], why would you pick him for your antics instead of other rich kids in our school? "

"Wouldn't you do that? Isn't he the most hated type of rich arsehole for you? "

"Yes, it might, I might be a little jealous of him, like how he could get the highest end computer while I had to use a shitty arse Pentium 4 that's literally nein years ago. But that won't be the reason you dislike him. "

"The reason I hate that arsehole is much more deeper. His father is one of the executives of a declinin' local mineral mining company. While his employees had so little salary that they can't even afford vegetables and meats in their everyday meals, this little shit and his family owned so much luxury shit like his new generation of iPods and computers and I don't know his tenth or neinth or 114514th girlfriends? It would be a ueber pleasant thing to watch him and whatever people likin' him get drunken as fuck. "

"And we're gonna tamper with his computer, install all the computer virus we could find, and then his high tech armor. I suppose that would be a much better entertainment than Bionic Commando. By the way have you played that game recently? That's the masterpiece of the decade! "

"Nope, I had motion sickness and this game made me vomit. "

"Too bad you can't enjoy it mate, but don't worry, Nathan Spencer mod for Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge would be comin' out pretty soon. "

"You can make Red Alert 2 mods? That's pretty great, where did you learn that from? "

"I was makin' such mods even when I was in middle schools. Seriously, days in middle schools are much better, classes are much easier and girls like me, at least probably because I always ranked first or second. Now as I see it, my competition was so weak, except his literature was way better than me, so he can win me every time. "

"And your literature was still bad even by now. And nope, your other classes didn't work out either. How could this thing happen? You don't look like a top student now anyway. "

"That's probably because I'm realy tired of this shit. Years ago I thought learnin' these bullshit would make me popular amoung girls, you know my mother didn't like me, and I had a hard childhood. I thought these girls would heal me mentally, and it turned out it's totally wrong, and I was overthinkin'. They approach me just because I was the king of the exam. I actually got into the best high school in the state, but for some reason I chose here instead, or I didn't have a choice. Now i'd rather be the worst student ever, and watch these arseholes workin' for useless shit, like some kinda unevolved apes. "

"Wow that's quite the hardcore cynicism you have, I'm impressed, really. "

"And what about the motives behind your antics against that rich arsehole? And why do I go with you without any doubt? Actually you're not less cynical than me, that's probably why we're the outcasts of each classes, and how we came together. "


At night they reach the rich kid's house, and the party was already started; all kinda boys and girls that might like that rich kid was goin' in, and they noticed there was someone checkin' invitations.

"Wow that's too formal, even for a student party. Is this arsehole thinkin' he's the executive of this school or what? "

"Or probably his family did have connections with the executive board of this school, that's why he could attend in the first place. And you seem to get in by Special Trainin' Program, right? "

"Yes, they're lookin' for computer programmin' talents and I got in, turned out I learned so fast that their teachers had to learn from me. What about you? "

"I'm actually transfered here, there was an accident that happens in my last high school... "

"Or more like antics... "

"Yes, I hated one of my teachers for fuckin' his students, so I managed to record their sex tape, and played it while no one's watchin' the school's PA system. And then that arsehole got fired and jailed and I'll have to tranfer here. "

"Wow, you're the one truly antic master, even better than Hermann Fegelein. I'm lucky that you're my friend instead of my enemy. "

While talkin', they soon noticed a drunken boy comin' outta the rich kid's house, with blank invitations on his hand. He must be drunken so much, that his sense of reality had a huge arse shift, might be thinkin' that bush over there lies a naked girl waitin' for him to fuck. They used this chance to simply take two of the invitations, and filled their names on it, imitatin' their "minister of interior"'s handwritin' style. Now they can pass the invitation checkpoints.

"Wait, you two didn't look like the people the Master would like to invite... " The guard looked them in doubt, "But since the minister of interior signed it, that means you're good to go. Better hurry up because the party is almost over. "


They reached the party and as they expected, everyone there, includin' that rich kid, were all drunken. There were empty wine bottles everywhere, that reminded [insert_protag_name_here] of how his father was also an alcoholic, even without trance inducin' drugs. Of course he was always tellin' his families that he drinks for the betterment of his business or work career or whatever, just like in this case alcohol can indeed corrupt people's mind and help another bunch of people reach their strategic objectives; Except that isn't the case for him, actually the reason his salary is so little is that he didn't have enough money to bribe his top boss with luxurious gifts so he refused to promote him, not that he didn't drink enough alcohol or persuade other people to drink enough.

"So there's only one conclusion: my father is a fuckin' alcoholic, and his theory of havin' to drink for career is nothin' but fuckin' excuses. And now seein' these apes drunken like my father indeed make me both feel bad and schadenfreude. "

And without efforts they saw the rich kid, drunken, embracin' two almost naked girls, losin' almost all of his speech abilities. They would see a public threesome sex minutes away, but they're not interested in watchin' this kinda big arse sex performance and probably fap and cum towawrds them in the process. They have to find the high tech armor kinda thing in his house, and try it before someone of them become sobor.

"And here we are, the magical armor! Did you see that? " They found a strange lookin' armor in the storage room, along with other accessories: a pair of glasses, a cybernetic arm gadget that looks exactly like bionic arm in Bionic Commando, and another strange device that they didn't know the usage.

"Wow even that arsehole plays Bionic Commando, is that game this popular? And I guess his computer must be able to play it in 60fps. "

author's note: in my high school times i don't thonk bionic commando was ever popular once, only i played in the first time then recommended to some other people, and it didn't happen in 200⑨ anyway, pentium 4 and mx440 didn't even support directx 9 so no bionic commando bruh

"Don't worry, what about you put these things on? Then you might be able to play Bionic Commando in real life! "

"Why me? "

"Because I need to care about logistics. And I believe you can use it to beat the crap outta them if accident happened, like some of them got sober. "

"Fine, I'll take it, I guess it's not a bad thing anyway? " [insert_protag_name_here] equipped the armor in doubt, "That thing is fuckin' heavy, like it's wearin' me instead of me wearin' it. Now I might understand why Nathen Spencer can't swim. His sole arm is about two hundred kilograms, and... seriously, I don't think I will sacrifice my own biological arm to obtain bionic arm abilities. "

"And don't forget the glasses! I think it's like control module or somethin'. "


The glasses suddenly started to flash when [insert_protag_name_here] were wearin' it. He can see texts appearin' on his glasses, overlayin' with the real scene, and voices through bone conduction:

"Initiator Operative Detected... Access to Initiator systems granted. "

"System Initialization Started: "

"Central Intelligence System... Check"

"Unable to detect Collective Consciousness system, switched to Local mode. "

"Exoskeleton Armor... Check"

"Icarus Flight System... Check"

"Micro Turbine Generators... Check (32/32)"

"Extensive Arm Gadget... Check"

"Direct Neuro Link... Check Failed"

[insert_deuteragonist_name_here] saw texts blinkin' from [insert_protag_name_here]'s glasses, "It works! That means, you're indeed the rightful owner of this armor. "

"Not yet, it lacks one more component to really work. Where is that Direct Neuro Link thing? "

"There is one more thing that's not installed, and how could I install it into your armor? Wait, what is the hole behind your head? "

"Do I have a hole behind my head? "

"Yes! And this thing looks like a screw just matchin' the holes behind your head! "

"So it was supposed to be plugged in? Then plug in! "

"Alright! " After the mysterious screw-like thing was plugged in the hole behind his head, [insert_protag_name_here] felt a powerful existance tryin' to contact him, and suddenly vomited;

"Oh shit mate, this doesn't feel right... "

"Should we stop bootin' this device? "

"No! just... let's try to move to somewhere reasonable to lock, like toilet. It needs several minutes to be fully workin'. " [insert_deuteragonist_name_here] carried [insert_protag_name_here] into the toilet and locked the door, and they look like a drunken couple, so no one literally had any doubt.


"Where am I? "

In the virtual world of emulated consciousness, [insert_protag_name_here] found himself alone, with blank background and suddenly world around him changed into a labotory styled room.

"We are the Initiators, and you must be the new Operative newly activated. Strangely we couldn't find your record in our member database, or currently this database cannot be reached. " A girl's voice came from nowhere, then a short haired girl with glasses and blue eyes appeared in front of him.

"And who are you? "

"I'm Athena, the onboard AI of the Initator System you're currently wearin' or implantin'. And don't worry, you're currently in the special emulated consciousness mode in your mind, to finalize the Neuro Link of your brain and the system. "

"Alright, Athena chan. Minutes later when I returned to my normal world, I might need to beat more than 30 of angry mob bosses that would think my armor didn't belong to me, just like Nathan Spencer. How would I do that exactly? "

"Nathan Spencer? " Athena chan seemed not to know anythin' about him, "Wait, I might need an Internet access... And got it, this place did have wireless networks, and cracked... It's 200... ⑨? "

"Are you from the future or what? "

"Yes, we're indeed from the future, somewhen called 114514th century. That means you're actually the Operative deployed into our time travel projects. No wonder you didn't remember anythin' about your missions. In this case, since we cannot connect to the Collective Consciousness system, we'll have to wait for another Operative to come to your time and space and get updated on missions. In the meantime, you might need to get familiar with your equipments everyday, and that's your current mission. "

"And fine. What about Nathan Spencer then? Did you find anythin' in your Internet surfin'? "

"Yes, he's the protagonist of the popular action game of your time, Bionic Commando. And our Extensive Arm Gadget works just like his Bionic Arm. Since you like this game and played it a lot, you can easily drag and throw your enemies into untergang just like in this game. Now you will return to your normal world, and try it out. "

"Thanks, Athena chan! I would like to hear more from your help, but I don't wanna get into this mode every time I'll need to talk to you. "


"You woke up? " They're still in the locked toilet, and impatient party members were rantin' at the toilet door.

"Yes, and it's fully operational. What about I find someone and do Spancer thing to him? " [insert_protag_name_here] stretched his extensive arm to the door handle and unlocked the door.

And they saw an angry tough guy watchin' them in horror, "What the fuck are you two arsefuckin' in toilet? Wait... is this the Master's Armor on your body? Why are you wearin' this? Where did you get the Master's permissions? "

"None of your barbarian brain's arsefuckin' business, you ignorant fuck! Go fuck yourself with the drunken cheap girls who would blow your short and useless penis off! "

"The fuck? You want a beatdown? " The tough guy wanna beat [insert_protag_name_here], while he was grabbed by [insert_protag_name_here]'s extensive arm, and seconds later he was sent flyin'.

"Seriously, why the fuck not disppear, for fuck's sake. " The tough guy was thrown into a sofa while two of the naked girls lyin', and everyone still didn't notice a thing.

"We gotta get the fuck outta here, one more sober arsehole comin' up and we're gonna really need to beat everyone here to get out. "


"Much thanks for your help, brother. Now with this armor equipped, I feel just like Nathan Spencer IRL. "

"And what about the next week? What would happen if that rich arsehole saw you wearin' his armor or what in the school? "

"Don't worry, I'm gonna literally beat the crap outta his sorry arse to prove that I'm the rightful owner of this thing. And if you would like, please record a video clip of me beatin' him up, so if he still didn't concede, we can upload it into YouTube, and make him an international parody material, at least in the Bionic Commando community. "

"Good idea. Now I'll have to run my way home, otherwise my mother would rant at me or something. What about you? "

"I still need to practise my newly got superpowers, besides it's holiday so my parents would let me stay a little bit longer. See you next week! "

After sayin' farewells, [insert_protag_name_here] was standin' at the rooftop of that rich kid's house, lookin' at the hollow street with street lamps.

"We're goin' home, Athena chan. But with the way I always want, swingin' through all these street lamps and whatever my arm can grab. "

"Alright then, it's a pretty good chance to increase your combat abilities. But... how should I call you? I still couldn't find any record of you in any databases. "

"What about... 'onii-chan'? I always want a cute sister, but my parents won't make me. I'm the only child at home and I didn't have other relative either, as far as I could remember. You can probably change the idea after connectin' to the database or what. "

"Then let's go home, onii-chan! "

"Right. " [insert_protag_name_here] started calibratin' the extensive arm to its maximum precision. The avaliable grab points in the street lamps below appeared on his glasses one by one. [insert_protag_name_here] jumped from the roof and suddenly grabed one of the grab point outta instinct. The swingin' way home begun!


[insert_protag_name_here] probably enjoyed grabin' all these street lamps and swingin' for half an hour, while suddenly an aircraft was approachin' him.

"Initiator Operative found, permission to fire. "

"Permission granted, ff-01. "

[insert_protag_name_here] detected missile locked from the aircraft. "What the fuck is this giant fuck? Evasive maneuver! Icarus system, ON! "

Wings stretched from his armor, the micro turbine generators powered on, and [insert_protag_name_here] was literally flyin' while doin' automated evasive maneuver.

"Oh shit! Oh for fuck's sake! " After evadin' these missiles, [insert_protag_name_here] decided to fight back. Just like what Spencer did in Bionic Commando, [insert_protag_name_here] approached the aircraft and grabbed the aircraft with him arm. The aircraft attemped to throw him off but failed.

[insert_protag_name_here] found himself happen to connect to the aircraft's debug interfaces. "Initiatin' self destruction command... Crackin' interface... Command sent! " The aircraft will be exploded with its pilot locked inside in 10 seconds. "Eject! " [insert_protag_name_here] loose grab of his arm and fly opposed to the aircraft's direction as fast as he can, and feel the explosion behind his back.

After a lengthy flight [insert_protag_name_here] finally returned home. His parents were already sleepin', so he avoided an explanation of where did his wired arse armor comin' from. Unequippin' his armor and hide it below bed, [insert_protag_name_here] went to sleep, while talkin' to Athena chan:

"Wow that was quite a fight. Now I might see Bionic Commando so fuckin' weak, because it didn't even support Spencer to fly. "

"What about you mod the game to add flyin' abilities, onii-chan? "

"Nah, 3D moddin' isn't my thing, I could only mod games like Red Alert 2. By the way what is the aircraft we were meetin' today? "

"Software Defined Aircraft Gen 3.1 if I recalled correctly. They belong to the opposite organization of us. "

"Opposite organization? What are they and why did they target me? "

"You're tired, onii-chan. We will discuss this in the future. Now we'll have to say goodnight. "

"Good night, Athena chan. "

video card crisis.21.02.18


这可真是太™草了,我前段时间本来准备买个2080s过渡,等3090或者3080产能解决了然后修好电路问题之后再买🤔结果矿潮又™来了,连3500以下的2080s都涨到了4500甚至5000🤔我寻思现在唯一没涨的显卡只有3090了,毕竟这玩意刚出的时候也只(大雾)是一万五这个级别的价格,不对,丐版曾经便宜到一万左右🤔当然quadro rtx也没怎么涨,好像也可以用来玩游戏,但我肯定不会买它们🤔




这也说明了一点,分布式密码学货币大概应该就是个笑话🤔有十万甚至九万个真身的申必人中本聪曾经说过one pc,one vote,然而很不幸的是有的pc(甚至不是pc的东西)就是比别的pc更能vote,或者它们的vote更能算vote,另外有的地方电价就是比别的地方便宜,使得挖矿居然有利可图,所以至少比特币很不幸地开着中心化大规模asic矿场的倒车🤔同样的道理以太坊挖矿也是越来越集中到矿场,而以太坊立项的时候为了防止矿机出现,居然在算法里面加入了对存储的要求,这下好了,按理来说显卡只是迈向asic的一个短暂过渡,但到现在还是过渡不过去,哪怕矿场也是一大堆的显卡甚至笔记本🤔这样其他使用显卡的行业比如游戏和半业余级别科学计算(又不是所有人都能像第一世界那样买得起quadro rtx)就遭到了比特币行情的十万甚至九万次冲击🤔


另外一方面,我们也能看到整个3a游戏行业在遭遇内卷,这些3a游戏画面越来越好,需要的显卡计算量越来越大,然而整个市场不仅还是这么些人,甚至还在萎缩🤔而这次显卡危机(大嘘)将更加大力地橄榄3a游戏产业,我估计几年前我是完全不会想到买不到显卡也成为了3a游戏行业完蛋而将市场拱手让给cuties impact这种游戏的原因之一🤔

当然我并不觉得cuties impact是款坏游戏,或者说它缺少游戏深度,但出于很明显的原因,我不希望未来出的每一款游戏都使用cuties impact的商业模式,更不希望3a游戏行业走出内卷的方法居然是纷纷模仿cuties impact的商业模式🤔那样的话我还是觉得3a游戏产业早日完蛋为好🤔



open world game = macross island theory

我突然想起来,既然每个gta类型的开放世界游戏由于客观原因都有地图三个坐标方面的限制,尤其是高度的限制基本上在2km以内,刚好和macross系列里每个舰队的island 1飞船的高度一样🤔

所以我觉得每个开放世界游戏的地图都可以迫真等效于一艘island 1飞船🤔甚至cuties impact都在一艘飞船里🤔

而将san andreas做成macross的形状,这不就是macross frontier吗🤔剩下的事就是将sheryl chan和ranka chan移植到san andreas里,macross frontier开放世界版就大功告成了(大嘘🤔





当然现在我还是赶紧搞discord drive去吧🤔





  • 它的登录状态大概每两小时过期一次,导致我只能在脚本里面每次使用curl参数时在外部文件里读一遍,然后我在脚本外面动态地改变curl参数🤔

  • 和我五年前搞brcc相比,它使用了cdn,所以至少下载不用带参数了,但那个cdn貌似有ratelimit设定,下大概100GB文件就开始ratelimit了,之后每两分钟左右才能下一两个文件🤔

然后我发现它前180个视频大概占掉了900GB的空间,等我将其全部上传到discord drive后,然后下剩下的视频时,突然下载速度降到了1MB/s🤔我一开始以为那个cdn对我开始限速了,装了个v2ray然后发现我貌似干什么都是1MB/s,发了个ticket一问,草,我流量用完了🤔由于discord drive我采用的是一边上传一边下载验证checksum的方式,而且它统计流量肯定是上传下载加起来统计的,所以流量很快就爆了🤔

既然这样的话,我目测没有别的选择,只能再去搞个存储vps了,我经常用的frantech貌似又上架了nvme vps+block storage的组合,但我记得那玩意不是经常没有货吗🤔但至少今天它有,所以赶紧买了,和letbox不同,frantech的这类玩意更加灵活,vps和block storage都可以单独购买,而且block storage可以和任何一个同地区的vps组合,组合的过程是热插拔的,极其先进🤔现在2GB内存和40GB固态的vps是7美(jia)元一个月,2TB的block storage是10美(jia)元一个月,还算便宜🤔




new antics

在我拖了大概三天后,brcc终于搞完了,discord drive的链接文件也完成了排序,这样我便想到了一件我一直想干的事🤔


首先,rarlog里每一个分卷都能对应到里面的文件,这样只需要像discord drive排序那样删掉里面的回车就能用grep选取指定的分卷压缩包的信息了,因为现在它在同一行里面🤔


我一开始想配置多行grep,但后面我想到为了减少计算量,我一开始就先筛选出含有OK的行然后才开始用关键词grep,所以在只含有OK的行里,让grep输出含有关键词的那行还有它的上一行,然后用head -1选择上一行,这样就非常简单地搞定了寻找上一个OK字符对应的分卷压缩包这件事🤔


取得第一个和最后一个分卷的编号之后就太好办了,由于discord drive的链接文件都排好了序,而且每个链接固定占3行,直接用sed -n "$((min3-2)),$(max3)p"就能直接提取链接文件里这些分卷的行,然后输出到某个文件,就可以直接用aria2c下了🤔


我买的夏普r3终于到了,第一印象还行,一开始没法上网,加个cmnet的apn后随便4G🤔google套件啥的都有,play商店也能随便下应用,刚需满足了🤔google play最好的一点是可以一键安装之前机子里面装了的应用,所以我现在几乎所有应用都是在play上下载的🤔

