
我某天闲的蛋疼,突然想把discord tube改写成c++程序🤔和bash版本一样,c++也有curl库用,瞎鸡巴折腾了114514秒后,我终于搞对了mingw存放头文件和库文件的路径,将curl的玩意扔进去发现dll不兼容?🤔



况且这5MB还集成了ssl库,discord tube没有https肯定是搞不成的🤔我估计要是加上ssl的话,静态链接下来exe也是MB大小的🤔

然后我尝试看了一眼c++多线程,好了,我可以放弃将discord tube改造成c++了(悲🤔






而我这边写的discord tube严格点来说根本不算多线程,而是多进程,无论是每进行一次http请求就需要调用一次curl.exe,还是迫真多线程加的那个&符号,都是fork的意思🤔这样,也许有另外一种写c++程序的玩法,那就是用system命令来调用curl.exe等,实现上传文件等操作🤔至于那个被调用的程序向stdout输出的东西,我觉得c++肯定有办法获取它(确信🤔

genshin frontier: inazuma.part3.21.10.22

this one includes chapter 07, chapter 01-03 are in here, chapter 04-06 are in here, and chapter 08 to the latest are in here


"What a bunch of clowns... " Aeternus ran into the Futui facility as fast as he can, since the Resistance antics forced him to use a boat to reach Yashiori Island, "Well, what do we have here? A Futui facility, of course stealing the Abyss technologies. "

He remembered one of the secert project of the Futui to reverse engineer the Abyss technologies. "And probably this is what they have reached, " Aeternus thonks, "Vision users gained Elemental power from the Celestia, the Abyss Order gained Elemental power from the Lay Lines, but the Futui... They didn't have a power source. Thus Delusion is designed to drain the life force from the user, making them age faster. "

By defeating one after one Futui Skirmishers, Aeternus made into the central processing room of the facility. A bunch of Crystal Mallows were stacked everywhere. "So that's how Delusion channel the user's life force into Elemental powers... They definitely used Orobashi's remains, or what the locals called Tatarigami, as the catalyst. Of course other catalysts for it theorically exist, but this island has almost unlimited Tatarigami - Another gift the Raiden Shogun gave to her fellow subjects. Pretty ironic, Vision seized? Delusion instead! "

Aeternus recalled that once Kokomi mentioned a secret art involving Orobashi's Tatarigami. And since Delusion contains concentrated Tatarigami, he might come up with a new idea of their usages, and the Futui will definitely not like it.

Almost zero efforts spent before he saw the Harbinger who looked to be in charge of the facility. "You actually managed to find this place. Congratulations. "

"So what? Who the fuck are you anyway? Or like I actually care about it. "

"I'm The Balladeer, No. 6 of the Fatui Harbingers. And what made you visit here? "

"Guess, faggot. "

"Well, I guess you came here to destroy it, for your helpless Resistance friend, right? Unfortunately, you're too late. We've finished manufacturing enough Delusion for all of Teyvat to use, the test phases on Inazumans are finished, and the optimization of the current model is complete. So we're closing this facility anyway. "

"Why are you assuming things so fast? I didn't care about your business anyway. "

"Then why do you spend your precious time to mess with us? "

"What about 'beat some Futui and have some fun', would this answer make you satisfied? What's with the hostility? Just kidding, I actually came here to buy some Delusions. "

"You really need this thing? You can defeat our elites with Phys only, you didn't look like these weaklings. "

"Did I say I'll use it by myself? "

"I see, you wanna give them to others, to fuel the Inazuman civil war instead? Good, then I guess we're almost in the same boat. Here, take these for free. " The Balladeer threw a gift package to Aeternus, "A Snezhnayan gift pack of Delusion 14-pack, two for each Element. Have fun, and we're leaving. "

Then The Balladeer Folded outta this place, with all his staffs. "Have fun, huh... " Aeternus picked a random Delusion from it and started the procedure to perform the secret art, "What do they name it? Wait, they didn't give it a name, just said it's a 'secret art'. Whatever. "

After focusing all his wills into Delusion as the secret art instructed, all these Crystal Mallows around him resonated with it, shining in bright light. "Now give it a wish, and... What should I give? Cancel the fucking Fold Fault around this shithole? Form a big enough Elemental hakushin penis to autoreipu the Raiden Shogun, without Ei Raiden's consent? Whatever, I didn't have anything particularly wish to do here. Gotta informed the Resistance and start moving. " Aeternus cancelled the activation process and put the Delusion back into his pocket, and Folded into Watatsumi Island.

114514 (would be most likely unused

After defeating Signora, Raiden Shogun executed Signora and promised to let Lumine chan leave this place alive, "But my promise only works on you, traveller. As for you, Sangonomiya... "

"What? " Kokomi didn't give a literal fuck, and prepare to Fold to the statue, "I had a gaint arse statue to unlock, O Mighty (hakushin) Shogun. Please don't waste my precious time. Speak, whatever bullshit you're gonna speak. "

"You even wanna unlock the statue, you little fuck! You're nothing but a Hydro Slime to me. My Elemental Mastery is something high, that you will be instantly eradicated by Electrocharged. "

plays Obelisk

"What if I'm a Electro slime instead? " Kokomi took out an Electro delusion from the pocket and ignited it, forming a thundering sphere around her.

"Wait... Kokomi, you know the side effects of using delusion, right? "

"Don't worry, it only lasts for mere seconds. Besides, der Shogun should see the irony that she forbids Visions but people just use Delusion instead. " Kokomi started moving towards the statue, while Raiden was hitting her with lighting frequently but caused no damages at all.

Lumine chan also started to leave the place. It was not like she could find out a way to break through Fold Fault, but it's not like Raiden would strike her either, probably because she might be busy hitting Kokomi in the air.


难以想象我昨天居然憋出了一章genshin frontier,尽管写得极其别扭就是了🤔看来,我的英文写作水平还是非常需要提高的(确信🤔但另外一方面,它也像我cuties impact大号的战力一样,看起来很高了,但有些时候又不够,而想提高一点点就得耗费巨大的精力(悲🤔





当然,我们可以使用cloudflare worker外加别的文件源来撸一个静态blog出来,搞不好我甚至都不用放弃wp🤔问题是,我最喜欢(迫真)用的discord drive,和cloudflare完全不兼容(悲🤔别的什么drive,又远没有discord drive那么好用🤔

discord tube



我后面还看到一个比较坑爹的ffmpeg玩法,对每一个分片都进行大小迭代,迭代到体积在某个范围内位置,然后记住这段视频的时间,从这个时间点开始迭代下一个分片🤔我觉得是不是可以考虑加进我的discord tube脚本了?🤔


我在某色图群的cosplay频道里传了一大堆m3u8之后,有人问我这种玩意是怎么搞出来的🤔所以在差不多两年之后,discord tube技术终于有了我之外的用户,在我一顿迫真教学之下,discord tube用户数从1便乘了3🤔

不过discord tube便乘第一个走出去的discord迫真存储技术,也没什么奇怪的,discord drive压根就很少有人用,本来就没几个人拥有大量备份互联网数据的需求,而且discord drive还需要占据存储的东西1.05倍多的临时空间🤔但在线看片和分享片子的需求就比在线存储20TB数据的需求多多了🤔

既然discord tube技术有人用了,我突然想去搞c++编程了🤔

genshin frontier: inazuma.part2.21.10.16

this one includes chapter 04-06, chapter 01-03 are in here, chapter 07 is in here, and chapter 08 to the latest are in here


After a tough fight, Keqing, Kazuha and Xiangling totally rekt Spiral Abyss 12-3 in three minutes. For some reasons, they even had Xingqiu, who's happened to appear in there when they arrive Wanmin Restaurant, volunteered to join their quests. As greeting gifts, Kazuha gave one of the specialities of Inazuma, Emblem of Severed Fate artifact set to Xiangling and Xingqiu, and greatly improved their battle potentials, making this miracle possible.

And now people were celebrating them in Angel's Share, a tavern in Mondstadt.

"... And that's it. No one would dare to mock your damage outputs anymore, even if they wanna mock, you can shove the full star 12-3 Spiral Abyss cert up their sorry arses. " Kazuha prised Keqing for her battle performance, although he might be thonking that all these magnificant Overload damages she dealt, actually calculated with his EM instead, a basic lesson of Advanced Elemental Reaction Theory, 114514th Edition.

"I'm grateful for your help. What would you want? I'll do anything... "

"Anything...? My request might be a little bit hard to fulfill, would you still do that? "

"How hard? Would that be 'spend a night with me' kinda hard? Of course, it's not actually impossible, if that's with you... "

"I would never ask for this kinda superficial thing. Well... My request is: Reach Inazuma, and persuade the Raiden Shogun to abolish her Vision Hunt Decree bullcrap. "

"Now that's pretty hard, though. Persuading a stubborn Archon to change her mind? If you mean 'by force', that might require the power of the entire LTO to reach Inazuma, not to mention how do we reach there in the first place... "

"Wait... What exactly is the LTO you're talking about? I only knew some governing bodies like Liyue Qixing and Knights of Favonius, where is this LTO coming from? "

"It's short for Lumine Treaty Organization, and it's pretty long to explain it in a sentence. Basically you can thonk this as a combination of Qixing and Knights, and other elite humans in Teywat. Maybe... As one of the Executives, I could bring this matter into our gathering, and we can form a hearing and invite you in, so maybe we could reach a consensus and start reaching Inazuma... "

"By 'Lumine', did you mean a blonde short haired girl with golden eyes? I've had a meeting with her not long ago. Very fascinating person, also full of mysteries. "

"When was the last time you met her? "

"Three months ago... What? "

"Never mind. I thought it would be something new after the Abyss incident. I guess the probablity of her still alive is... Pretty low. Now then, another question remains: How do we reach Inazuma? "

And a fancy looking man interrupted them, "Did you say, reach Inazuma? I might know a way, Mr. Kaedehara. "

"Do I look like knowing you? And how did you know me? "

"You might not know me, but I've been seeing your activities in here for a long time. "

Everyone fell silent. "Well, what's the manner? My apologies, I forgot to properly introduce myself. I'm Aeternus Stellanomiya, one of the remaining few members from the Inazuman Shogunate's most hated Stellanomiya family, since my ancestors had backstabbed them so hard that they might get PTSD outta my name, haha. Just like you, I'm banished from my homeland too, probably. "

"Why did you call your name in such order? "

"Tha's because I'm a spiritual Mondstadter now. Don't ever try to compare me with these Shogunate arsehats, I don't wanna be represented by them. "

"Spiritual Mondstadter? "

"What's wrong with it? Just like you're a spiritual Liyueian anyway. You might look like coming from Inazuma, but you used Diligence series as talent levelup materials, you like to hang out with Liyueian cuties, and you seem to enjoy Liyue more then your homeland. "

"How do you even know the talent levelup material part? "

"I've been seeing you entering Taishan Mansion too many times, with your Liyueian buddies. Just like I need Resistance series to levelup my talents. So basically why would you still wanna return to Inazuma anyway? You know the Raiden Shogun would like to stick to her hakushin eternity philosophy forever, refuse to listen to any constructive advices, and just watch her own nation burn in hell and do nothing about it... "

"But something must be done. I can't stand people having their Visions and wishes taken. Even if that means my own death, I'll still at least try to fight. "

"Good, I see your reasons through. Well then, I'll offer help - just like you guys talked earlier, if a single person wanna return to Inazuma, you can just hope for a random Fold accident, and it might be done. But, if you wanna Fold a lotta personnels and heavy weapony into Inazuma, you might need to find a way specified for this. Did you remember the Futui? "

"Yes, they're everywhere, then what? "

"Did you see their home nation in anywhere of Teyvat? Has anyone ever reach there? "

"They said they're from Snezhnaya, but no one has ever reached this place... "

"What if this 'Snezhnaya' is not even in this world anyway? They must have the way to Fold themselves from their home world to this world, or Inazuma. And if you couldn't reach Inazuma via a common Teleport Waypoint, that means just like Snezhnaya, Inazuma is also an isolated world, so their Fold technology also works for us. Find a random Futui guy and beat him up until he talks. What about that arrogant Futui Harbinger, someone named 'Childe'? When was the last time you see him? "

"Golden House, I guess...? " Keqing still remembered the time they beat Childe before he released Osial.

"Well then, let's beat Childe again. "

A team of Aeternus, Keqing, Kazuha and Xiangling arrived at the abandoned Golden House and saw Childe there, as expected. Xingqiu had other matters in Feiyun Guild to process, so he couldn't join the fight with them.

"Well, well, isn't that the famous Inazuman wanderer, Aeternus Stellanomiya? What wind blows you here? And wait, why the fuck did you bring a Qixing with you? "

"After quite the stunt you've performed, you're still allowed to stay in Liyue, I'm pretty impressed. If people in Liyue harbor happen to know it's you who released Osial and almost had Liyue harbor destroyed, you would never be like this, pretending innocent. "

"So what? We made a deal. Ningguang would never make it happen, since she also had things to hide... "

"Ningguang what? " Keqing seemed not know the deal between them.

"Lucky for you. But we came here to, well, ask you the way to reach Snezhnaya. I would like to have an one on one talk with your suka Archon, probably about how she's a shameless suka blyat for causing the misery for other people's lives. "

"Wait, what kinda advanced interrogation technique is this? " Everyone was shocked by Aeternus' speeches.

"Your suka Archon is even worse than Inazuma's one, at least she only know how to torture her own people. Now, beat us, because if you lose, you're gonna tell us the biggest Futui secret anyway, regardless of your willingness - how the literal fuck did you arrive here from Snezhnaya? "

Childe seemed to be ueber angry, "A fight? If you want a fight, then fine, but disrespecting our Archon? Idi nahui Mondstaters, your stupid bard Archon is no match to Tsaritsa! " Childe skipped his normal battle form and transformed into his Foul Legacy form directly.

"Well, well... Stolen technology from the Abyss Order. No wonder I dislike the Futui too... " Aeternus prepered to use his Elemental Burst, even though he didn't have a Vision anyway, "Iiyo! Koiyo! Use your Abyssal power to hit on my chest! My chest! "

As he expected, Childe shoved a powerful whale towards him, and suddenly he countered it with a devastating blow, dealing massive Physical damages towards Childe, ending his Foul Legacy state.

"Stop acting smart, Childe. Actually we don't wanna go to Snezhnaya at all. We just need to bring a bunch of people into Inazuma and fuck its Archon, probably inside her Archonic virgin pussy. The way you guys used to come here would greatly help with our quests. "

"Fine... Why didn't you say it earlier, you don't need to fight me anyway. I guess a certain Signora would be pretty happy to see you fuck up her plans... " Childe then told everyone about the way the Futui used to project people into other worlds and left.

After Childe was left - "I see... If my understanding of his word is correct, the Futui used an amplified Fold device to connect to Teleport Waypoints from other worlds, and Fold into it. As long as this Fold device is provided with enough power, it could be used to Fold into any world its user wants. Except... It's a one way ticket. Unless the same kinda device could be built in the destination, one could not return to his original world. "

"So if that's the case, we can't risk deploying our people into there. "

"But don't worry, once both world had these devices operational, people and goods can Fold between them like one world. So we still need to build such device first, and deploy one of us beforehand. "

"And who would you like to deploy into there first? "

"Of course myself! It's been quite some time since Inazuma was isolated, As an intelligence driving person, I would like an update of the current situation, make contacts with local resistance, find a perfect place to build a massive Fold device under the Raiden Shogun's nose, and find a way to conduct a joint operation of us and the resistance possible. So if I returned from Inazuma days after, that means the joint operation is a go; Otherwise, you can totally forget such plan exists, or my exsitence at all. So first, who could provide enough energy needed to power such device? "

"Let's all get to the LTO Headquarters to form a hearing, and see what we can do. "

All of them returned to the LSS-01 to find a way to build such Fold amplification device Childe said.


Meanwhile in Senrai Island - Lumine chan and her buddies watched the Shogunate elite special forces drowning in the Elecro water of the central Senrai.

"Welcome to Sangonomiya, nein, Senrainomiya Shrine, motherfuckers! " Lumine chan shouted at them.

"I didn't know that sarcasm is in Lumine chan's middle name. " Thoma commented.

"What's wrong with the sarcasm? The Resistance is nearly fucked, the Raiden Shogun didn't hear her people's wishes, I couldn't return to the old world, and we're both wanted. Why not have fun suffering? "

After being rescued, Thoma initially just wanna hide in Komore Teahouse until the war's over. But Lumine chan spent a lotta efforts to persuade him to traval with her, like "If you stay in there, it's only a matter of time until Kamisato's political enemies try to drag your sorry arse outta the teahouse as a preliminary step to fuck Ayaka over, and this time no one would come to rescue you. And I guess the Shogunate would not just take your Vision away, probably your life too. But with me, even these Shogunfags came, you had my protection. And I need a trusted teammate, you can have more interesting travelling experience than Narukami Island. Deal? " and they set off to make contact with the Sangonomiya Resistance.

"Still I don't understand, Lumine senpai. How do you install the Waypoint into that position with Electro water? " Sacchara chan asked.

"Well... Weeks ago, I received a commission of the Adventure's Guild to disable Senrai Island's hazardous environment and enable a path to Fold into the island's deity, the Thunder Manifestation. It turned out that the commission was issued by Kujou Sara, because Thunder Manifestation contains the necessary material for her Ascension. "

"Wait, Kujou Sara uses Electro vision. How the heck could she beat the Thunder Manifestation? " Thoma asked.

"That's way outta my league, but I've heard that she hired Yoimiya with her. As for Yoimiya, I knew her well, she can beat it in either DPS build or Elemental Mastery build. But anyway, since Sara chan helped us rescue the fake Vision maker Masakatsu, that's my way to repay her debt. I happen to find a way to control the Electro status of the water below Thunder Manifestation, it could be switched on or off with a certain ancient mechanism. So I switched it off, installed the Waypoint and switched it back on, simple. "

"Fake Vision? Do I need one? "

"Of course not! You don't even have a Vision to begin with. So I guess Sara chan would never ask you for trouble, probably. Besides the obvious different path we take, Sara chan is actually a good commander. Just like Kamisato Ayaka, she's one of the few good people in the corrupt as fuck Shogunate. "

"Then what's this device I've been using? How could I use Anemo element without a Vision? "

"Whatever you are currently using, Sacchara chan, is a Delusion. It's a Futui invention to imitate Visions, but it can cause serious side effects to its user, like - Did you notice it yourself? You're only a little girl when I rescued you from a bunch of ronins, but now it's only weeks later and you are already as old as a teenage girl! "

"Yes, I did grew up too fast, but... "

"But it's not only 'too fast', it's accelerated aging! In this rate you're gonna die of too old in less than a month! Well... I had to admit, I came to rescue you and train you with Elemental skills purely outta my own selfishness. When the first time I saw you, you were trying to use a random Anemo Delusion on the ground to repel ronins. And it reminds me of Sucrose chan, my best buddy in the old world. "

"So... You chose to rescue me because you missed her? "

"Yes, and... I apologize. But it turned out that you did GREAT, if not good enough in our team. People always ignore the power of Elemental Reactions, just like these Shogunfags ignoring the power of the Resistance. My Electro power is so weak, that it barely exists as Electro, no more; and Thoma specializes his ability on Pyro sheild, so also not as powerful as Diluc or Hutao chan. So guess what makes our team one of the best and most powerful team in almost all of Inazuma? "

"My ability to mix Elements together and make them do Reactions? "

"Exactly! I guess you're a good enough student of Advanced Elemental Reaction Theory. By the way, you can see the description of your artifact set, Viridescent Venerer. "

"Increases Swirl DMG by 60%? And decreases opponent's Elemental RES to the element infused in the Swirl by 40%? "

"Right. It's a pretty powerful set, that no one else in Inazuma would ever be able to use. Not to mention the Sand, Goblet and Circlet are all composed of Elemental Mastery. This is one of the best gift I could give to anyone I care. "


"So I mean we still need you. Don't worry, we can and we will end this war pretty soon before something bad happens to you. At that time, you don't need to use Delusion anymore, perhaps you will get a Vision instead. "

"Don't worry about me, Lumine senpai, I'm fine. And I'll do whatever I can to ensure our victory, or at least follow your step. "

"Good, " Lumine chan petted Sacchara chan's head, "Meanwhile no more Shogunate forces coming from the Waypoint, that basically means our mission is finished. Time to return to Watatsumi Island to see how Kokomi's doing, or if they need our help."

The trio planned to Fold back to Watatsumi Island, but Lumine chan detected a large Fold Fault area around Yashiori Island. "Wow, why could Fold Fault happen in Yashiori Island? Let's Fold to a higher ground in Tatarasuna and see what happened there. "

Upon their arrival, they saw the Shogunate army retreating from Nazuchi Beach while they're all Wet, and they could hear the lightning striking from the direction of Yashiori Island.

"It sounds like Tatarigami to me. I didn't know that releasing Orobashi is part of Our Excellency's grand scheme. What should I say when I meet her? Praise her? Point out how many arses we'll need to wipe postwar? Whatever, we need to keep going. "


When they arrived at Sangonomiya Shrine again, they heard people arguing with Kokomi, actually it seemed that everyone was fighting everyone.

"Nice job, Kokomi. I thought Waypoint antics is enough to fuck these Shogunfags up, but releasing Orobashi on a hakushin truce? You're more Zhuge Liang reincarnated than I anticipated. " Lumine chan greeted.

"Wait, Captain Lumine. I didn't do that part, nor did I issue such order. "

"But it seems that Orobashi did get released. If it's not we doing it, who did it? "

"I didn't know, actually. "

"Wait, what? You didn't release them? And you didn't even know who did this? What a disappointment. Why did I abandon all my belongings in Narukami Island to join you clowns anyway? "

"But at least we stopped the Shogunare army to launch any more offense, then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and fuck the Shogunate, and then fuck the Shogun SOFORT! "

"Shouldn't our entire goal be converged into abolishing the Vision Hunt Decree only? Do you really think you, with your Delusion only, is sufficient to kill one of the Seven? "

"Wait... Are we banning the use of Delusion already? And you're still using it, what's fucking wrong with you! "

And then Aeternus came outta nowhere, "What a bunch of clowns, arguing for things they didn't even understand. "

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Why didn't we see you in any part of the Resistance? "

Kokomi explained to everyone, "He's Stellanomiya Aeternus, an intelligence expert closely working with me. I guess you brought the latest intelligence here, right? Please explain to them. "

"Aeternus Stellanomiya, you moron. I might 'the fuck' don't know who I am, but you, the fuck didn't know what you're up against. I had the intelligence all of you need to ensure victory, and end this meaningless and boring as fuck war, regardless of your goals. Let me ask you, do you know the relationship of the Raiden Shogun and Miko Yae? I mean outside their official titles? "

"Nope, and why does it matter? "

"Why does it matter? Well, if you didn't know that, if you didn't do any intel work, then why do you resist anyway? Go surrunder to the Shogunate and rot in jail, faggots. You, The one who wanna stop the Vision Hunt Decree, you didn't know why the Raiden Shogun came up with such a shitty idea. And you, the one who wanna kill the Raiden Shogun, you even didn't know the true nature of the Raiden Shogun, no to mention I didn't see you preparing anything powerful enough to kill one of the Seven. "

"Then what do you know? Satirizing us outta nowhere? "

"I had a long arse talk with Yae actually. She provided me some top level intelligence, and I would like to share it to you clowns for free. Yae is Raiden's old friend, but after a certain diaster somehow 500 years ago, they severed the connections, and Raiden, whose true name is Ei Raiden, made a puppet, or we say, robot, whatever they're most likely to be the same, to replace herself, so whatever Raiden Shogun you saw everyday, is a fucking robot. "

"That's utter bullshit in all of these Raiden Shogun cospiracy theories. Give us more reasons to believe in your bullshit. "

"Don't you think she's more like robot and less like people or other gods, when she would execute the losing side of a dual before the throme without emotions? Or she would not listen to any voices people had to present to her, except her stupid arse 'Eternity' ones? Or how she didn't give a flying fuck about the Vision Hunt Decree's slightly potential drawbacks, for a millisecond? But anyway, after making a god level robot, Ei Raiden lost almost all her power, and hid herself inside the robot for probably hundreds of years I guess. It seems that right now, the robot is flawed and she could not preceive the nation currectly inside the robot. In another world, she's trapped inside her own creation, waiting for someone to liberate her from the empty flawed prison. "

"Would you try to make us sympathize Raiden? This bitch didn't deserve any sympathy! "

"Of course she didn't, as she caused so much unforgivable harms, and brought this nation into Der Untergang with her incompetency. Actually, if I could, I would like to gangbang her 114514 times before ending her life. But, no matter what your goal is, the priority one thing you need to do right now, is to find a way to completely destroy Raiden Shogun's robot, and force Ei Raiden to come out. To probably have a better situation awareness of her own nation, before getting gangbanged 114514 times I guess. "

"Destroy? Is it a little bit too far? "

"Yes it might look too far, but there is no other way. Ei Raiden can create another better robot after that, but currently this robot only became a tool to prison her. Only by freeing her from the prison, could you guys do the next step, no matter if the next step means persuading her to abolish the Vision Hunt Decree, or just killing her. I suggest you guys go argue this problem after this is done, but currently, the best thing to do for all of us, is to stop arguing and start destroying her fucking robot! "

And Kokomi finally decided to respond, "Yes, this man is right! Why don't we just stop arguing and listen to what he says! "

Everyone calmed down, "Thanks, Mein Excellency. As the other part of the intel work, I also had a visit to Kamisato Estate, and talked with the current de facto clan leader, Ayaka Kamisato. She and her Yashiro Commision tried numerous times to repeal the Vision Hunt Decree, but every time it got vetoed by the other two Commisions. So we did a joint investigation against the Tenryou Commission. We hired a ninja called Sayu chan to infiltrate the Tenryou Commission HQ, and grabbed these fancy materials, proving their high treason against both the Raiden Shogun and the people of Inazuma. I have totally no use of these materials, so they're all yours. You can try to show them onto Ei or Sara Kujou or whatever when this is over, before some other ones of you finish killing her of course. "

Aeternus gave these two documents to Kokomi and the others. One of them is an official Tenryou Commission document writing to the Raiden Shogun, saying that the Vision Hunt Decree proceeds without obstacles, which is, of course lying as everyone here saw it; And anther one of them is a private letter to a certain Futui leader, about...

"A scheme to promote Delusion via the enforcement of the Vision Hunt Decree? "

"Yes, if people was forced not to use Visions, and they wanna have Elemental powers against the Vision Hunt Decree, what will they chose? But I would not use 'promote', I would like to say 'use Inazumans as guinea pigs to test the engineering samples of Delusion' instead. And guess what? Inazuma had one of the biggest Delusion manufacture and research facility in all of Teyvat, it's almost like TSMC and Intel combined in the semiconductor industry. "

"And do you know where it is? We must destroy it at once, with or without Shogunate help. "

"I know where it is, and don't worry, I'll go fuck these Futui up myself. And thanks to your antics, I'll have to go a long way by foot to get there. A final friendly reminder to everyone of you: The people in the old world, I mean so called Mondstadt and Liyue, had enough firepower to destroy the Raiden Shogun robot. All they need is an amplified Fold device powered on, so they can deploy their people and weapony right into the Raiden Shogun's doorstep. "

"And how do we make such device? "

"Well, the Statue of the Omnipresent God, did you remember? There are neinty nein Visions on it, that would be enough to power it as an amplified Fold device if these neinty nein people wish to power it. Of course when the real battle begins, the Raiden Shogun will definitely cover it with Fold Fault, it's up to you guys to deal with it. I will try to test fire it to return to the old world and have contacts with them, once you're ready, power up the Statue and the reinforcements will arrive. Long live the Resistance! As you always say. Aeternus out. "

"Much obliged, Aeternus. Wish you a safe hunting! " Aeternus disappeared via Fold in a mere second.




更坑爹的是,现在honeyimpact已经放出来了itto的数据,貌似所有技能都吃def加成,所以他是五星noelle chan?问题是noelle chan是短发萌妹,还有green eyes,他有什么?🤔

而gorou也是def加成,albedo也是def加成,gorou的def加成还是按照整个队伍里岩系角色数量加的,最后整个队伍的最优解会便乘四岩队,其中三个还是def加成的(当然,加上c6 noelle chan的话整个队伍都是def加成的了🤔

至少目前,我觉得这个队伍一点都不好玩,而且meta魔怔程度可以说是仅次于eula chan的物伤队了🤔c1钟离共鸣队还可以整点烂活,这个def四岩连整活都整不了🤔


当然,所有的这些到2.3都有可能变,itto会像raiden或者aJAJAJAJAJAka那样在测试服里加强上个十次甚至九次,新的圣遗物也能嗯抬def,我坐等打脸好了🤔但作为死硬派元素反应壬,哪怕albedo/gorou/itto这个组合比什么璃月3c还要meta,我仍然会觉得它毫无美感,毕竟它和noelle chan开高达有什么本质上的区别吗?🤔要玩开高达,为什么我不去玩些没有gacha还可以单机玩的/z/本萌妹游戏,去玩米社的游戏?🤔


这破游戏已经出了一年了,我发现我最喜欢的萌妹几乎全来自蒙德🤔我之前列了一个tier list,从T0到T1几乎没有蒙德之外的萌妹,前几名全都是蒙德的,T1末流才有yanfei chan和sara chan,草的批爆🤔




米社貌似又做了一个新游戏,貌似是崩坏3的续作,现在还在cbt阶段,不清楚是画质比cuties impact好呢,还是怎么🤔但我现在只能预见一件事,那就是如果它真的用虚幻4甚至虚幻5开发的话,我再也别想impact 4k cuties了,搞不好impact 1440p cuties都别想(悲🤔





不过另外一方面,这也是件非常有意思的事,米社居然选择进入/z/本萌妹游戏的传统领域🤔这个传统领域的特点是gameplay可以约等于不存在(至少对西式arpg玩家来说是如此,但对连根塞这样的jrpg魔怔壬来说,恐怕就是相反的看法了,他一天到晚都在黑屁ubisoft的游戏,我觉得他可以去享受一下米社的这款回合制rpg),但剧情一定要做好,至少在二刺螈萌妹游戏这个类别里🤔选择这个领域可以说明米社对其编剧的水平极其自信啊🤔毕竟现在的米孝子已经开始洗cuties impact的编剧拥有全业界最高的工资水平(这tm和游戏角色比流水、饭圈偶像比销量、恶俗圈壬士比花钱有什么本质上的区别吗?),他们写的脑瘫主线剧情是套了114514个枷锁跳舞,什么照顾meta魔怔壬“轻玩家”之类的(当然,“轻玩家”已经是非常客气的说法了,如果是只会复制粘贴s1的孟德尔和更加魔怔的连根塞,绝对会把他们批斗一番然后扣上一顶“非玩家”的帽子,再打进114514层地狱)🤔那么在这个新科幻回合制rpg项目里,世界背景是科幻而不是迫真中世纪,也不用迫真写12+迫真低幼剧情,cuties impact的meta魔怔壬“轻玩家”也没什么可能顺着味来这儿,毕竟他们连arpg元素都不怎么屑于玩,怎么可能玩更加核心的回合制rpg🤔既然现在没有任何枷锁(确信),我倒想看下他们的编剧准备怎样自由地大展身手🤔我倒想看下如果米社的高薪编剧又双叒叕搞砸了,这些泡在饭圈文化里面的米孝子能不能用它们可能存在的神经网络thonk上逸已死无意思个普朗克时间,that米社的编剧到底值不值得那么多工资(半恼

kokomi impact.21.10.12







最近发现discord又一次调低了server boost的标准,level2从15降到了7,level3从30降到了14🤔让我想到曾经是30/50的时候🤔

现在搞一个50MB webhook(那天我们测了,真的能上传50MB)的成本大概是24.43美元一个月,100MB webhook是48.96美元一个月,大nitro用户分别是17.45和41.88,貌似可以和某些dedicated server甚至存储vps抗衡了(迫真🤔但还是那句话,只有一种discord迫真存储需要50MB,discord tube(悲🤔而搞discord tube的话,其实一个nitro classic就够了,什么多webhook多线程只是为了上传加速,不介意上传速度的话完全可以慢慢上传,nitro webhook大概真的只是伪需求罢(半恼🤔


上次我撸cuties impact开发者客户端的时候已经有了在4chan上面撸资源的经验了,这次不费什么力气就搞到了种子,是个125GB的种子,里面有各种包🤔

但我非常怀疑有了这些源码包就能自己在vps上搭建一个twitch了🤔它可能用了好几台服务器,甚至某些特殊优化的数据库之类的🤔当然对于真正的安全研究人员,他们可以用这些源码挖掘漏洞,拖twitch剩下的裤子,但我搞这玩意,说实话只是为了满足我的赛博收藏癖(确信🤔所以,cuties impact源码泄漏什么的,啥时候安排一下?🤔



草,cuties impact的迫真抽奖,我那20多个账号没一个中的🤔看来米忽悠株式会社重新定义了10%概率(确信🤔






w-wiebitte? 🤔这么快和中修拳师狼狈为奸的律师就能实现美国式离婚了?🤔在美国敢和老婆离婚的丈夫就是这个待遇,中修你不要什么都学美帝啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊(超大声🤔要不要接下来的第二阶段也学学美帝,我的意思是说彻底抛弃保守主义,拥抱开放式婚姻(确信?🤔中修你不要学美帝只学一半啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊(迫真🤔












这么看来,健康的人口结构和现代社会只能二选一咯?nein,what if产生新人类的途径并没有被垄断呢?🤔

熟悉本allesganging专栏的读者应该能脱口而出我接下来要说哪两个单词了(确信),那当然是:artificial pussy!🤔





而我对这个结局是比较满意的,因为西部地区无论是西南还是西北都有极其重要的战略地位,拳师统治的壬闵(迫真)共和国一天到晚只知道从美国走私寄吧,根本没脑子意识到西部地区的意义🤔再说了,工程师精神也只有在西部这样的没什么自然资源(确信)的地方才能发挥出作用,将西北的沙漠便乘绿洲,去东部只能被拳师的意识形态所腐化(悲🤔很快,拳师共和国就会发现,它们表面上是发达国家,美国的好兄妹(迫真),其实什么技术都只能依靠西部的工程师之国,能出口的只有自然资源,却要进口工业制品,被工程师美帝双重剥削,卖雌性也不行,因为工程师之国人均一个月换一个artificial pussy,根本懒得鸟拳师共和国,只有没什么科技的美国壬才需要进口批(确信🤔


接下来我们就可以写一个符合现代人口味的爱情(迫真)故事🤔在某个dmz,一对狗男女——没错,这是这个世界观下对这种人的官方称呼——居然相爱(确定不是荷尔蒙动了?)并选择用传统(大嘘)的方式做爱,并生下了小孩,这在两个国家看来都是heresy,所以他们只能流亡海外了,然后发现每一个人类国家都分成了两半🤔最后只有csa和nasa合并后的esa(engineers' space agency)愿意接纳他们,条件是:把他们分配到人类向外星球探索的单程票旅途中,可以说是相当于驱逐出地球了(悲🤔


wiebitte omega.21.10.05

在搜集mental omega萌妹色图的过程中,我突然想玩玩mental omega本体了🤔反正mo同人图绝大多数在心灵终结吧,而mo的其他资源绝大多数也在这儿,顺路了(确信🤔

然后我发现了一个神奇的玩意,用ntfs hardlink实现的mental omega mod manager,而且它里面还带有3.3的所有版本,从3.3.0到3.3.5,后三个版本还带有官方(迫真)汉化🤔而且它也不需要ra2本体,因为ra2相关的资源mo只需要几个文件🤔我猜测这玩意的实现方式是将它所谓mod依赖树上的所有文件,从根节点到叶子节点依次hardlink到game文件夹里(那么问题来了,对于冲突的文件,它是怎么解决冲突的?),甚至它还能建立若干个profile,每个profile自己的配置文件也能hardlink过去🤔而当游戏结束的时候这些hardlink自动解除,game目录里什么都没有,这样它就能实现各种mod和各种profile之间的隔离🤔


而且我也找到了335的ini文件,好像要真魔改的话还需要部分334的ini,那到时候看🤔总之我先玩了一会儿,用了一下eureka chan,感觉还行🤔


genshin cuties tier list.21.10.02

这几天突然又想到这么一个问题,cuties impact已经运营一年了,上面有几十个萌妹🤔就像meta魔怔壬经常喜欢将角色按照战力搞一个tier list一样,我寻思萌妹按照萌度也可以搞一个tier list🤔所以,我的tier list大概长这样:


cuties impact里唯一的T0级萌妹只有:砂糖酱🤔

sucrose chan irl(确信

短发(我们忽略掉砂糖酱的那条小辫子)眼镜萌妹,小乳房,而且性格非常像perusona5里的futaba,要知道整个perusona系列里futaba也是T0级萌妹,简直就是长在了我的xp上🤔要是有blue eyes就更好了,但没有也没关系,反正我main砂糖酱也不是一天两天了,现在基本上我的大号是三个五星给砂糖酱护航🤔一天到晚玩剧情之后就用砂糖酱和其他人物或者场景合影(当然,我在某壕的号上用的是万叶,毕竟万叶是砂糖酱超频版🤔

更别说砂糖酱的gameplay基本上代表了这游戏最核心(在别的游戏里找不到)的玩法:元素反应熔炉,而在所有风系角色里面,砂糖酱做什么都是元素反应熔炉,连普攻都是,连扔个e或者q都能加元素精通,一个sacrificial fragments就能毕业,不要求精炼,不吃五星武器,是所有元素反应壬的waifu(确信🤔同为T0级萌妹,在perusona5里futaba只是个纯辅助,而砂糖酱已经可以站场输出了🤔

另外尽管我经常找fischl chan和其他萌妹的hentai撸,但我没记得找过砂糖酱的hentai,感觉砂糖酱太萌了,撸不出来(确信🤔


某个长得像eula chan的vtuber,主要是发型太像了,而且还有blue eyes,就像砂糖酱有blue eyes一样🤔如果eula chan长这样的话,搞不好我能直接充满命(确信🤔

事实证明,这张图很少有人能看出什么不对劲,比如eula chan为什么会有blue eyes(确信


cuties impact的T1级萌妹就比较多了,这个tier里的萌妹都是合我xp的,至少得合一项🤔基本上被我叫酱的都算,首先是萌妹三幻神:


blue eyes JAJAJAJAJA,和狼末diluc一样风鹰剑琴酱一直是常驻池的牌面,一见就爱上了(大嘘

jean chan irl(确信

看来,想cosplay琴酱,不仅要有blue eyes,还要有足够大的奶子(确信

eula chan


eula chan irl(确信




also blue eyes,在琴酱diluc的组合里还有小姨子的成分在里面,是双翼diluc的隐藏翅膀(大嘘


barbruh irl



其实我入坑这游戏就是因为看到一张barbruh用ak47一边射击一边卖萌的gif动图,然后知道它是某个游戏的mod,但那个人物来自cuties impact🤔至于我后面为什么更喜欢砂糖酱,这就像为什么我玩perusona5的时候一开始喜欢ann chan后面更喜欢futaba一样,出得晚(悲🤔另外,barbruh和ann chan长得挺像的,而且还有smaller boobs,好耶🤔



another altbarbruh(确信

另外我发现这游戏对blue eyes的渲染有问题,但至少barbruh和琴酱在这游戏里的模型勉强能看,不然我也不会玩到今天了(确信





fischl chan

green eyes,而且还有小乳房,还能让炼铜警察气得像元首一样大叫,像AGK一样砸键盘



插在fischl chan和yanfei chan之间:


yanfei chan

green eyes,比fischl chan还要小的乳房,然而在火dps方面实在是让人一言难尽,最后只能沦为元素精通4tf用户

我还撸出了一个元素精通高达825的yanfei chan,比我给砂糖酱堆的元素精通还要高,很不幸的是yanfei chan只能堆元素精通,然后对纯雷怪物特攻了(半恼🤔

草,我发现yanfei chan和diona瞳色差不多可还行

noelle chan

green eyes,而且还是短发,只不过英文配音非常奇怪,所以我很少练

noelle chan irl

⑨条sara chan







blue eyes,但很不幸的是游戏里的模型是一坨屎,所以我只能说二创ayaka是T1.5萌妹,顺便,我这么多JA是给meta打出来的,ayaka英配蓄力攻击时一直浪叫,如果不打深渊我更愿意用重云,当然如果是速切ayaka的话就可以不用听浪叫了

ayaka irl(确信


green eyes,而且是我目前最常用的c,然而3d模型比fanart差很多,所以无缘t1,但由于我经常用,而且和kawaii fischl chan可以组cp,提到t1.5应该没啥问题(确信

another mona(大嘘

插一段抠抠米,但我现在还在impact cuties,打完再说(半恼




又称璃月amber,萌的批爆,而且还有和yanfei chan一样小的乳房,很不幸的是不满足我的xp,不然早就出现在T1,和fischl chan差不多一个位置了(悲

hutao chan irl




green eyes,而且我玩元素精通lisa的历史比砂糖酱不知长到哪儿去了

lisa irl(确信

这个lisa irl实在是萌的批爆,想草(




amber irl

yoimiya irl

那几个萝莉都挺萌的,但列为T1怎么看怎么政治不正确(再说了尽管114514只炼铜出警魔怔壬天天辱骂我事炼铜术士,但萝莉真不是我的xp,fischl chan这样的才是),所以我只能扔T2了(悲🤔排名的话,77 > diona > sayu chan > klee🤔

77是我最喜欢的short haired cutie(确信🤔不过话说回来小号歪77我还真不知道怎么玩了,大号我也许可以给77安排一个位置,比如搭配重云增加冰伤uptime之类的,77冰伤rof大概比冰刻晴还要高🤔

diona也是短发,还有blue eyes,但我不是很喜欢游戏里的模型,所以我只能用来meta了🤔





paimon irl(大嘘


没有在这个tier list里的萌妹,我表示完全不感兴趣,比如甘雨🤔但甘雨池子出了我也得抽,而且还得是大号抽,小号不行,毕竟重新定义meta🤔


另外在长达114514天的完善(大嘘)这篇文章的过程中,我发现了这么一个网站,上面有各种二刺螈萌妹(不限cuties impact)cosplay:🤔

另外我发现那个搞出tankeqing的uyuy还有eula chan系列,而且某个恐婚聊天室的坦克世界频道里的坦克eula chan还真是它,草死🤔看来uyuy和lea chan的裸照一样可以当troll material用了吗(确信🤔